{ "guid": "", "name": "gravity_nz_reg_ba_ssv201", "licenseInfo": "", "tags": [ "gns. gravity. bouguer." ], "url": "https://gis.gns.cri.nz/server/admin/geophysical/gravity_nz_reg_ba_ssv201/ImageServer", "title": "GRAVITY_NZ_REG_BA_SSV201", "thumbnail": "thumbnail/thumbnail.png", "summary": "Bouguer Gravity Anomgaly derived from Sandwell and Smith Satellite Free-Air Gravity V20.1. The density used for Bouguer correction was 2.67g/cc Onshore and...", "snippet": "Bouguer Gravity Anomgaly derived from Sandwell and Smith Satellite Free-Air Gravity V20.1. The density used for Bouguer correction was 2.67g/cc Onshore and...", "culture": "en-US", "catalogPath": "", "typeKeywords": [ "Data", "Service", "Image Service", "ArcGIS Server" ], "spatialReference": "NZGD_2000_New_Zealand_Transverse_Mercator", "type": "Image Service", "accessInformation": "FROGTECH", "description": "Free air gravity data is reduced to Bouguer gravity by the calculation and removal of the effects topography (rock/water or rock/air interface) on the gravity anomaly. The density used for Bouguer correction was 2.67g/cc Onshore and 2.20g/cc Offshore. Bouguer Anomaly values calculated by FROGTECH. Grid sourced from the FROGTECH_NZ_ECS_SEEBASE product in the NZP&M 2013 Block Offer Data Pack." }