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Legend (geology/NZL_GNS_250K_Geology_2020)

NZL_GNS_250K_resources (327)
seep seep
gas seep gas seep
oil seep oil seep
oil/gas seep oil/gas seep
smell H2S smell H2S
water well water well
geothermal bore geothermal bore
exploration well exploration well
petroleum exploration well petroleum exploration well
dry petroleum exploration well dry petroleum exploration well
dry petroleum exploration well, gas show dry petroleum exploration well, gas show
dry petroleum exploration well, oil show dry petroleum exploration well, oil show
dry petroleum exploration well, oil/gas show dry petroleum exploration well, oil/gas show
gas well gas well
oil well oil well
oil/gas well oil/gas well
mine mine
mine working mine working
mine closed mine closed
quarry quarry
quarry working quarry working
quarry closed quarry closed
pit pit
pit working pit working
pit closed pit closed
gravel pit gravel pit
open pit/dredge open pit/dredge
dredge working dredge working
former dredge former dredge
cold spring cold spring
cold spring producing cold spring producing
cold spring of interest cold spring of interest
warm spring of interest warm spring of interest
warm spring warm spring
hot spring hot spring
hot spring producing hot spring producing
hot spring of interest hot spring of interest
hot spring historic hot spring historic
saline spring of interest saline spring of interest
field field
mineral locality mineral locality
prospect prospect
NZL_GNS_250K_structural_data (331)
Bedding dipping, facing known right-way-up Bedding dipping, facing known right-way-up
Bedding dipping, facing inferred right-way-up Bedding dipping, facing inferred right-way-up
Bedding dipping, facing unknown Bedding dipping, facing unknown
Bedding dipping, facing known overturned Bedding dipping, facing known overturned
Bedding dipping, facing inferred overturned Bedding dipping, facing inferred overturned
Bedding dipping, undulating Bedding dipping, undulating
Bedding dipping, remotely observed Bedding dipping, remotely observed
Bedding dipping, from aerial photo Bedding dipping, from aerial photo
Bedding dipping, regional, measured Bedding dipping, regional, measured
Bedding dipping, regional, from aerial photo Bedding dipping, regional, from aerial photo
Bedding vertical, facing known Bedding vertical, facing known
Bedding vertical, facing inferred Bedding vertical, facing inferred
Bedding vertical, facing unknown Bedding vertical, facing unknown
Bedding horizontal, facing known right-way-up Bedding horizontal, facing known right-way-up
Bedding horizontal, facing inferred right-way-up Bedding horizontal, facing inferred right-way-up
Bedding horizontal, facing unknown Bedding horizontal, facing unknown
Bedding dipping, transposed Bedding dipping, transposed
Bedding vertical, transposed Bedding vertical, transposed
Foliation dipping Foliation dipping
Foliation dipping, gneissic Foliation dipping, gneissic
Foliation dipping, schistosity Foliation dipping, schistosity
Foliation dipping, igneous Foliation dipping, igneous
Foliation dipping, melange Foliation dipping, melange
Foliation dipping, mylonitic Foliation dipping, mylonitic
Foliation dipping, shear Foliation dipping, shear
Foliation dipping, slickenside Foliation dipping, slickenside
Foliation dipping, tectonic Foliation dipping, tectonic
Foliation dipping, remotely observed Foliation dipping, remotely observed
Foliation dipping, schistosity, remotely observed Foliation dipping, schistosity, remotely observed
Foliation dipping, schistosity, from aerial photo Foliation dipping, schistosity, from aerial photo
Foliation vertical Foliation vertical
Foliation vertical, gneissic Foliation vertical, gneissic
Foliation vertical, schistosity Foliation vertical, schistosity
Foliation vertical, igneous Foliation vertical, igneous
Foliation vertical, melange Foliation vertical, melange
Foliation vertical, mylonitic Foliation vertical, mylonitic
Foliation vertical, tectonic Foliation vertical, tectonic
Foliation horizontal Foliation horizontal
Foliation horizontal, gneissic Foliation horizontal, gneissic
Foliation horizontal, schistosity Foliation horizontal, schistosity
Enveloping surface dipping Enveloping surface dipping
Enveloping surface vertical Enveloping surface vertical
Lineation plunging Lineation plunging
Lineation plunging, crenulation Lineation plunging, crenulation
Lineation plunging, elongation Lineation plunging, elongation
Lineation plunging, intersection Lineation plunging, intersection
Lineation plunging, mineral Lineation plunging, mineral
Lineation plunging, rodding Lineation plunging, rodding
Lineation plunging, stretching Lineation plunging, stretching
Lineation plunging, striation Lineation plunging, striation
Lineation plunging, S-vergence Lineation plunging, S-vergence
Lineation plunging, Z-vergence Lineation plunging, Z-vergence
Lineation horizontal Lineation horizontal
Lineation horizontal, stretching Lineation horizontal, stretching
Cleavage dipping Cleavage dipping
Cleavage dipping, crenulation Cleavage dipping, crenulation
Cleavage dipping, fracture Cleavage dipping, fracture
Cleavage dipping, slaty Cleavage dipping, slaty
Cleavage dipping, stylolitic Cleavage dipping, stylolitic
Cleavage vertical Cleavage vertical
Cleavage vertical, fracture Cleavage vertical, fracture
Joint dipping Joint dipping
Joint vertical Joint vertical
Planar structure dipping Planar structure dipping
Planar structure vertical Planar structure vertical
Minor dike dipping Minor dike dipping
Minor dike vertical Minor dike vertical
Minor vein dipping Minor vein dipping
Minor vein vertical Minor vein vertical
Striation plunging Striation plunging
Erosion surface dipping, measured Erosion surface dipping, measured
Erosion surface dipping, from aerial photo Erosion surface dipping, from aerial photo
Minor fault dipping Minor fault dipping
Minor antiform plunging, bedding Minor antiform plunging, bedding
Minor synform plunging, bedding Minor synform plunging, bedding
Minor folds plunging Minor folds plunging
Minor folds plunging, symmetric Minor folds plunging, symmetric
Minor folds plunging, S-vergence Minor folds plunging, S-vergence
Minor folds plunging, Z-vergence Minor folds plunging, Z-vergence
Minor folds horizontal Minor folds horizontal
Axial plane dipping Axial plane dipping
Axial plane vertical Axial plane vertical
Outcrop Outcrop
NZL_GNS_250K_calderas (333)
NZL_GNS_250K_dikes (335)
Acidic dike (aplite, dacite, granite, granodiorite, leucogranite, pegmatite, rhyolite, tinguaite, tonalite, trondhjemite) Acidic dike (aplite, dacite, granite, granodiorite, leucogranite, pegmatite, rhyolite, tinguaite, tonalite, trondhjemite)
Intermediate dike (andesite, diorite, microdiorite, olivine monzonite, porphyry, trachyte) Intermediate dike (andesite, diorite, microdiorite, olivine monzonite, porphyry, trachyte)
Basic dikes (basalt, basanite, dolerite) Basic dikes (basalt, basanite, dolerite)
Other dikes (anorthosite, lamprophyre, limburgite, peridotite) Other dikes (anorthosite, lamprophyre, limburgite, peridotite)
NZL_GNS_250K_faults (340)
Fault exposed, location accurate Fault exposed, location accurate
Fault exposed, location approximate Fault exposed, location approximate
Fault concealed, location accurate Fault concealed, location accurate
Fault concealed, location approximate Fault concealed, location approximate
Fault exposure unknown, location accurate Fault exposure unknown, location accurate
Fault exposure unknown, location approximate Fault exposure unknown, location approximate
Fault inferred Fault inferred
Thrust exposed, location accurate Thrust exposed, location accurate
Thrust exposed, location approximate Thrust exposed, location approximate
Thrust concealed, location accurate Thrust concealed, location accurate
Thrust concealed, location approximate Thrust concealed, location approximate
NZL_GNS_250K_faults (342)
Fault exposed, location accurate Fault exposed, location accurate
Fault, exposed, location approximate Fault, exposed, location approximate
Fault concealed, location approximate Fault concealed, location approximate
Fault inferred Fault inferred
Thrust exposed, location accurate Thrust exposed, location accurate
Thrust exposed, location approximate Thrust exposed, location approximate
Thrust concealed, location approximate Thrust concealed, location approximate
Thrust inferred Thrust inferred
NZL_GNS_250K_folds (symbols) (347)
Anticline Anticline
Syncline Syncline
monocline bedding limb horizontal monocline bedding limb horizontal
Monocline defined by bedding with limbs dipping Monocline defined by bedding with limbs dipping
NZL_GNS_250K_folds (348)
Feature exposed, location accurate Feature exposed, location accurate
Feature exposed, location approximate Feature exposed, location approximate
Feature concealed Feature concealed
Feature inferred. location accuracy unknown Feature inferred. location accuracy unknown
NZL_GNS_250K_folds (symbols) (350)
Anticline Anticline
Anticline overturned Anticline overturned
Anticline inverted Anticline inverted
Anticline overturned and inverted Anticline overturned and inverted
Syncline Syncline
Syncline overturned Syncline overturned
Syncline inverted Syncline inverted
Syncline overturned and inverted Syncline overturned and inverted
antiform bedding antiform bedding
antiform schistosity antiform schistosity
antiform overturned bedding antiform overturned bedding
antiform overturned schistosity antiform overturned schistosity
synform bedding synform bedding
synform overturned schistosity synform overturned schistosity
synform schistosity synform schistosity
monocline bedding limbs dipping monocline bedding limbs dipping
monocline schistosity limb horizontal monocline schistosity limb horizontal
monocline schistosity limbs dipping monocline schistosity limbs dipping
NZL_GNS_250K_folds (351)
Feature exposed, location accurate Feature exposed, location accurate
Feature exposed, location approximate Feature exposed, location approximate
Feature concealed Feature concealed
Feature inferred. location accuracy unknown Feature inferred. location accuracy unknown
NZL_GNS_250K_formlines (353)
NZL_GNS_250K_linears (354)
NZL_GNS_250K_horizons (356)
amphibolite amphibolite
argillite argillite
basalt basalt
breccia breccia
calc-silicate calc-silicate
chert chert
claystone claystone
conglomerate conglomerate
coquina coquina
dacite dacite
diatomite diatomite
diorite diorite
dolerite dolerite
gabbro gabbro
gneiss gneiss
granite granite
greensand greensand
greenschist greenschist
hornblendite hornblendite
ignimbrite ignimbrite
limestone limestone
marble marble
metachert metachert
metaconglomerate metaconglomerate
metapelite metapelite
metasandstone metasandstone
metavolcanics metavolcanics
mudstone mudstone
paragneiss paragneiss
pelite pelite
phyllite phyllite
psammite psammite
quartzite quartzite
sandstone sandstone
schist schist
semischist semischist
serpentinite serpentinite
silt silt
siltstone siltstone
spilite spilite
tonalite tonalite
tuff tuff
volcanic breccia volcanic breccia
volcanic sandstone volcanic sandstone
NZL_GNS_250K_veins (358)
NZL_GNS_250K_landslide_boundaries (360)
Landslide headscarp exposed, location accurate Landslide headscarp exposed, location accurate
Landslide headscarp exposed, location approximate Landslide headscarp exposed, location approximate
Landslide headscarp inferred Landslide headscarp inferred
Landslide contact exposed, location accurate Landslide contact exposed, location accurate
Landslide contact exposed, location approximate Landslide contact exposed, location approximate
Landslide contact concealed, location approximate Landslide contact concealed, location approximate
Landslide contact inferred Landslide contact inferred
<all other values> <all other values>
NZL_GNS_250K_landslide_units (361)
NZL_GNS_250K_geological_boundaries_supplementary (363)
Low water mark Low water mark
Ice/snow limit Ice/snow limit
Concealed geological contact Concealed geological contact
Internal geological contact Internal geological contact
NZL_GNS_250K_geological_boundaries (364)
Contact exposed, location accurate Contact exposed, location accurate
Contact exposed, location approximate Contact exposed, location approximate
Contact concealed, location accurate Contact concealed, location accurate
Contact concealed, location approximate Contact concealed, location approximate
Contact inferred; unknown, exposed; approximate, uncertain Contact inferred; unknown, exposed; approximate, uncertain
NZL_GNS_250K_topographic_boundaries (coastline) (365)
water water
NZL_GNS_250K_topographic_boundaries (366)
ice/snow ice/snow
water water
NZL_GNS_250K_topographic_units (367)
ice/snow feature ice/snow feature
water feature water feature
NZL_GNS_250K_geological_units (simplified) (368)
Acacia Bay Basalt (Taupo Group) of Taupo Volcanic Centre Acacia Bay Basalt (Taupo Group) of Taupo Volcanic Centre
Adventure South Orthogneiss Adventure South Orthogneiss
Ahimia Conglomerate of Manaia Hill Group (Waipapa Composite Terrane) Ahimia Conglomerate of Manaia Hill Group (Waipapa Composite Terrane)
Akaroa Volcanics basaltic and trachytic lava Akaroa Volcanics basaltic and trachytic lava
Akaroa Volcanics trachyte to microsyenite dome Akaroa Volcanics trachyte to microsyenite dome
Akatarewa Basalt Formation (Maroa Group) basalt of Maroa Volcanic Centre Akatarewa Basalt Formation (Maroa Group) basalt of Maroa Volcanic Centre
Akatarewa Ignimbrite of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Akatarewa Ignimbrite of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Albany Conglomerate of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Albany Conglomerate of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Albert Edward Granite (Darran Suite) Albert Edward Granite (Darran Suite)
Alexander Granite Alexander Granite
Alfred Formation (Mount Arthur Group) Alfred Formation (Mount Arthur Group)
Alice Diorite (Foulwind Suite) Alice Diorite (Foulwind Suite)
All Round Pluton (Ridge Suite) All Round Pluton (Ridge Suite)
Allandale Rhyolite Allandale Rhyolite
Alpine Dike Swarm Alpine Dike Swarm
Amokura Formation of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Amokura Formation of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Amuri Formation (Muzzle and Eyre groups) Amuri Formation (Muzzle and Eyre groups)
Amuri Formation (Muzzle and Eyre groups) and Weka Pass Limestone Member of Omihi Formation (Motunau Group) Amuri Formation (Muzzle and Eyre groups) and Weka Pass Limestone Member of Omihi Formation (Motunau Group)
Anatoki Formation (Mount Patriarch Group) Anatoki Formation (Mount Patriarch Group)
Anchor Island Intrusives Anchor Island Intrusives
Anita Ultramafites dunite (Anita Shear Zone) Anita Ultramafites dunite (Anita Shear Zone)
Aongatete Formation (Whakamarama Group) andesite of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Aongatete Formation (Whakamarama Group) andesite of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Aorangi Mine Formation (Golden Bay Group) Aorangi Mine Formation (Golden Bay Group)
Aotea Formation of Lower Te Kuiti Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group) Aotea Formation of Lower Te Kuiti Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group)
Apotu Group siltstone (Murihiku Terrane) Apotu Group siltstone (Murihiku Terrane)
Arahura Granite (Rahu Suite) Arahura Granite (Rahu Suite)
Arapawa Lithologic Association TZIIA semischist (Waipapa Composite Terrane) Arapawa Lithologic Association TZIIA semischist (Waipapa Composite Terrane)
Arapawa Lithologic Association TZIIB semischist (Waipapa Composite Terrane) Arapawa Lithologic Association TZIIB semischist (Waipapa Composite Terrane)
Arapawa Lithologic Association TZIII schist (Waipapa Composite Terrane) Arapawa Lithologic Association TZIII schist (Waipapa Composite Terrane)
Arapawa Lithologic Association TZIV schist (Waipapa Composite Terrane) Arapawa Lithologic Association TZIV schist (Waipapa Composite Terrane)
Arapawa Lithologic Association sandstone and mudstone (Waipapa Composite Terrane) Arapawa Lithologic Association sandstone and mudstone (Waipapa Composite Terrane)
Army Hut Formation (Waiau Group) Army Hut Formation (Waiau Group)
Arnott Basalt Arnott Basalt
Arthur Marble 1, Sluice Box Limestone formations (Mount Arthur Group) Arthur Marble 1, Sluice Box Limestone formations (Mount Arthur Group)
Arthur Marble 1, Summit Limestone formations (Mount Arthur Group) Arthur Marble 1, Summit Limestone formations (Mount Arthur Group)
Arthur Marble 2 Formation (Mount Arthur Group) Arthur Marble 2 Formation (Mount Arthur Group)
Ashley Formation (Eyre Group) Ashley Formation (Eyre Group)
Aspiring Lithologic Association Pounamu Ultramafics TZIIB (Rakaia Terrane) Aspiring Lithologic Association Pounamu Ultramafics TZIIB (Rakaia Terrane)
Aspiring Lithologic Association Pounamu Ultramafics TZIII (Rakaia Terrane) Aspiring Lithologic Association Pounamu Ultramafics TZIII (Rakaia Terrane)
Aspiring Lithologic Association Pounamu Ultramafics TZIV (Rakaia Terrane) Aspiring Lithologic Association Pounamu Ultramafics TZIV (Rakaia Terrane)
Aspiring Lithologic Association TZIIB semischist (Rakaia Terrane) Aspiring Lithologic Association TZIIB semischist (Rakaia Terrane)
Aspiring Lithologic Association TZIII greenschist (Rakaia Terrane) Aspiring Lithologic Association TZIII greenschist (Rakaia Terrane)
Aspiring Lithologic Association TZIII mylonite (Rakaia Terrane) Aspiring Lithologic Association TZIII mylonite (Rakaia Terrane)
Aspiring Lithologic Association TZIII schist (Rakaia Terrane) Aspiring Lithologic Association TZIII schist (Rakaia Terrane)
Aspiring Lithologic Association TZIV greenschist (Rakaia Terrane) Aspiring Lithologic Association TZIV greenschist (Rakaia Terrane)
Aspiring Lithologic Association TZIV mylonite (Rakaia Terrane) Aspiring Lithologic Association TZIV mylonite (Rakaia Terrane)
Aspiring Lithologic Association TZIV mylonite and cataclasite (Rakaia Terrane) Aspiring Lithologic Association TZIV mylonite and cataclasite (Rakaia Terrane)
Aspiring Lithologic Association TZIV schist (Rakaia Terrane) Aspiring Lithologic Association TZIV schist (Rakaia Terrane)
Atiamuri Formation (Maroa Group) ignimbrite of Maroa Volcanic Centre Atiamuri Formation (Maroa Group) ignimbrite of Maroa Volcanic Centre
Aubrey Orthogneiss (Median Batholith) Aubrey Orthogneiss (Median Batholith)
Auckland Basalts lava (Kerikeri Volcanic Group) of Auckland Volcanic Field Auckland Basalts lava (Kerikeri Volcanic Group) of Auckland Volcanic Field
Auckland Basalts scoria (Kerikeri Volcanic Group) of Auckland Volcanic Field Auckland Basalts scoria (Kerikeri Volcanic Group) of Auckland Volcanic Field
Auckland Basalts tuff (Kerikeri Volcanic Group) of Auckland Volcanic Field Auckland Basalts tuff (Kerikeri Volcanic Group) of Auckland Volcanic Field
Austin Quartz Monzonite Austin Quartz Monzonite
Avoca Coal Measures (Motatau Complex) in Northland Allochthon Avoca Coal Measures (Motatau Complex) in Northland Allochthon
Awakaponga Formation andesite of Taupo Volcanic Zone Awakaponga Formation andesite of Taupo Volcanic Zone
Awarua Limestone Awarua Limestone
Awhitu Group alluvium Awhitu Group alluvium
Awhitu Group dunes Awhitu Group dunes
Bald Hill Pluton granite (Rahu Suite) Bald Hill Pluton granite (Rahu Suite)
Bald Peaks Pluton (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss / Separation Point Suite) Bald Peaks Pluton (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss / Separation Point Suite)
Balloon Melange derived from Heath Volcanics Balloon Melange derived from Heath Volcanics
Balloon Melange derived from Junction Formation Balloon Melange derived from Junction Formation
Balloon Melange derived from Junction Formation, Haupiri Group and Devil River Volcanics Balloon Melange derived from Junction Formation, Haupiri Group and Devil River Volcanics
Balloon Melange derived from Lockett Conglomerate Balloon Melange derived from Lockett Conglomerate
Balmacaan Formation sandstone and siltstone (Mount Taylor Group) Balmacaan Formation sandstone and siltstone (Mount Taylor Group)
Bannockburn Formation and Dunstan Formation (Manuherikia Group) Bannockburn Formation and Dunstan Formation (Manuherikia Group)
Bannockburn Formation and Waitangi Formation (Manuherikia Group) Bannockburn Formation and Waitangi Formation (Manuherikia Group)
Barretts Formation Barretts Formation
Barrier Formation (Murihiku Supergroup) Barrier Formation (Murihiku Supergroup)
Barrosa Andesite (Mount Somers Volcanics Group) Barrosa Andesite (Mount Somers Volcanics Group)
Barrytown Granite (Karamea Suite) Barrytown Granite (Karamea Suite)
Baton Formation (Baton River Group) Baton Formation (Baton River Group)
Bay Schist (Golden Bay Group) Bay Schist (Golden Bay Group)
Beaumont Formation (Nightcaps Group) Beaumont Formation (Nightcaps Group)
Beebys Conglomerate Beebys Conglomerate
Beehive Diorite (Darran Suite) Beehive Diorite (Darran Suite)
Ben Lomond Formation (Taupo Group) basalt of Taupo Volcanic Centre Ben Lomond Formation (Taupo Group) basalt of Taupo Volcanic Centre
Bench Sandstone (Mount Potts Group) Bench Sandstone (Mount Potts Group)
Benson Volcanics Formation (Devil River Volcanics Group) Benson Volcanics Formation (Devil River Volcanics Group)
Berlins Porphyry (Rahu Suite) Berlins Porphyry (Rahu Suite)
Berneyboosal Formation (Murihiku Supergroup) Berneyboosal Formation (Murihiku Supergroup)
Bexley Sandstone Formation (Mokau Group) Bexley Sandstone Formation (Mokau Group)
Big Bush Andesite (Tasman Intrusives) Big Bush Andesite (Tasman Intrusives)
Big Deep Granite (Rahu Suite) Big Deep Granite (Rahu Suite)
Big Glory Pluton (Foulwind Suite) Big Glory Pluton (Foulwind Suite)
Big Pluton cataclasite (Ridge Suite) Big Pluton cataclasite (Ridge Suite)
Big Pluton granodiorite (Ridge Suite) Big Pluton granodiorite (Ridge Suite)
Birchwood Formation limestone (Waiau Group) Birchwood Formation limestone (Waiau Group)
Black Giants Anorthosite Black Giants Anorthosite
Black Jacks Conglomerate (Otematata Group) Black Jacks Conglomerate (Otematata Group)
Blackmount Formation sandstone (Waiau Group) Blackmount Formation sandstone (Waiau Group)
Blackwater Granite (Rahu Suite) Blackwater Granite (Rahu Suite)
Blaikies Pluton (Rakeahua Granite Batholith) Blaikies Pluton (Rakeahua Granite Batholith)
Blue Glen Formation (Richmond Group) Blue Glen Formation (Richmond Group)
Blue Lake Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Blue Lake Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Blue Mountain Formation Blue Mountain Formation
Blue Spur Conglomerate Blue Spur Conglomerate
Bluff Intrusives diorite Bluff Intrusives diorite
Bluff Intrusives dunite (Bluff Intrusives Complex) Bluff Intrusives dunite (Bluff Intrusives Complex)
Bluff Intrusives gabbro (Bluff Intrusives Complex) Bluff Intrusives gabbro (Bluff Intrusives Complex)
Bluff Intrusives gabbro/norite (Bluff Intrusives Complex) Bluff Intrusives gabbro/norite (Bluff Intrusives Complex)
Bluff Intrusives granite (Bluff Intrusives Complex) Bluff Intrusives granite (Bluff Intrusives Complex)
Bluff Intrusives tonalite (Bluff Intrusives Complex) Bluff Intrusives tonalite (Bluff Intrusives Complex)
Bluff Sandstone Formation (Wallow Group) Bluff Sandstone Formation (Wallow Group)
Boat Harbour Diorite Boat Harbour Diorite
Bobs Cove Beds limestone Bobs Cove Beds limestone
Bobs Cove Beds sandstone Bobs Cove Beds sandstone
Bobs Cove Beds siltstone Bobs Cove Beds siltstone
Bold Peak Formation (Caples Terrane) Bold Peak Formation (Caples Terrane)
Bold Peak Formation TZIIA semischist (Caples Terrane) Bold Peak Formation TZIIA semischist (Caples Terrane)
Bold Peak Formation TZIIB metaconglomerate (Caples Terrane) Bold Peak Formation TZIIB metaconglomerate (Caples Terrane)
Bold Peak Formation TZIIB semischist (Caples Terrane) Bold Peak Formation TZIIB semischist (Caples Terrane)
Bold Peak Formation conglomerate (Caples Terrane) Bold Peak Formation conglomerate (Caples Terrane)
Borland Formation (Waiau Group) Borland Formation (Waiau Group)
Botanical Hill Formation (Drumduan Group) Botanical Hill Formation (Drumduan Group)
Boyd Creek Formation (Waiau Group) Boyd Creek Formation (Waiau Group)
Bradley Sandstone (Burnt Hill Group) Bradley Sandstone (Burnt Hill Group)
Braeburn Diorite (Rotoroa Suite) Braeburn Diorite (Rotoroa Suite)
Braeburn Diorite migmatite (Rotoroa Suite) Braeburn Diorite migmatite (Rotoroa Suite)
Brandywine Andesites (Largs Group) Brandywine Andesites (Largs Group)
Breaksea Orthogneiss (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) Breaksea Orthogneiss (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
Brechin Formation (Motunau Group) Brechin Formation (Motunau Group)
Brechin Formation conglomerate (Motunau Group) Brechin Formation conglomerate (Motunau Group)
Britannia Granite (Karamea Suite) Britannia Granite (Karamea Suite)
Broken River Formation Eocene sandstone (Eyre Group) Broken River Formation Eocene sandstone (Eyre Group)
Broken River Formation Late Cretaceous sandstone (Eyre Group) Broken River Formation Late Cretaceous sandstone (Eyre Group)
Broken River Formation Late Cretaceous to Eocene mudstone (Eyre Group) Broken River Formation Late Cretaceous to Eocene mudstone (Eyre Group)
Broken River Formation Paleocene to Eocene mudstone (Eyre Group) Broken River Formation Paleocene to Eocene mudstone (Eyre Group)
Broken River Formation and Conway Formation (Eyre Group) Broken River Formation and Conway Formation (Eyre Group)
Broken River Formation, Conway Sandstone, Waipara Greensand and Loburn Formation (Eyre Group) Broken River Formation, Conway Sandstone, Waipara Greensand and Loburn Formation (Eyre Group)
Brook Street Volcanics Group sandstone Brook Street Volcanics Group sandstone
Brooklyn Diorite (Riwaka Igneous Complex Group) Brooklyn Diorite (Riwaka Igneous Complex Group)
Brothers Pluton cataclasite (Rahu Suite) Brothers Pluton cataclasite (Rahu Suite)
Brothers Pluton granite (Rahu Suite) Brothers Pluton granite (Rahu Suite)
Brothers Pluton mylonite (Rahu Suite) Brothers Pluton mylonite (Rahu Suite)
Brothers Volcanics (Kekenodon Group) Brothers Volcanics (Kekenodon Group)
Brough Formation (Brook Street Volcanics Group) Brough Formation (Brook Street Volcanics Group)
Brunner Coal Measures (Mawheranui Group) Brunner Coal Measures (Mawheranui Group)
Brunner Coal Measures conglomerate (Mawheranui Group) Brunner Coal Measures conglomerate (Mawheranui Group)
Buckland Granite (Rahu Suite) Buckland Granite (Rahu Suite)
Buller Diorite (Tasman Intrusives) Buller Diorite (Tasman Intrusives)
Bungaree Intrusives Bungaree Intrusives
Burnett Formation (Fanny Bay Group) Burnett Formation (Fanny Bay Group)
Burnside Mudstone (Eyre Group) Burnside Mudstone (Eyre Group)
Burnt Creek Formation (Hapuku Group) Burnt Creek Formation (Hapuku Group)
Buttress Point Conglomerate of Tokakoriri Formation Buttress Point Conglomerate of Tokakoriri Formation
Cable Granodiorite (Tasman Intrusives) Cable Granodiorite (Tasman Intrusives)
Campbell Gabbro (Riwaka Igneous Complex Group) Campbell Gabbro (Riwaka Igneous Complex Group)
Campsite Pluton (Rakeahua Granite Batholith) Campsite Pluton (Rakeahua Granite Batholith)
Cape Rodney Formation and Tipakuri Formation of Kawau Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Cape Rodney Formation and Tipakuri Formation of Kawau Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Cape Rodney Formation of Kawau Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Cape Rodney Formation of Kawau Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Caravan Formation (Takitimu Subgroup) Caravan Formation (Takitimu Subgroup)
Carneys Creek siltstone Carneys Creek siltstone
Caroline Pluton (Separation Point Suite) Caroline Pluton (Separation Point Suite)
Cascade Pluton Cascade Pluton
Chalky Island Formation (Balleny Group) Chalky Island Formation (Balleny Group)
Champagne Formation (Coverham Group) Champagne Formation (Coverham Group)
Charteris Bay Sandstone (Eyre Group) Charteris Bay Sandstone (Eyre Group)
Chatton Formation (East Southland Group) Chatton Formation (East Southland Group)
Chicot Formation (Tasman Intrusives) Chicot Formation (Tasman Intrusives)
Chimp Formation ignimbrite of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres Chimp Formation ignimbrite of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres
Christina Gneiss Christina Gneiss
Christmas Conglomerate Formation (Haupiri Group) Christmas Conglomerate Formation (Haupiri Group)
Clark Hut Granite (Median Batholith) Clark Hut Granite (Median Batholith)
Cleughearn Pluton (Outboard Darran Suite) Cleughearn Pluton (Outboard Darran Suite)
Clifden Subgroup (Waiau Group) Clifden Subgroup (Waiau Group)
Cobb Igneous Complex Formation (Devil River Volcanics Group) Cobb Igneous Complex Formation (Devil River Volcanics Group)
Cobden Limestone (Nile Group) Cobden Limestone (Nile Group)
Codfish Granite Codfish Granite
Colac Granite (Brook Street Volcanics Group) Colac Granite (Brook Street Volcanics Group)
Colville Formation of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Colville Formation of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Consolation Formation (Eglinton Subgroup) Consolation Formation (Eglinton Subgroup)
Conway Formation and Charteris Bay Sandstone (Eyre Group) Conway Formation and Charteris Bay Sandstone (Eyre Group)
Conway Formation and Waipara Greensand (Eyre Group) Conway Formation and Waipara Greensand (Eyre Group)
Conway Formation, Waipara Greensand and Charteris Bay Sandstone (Eyre Group) Conway Formation, Waipara Greensand and Charteris Bay Sandstone (Eyre Group)
Cookson Volcanics Group olivine nephelinite Cookson Volcanics Group olivine nephelinite
Corbies Creek Group Corbies Creek Group
Cornwallis Formation of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Cornwallis Formation of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Coroglen Subgroup ignimbrite (Whitianga Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Coroglen Subgroup ignimbrite (Whitianga Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Cozette Pluton (Foulwind Suite) Cozette Pluton (Foulwind Suite)
Crescent Formation TZIIB semischist (Caples Terrane) Crescent Formation TZIIB semischist (Caples Terrane)
Crescent Formation TZIII schist (Caples Terrane) Crescent Formation TZIII schist (Caples Terrane)
Croisilles Melange (Caples Terrane) Croisilles Melange (Caples Terrane)
Crombie Conglomerate (Waiau Group) Crombie Conglomerate (Waiau Group)
Crosscut Pluton granite (Karamea Suite) Crosscut Pluton granite (Karamea Suite)
Crow Granite Crow Granite
Crowe Member of Mangles Formation Crowe Member of Mangles Formation
Cuvier Plutonics of Kuaotunu Subgroup (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Cuvier Plutonics of Kuaotunu Subgroup (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Dana Tonalite (Darran Suite) Dana Tonalite (Darran Suite)
Daniell Granite (Separation Point Suite) Daniell Granite (Separation Point Suite)
Darran Leucogabbro anorthosite (Darran Suite) Darran Leucogabbro anorthosite (Darran Suite)
Darran Leucogabbro gabbronorite (Darran Suite) Darran Leucogabbro gabbronorite (Darran Suite)
Deas Cove Granite (Foulwind Suite) Deas Cove Granite (Foulwind Suite)
Deborah Volcanics basalt (Alma Group) Deborah Volcanics basalt (Alma Group)
Deborah Volcanics tuff (Alma Group) Deborah Volcanics tuff (Alma Group)
Deceit Pluton Deceit Pluton
Deep Cove Gneiss Deep Cove Gneiss
Deep Cove Gneiss amphibolite Deep Cove Gneiss amphibolite
Deep Cove Gneiss schist Deep Cove Gneiss schist
Desolation Row Pluton granite (Tarpaulin Suite) Desolation Row Pluton granite (Tarpaulin Suite)
Deutgam Granodiorite (Rahu Suite) Deutgam Granodiorite (Rahu Suite)
Diamond Harbour Volcanics basaltic lava, breccia and sediments Diamond Harbour Volcanics basaltic lava, breccia and sediments
Diamond Peak Group sandstone Diamond Peak Group sandstone
Diamond Peak Group siltstone Diamond Peak Group siltstone
Divide Formation (Eglinton Subgroup) Divide Formation (Eglinton Subgroup)
Dolphin Intrusive Complex (Paringa Suite) Dolphin Intrusive Complex (Paringa Suite)
Doughboy Pluton Doughboy Pluton
Douglas Formation (Golden Bay Group) Douglas Formation (Golden Bay Group)
Duncraigen Formation (Waiau Group) Duncraigen Formation (Waiau Group)
Dunedin Volcanic Group basalt Dunedin Volcanic Group basalt
Dunedin Volcanic Group breccia Dunedin Volcanic Group breccia
Dunedin Volcanic Group conglomerate Dunedin Volcanic Group conglomerate
Dunedin Volcanic Group diatomite Dunedin Volcanic Group diatomite
Dunedin Volcanic Group extrusives Dunedin Volcanic Group extrusives
Dunedin Volcanic Group first main phase extrusives Dunedin Volcanic Group first main phase extrusives
Dunedin Volcanic Group first main phase intrusives Dunedin Volcanic Group first main phase intrusives
Dunedin Volcanic Group first main phase pyroclastics Dunedin Volcanic Group first main phase pyroclastics
Dunedin Volcanic Group initial phase extrusives Dunedin Volcanic Group initial phase extrusives
Dunedin Volcanic Group initial phase intrusives Dunedin Volcanic Group initial phase intrusives
Dunedin Volcanic Group initial phase pyroclastics Dunedin Volcanic Group initial phase pyroclastics
Dunedin Volcanic Group second main phase extrusives Dunedin Volcanic Group second main phase extrusives
Dunedin Volcanic Group second main phase intrusives Dunedin Volcanic Group second main phase intrusives
Dunedin Volcanic Group second main phase pyroclastics Dunedin Volcanic Group second main phase pyroclastics
Dunedin Volcanic Group third main phase extrusives Dunedin Volcanic Group third main phase extrusives
Dunedin Volcanic Group third main phase pyroclastics Dunedin Volcanic Group third main phase pyroclastics
Dunphy Granite (Karamea Suite) Dunphy Granite (Karamea Suite)
Dunstan Formation (Manuherikia Group) Dunstan Formation (Manuherikia Group)
Dunton Formation (Waiau Group) Dunton Formation (Waiau Group)
Earl Mountains Sandstone (Annick Group) Earl Mountains Sandstone (Annick Group)
Early Cretaceous Pahau melange and broken formation Early Cretaceous Pahau melange and broken formation
Early Miocene Greenhollows Formation and Coast Road Formation sandstone and mudstone (Owhanga Group) Early Miocene Greenhollows Formation and Coast Road Formation sandstone and mudstone (Owhanga Group)
Early Miocene Puhokio Formation sandstone and mudstone (Tolaga Group) Early Miocene Puhokio Formation sandstone and mudstone (Tolaga Group)
Early Miocene Takiritini Formation limestone (Tolaga Group) Early Miocene Takiritini Formation limestone (Tolaga Group)
Early Miocene Takiritini Formation sandstone (Tolaga Group) Early Miocene Takiritini Formation sandstone (Tolaga Group)
Early Miocene Whakai Formation mudstone (Tolaga Group) Early Miocene Whakai Formation mudstone (Tolaga Group)
Early Miocene Whakataki Formation sandstone and mudstone (Tolaga Group) Early Miocene Whakataki Formation sandstone and mudstone (Tolaga Group)
Early Miocene Whangara Sandstone (Tolaga Group) Early Miocene Whangara Sandstone (Tolaga Group)
Early Miocene breccia (Tolaga Group) Early Miocene breccia (Tolaga Group)
Early Miocene conglomerate (Tolaga Group) Early Miocene conglomerate (Tolaga Group)
Early Miocene fossiliferous sandstone and mudstone (Tolaga Group) Early Miocene fossiliferous sandstone and mudstone (Tolaga Group)
Early Miocene limestone (Tolaga Group) Early Miocene limestone (Tolaga Group)
Early Miocene mudstone (Tolaga Group) Early Miocene mudstone (Tolaga Group)
Early Miocene pebbly limestone (Tolaga Group) Early Miocene pebbly limestone (Tolaga Group)
Early Miocene sandstone and mudstone (Tolaga Group) Early Miocene sandstone and mudstone (Tolaga Group)
Early Miocene shelly limestone (Tolaga Group) Early Miocene shelly limestone (Tolaga Group)
Early Miocene tuffaceous sandstone and mudstone (Whakai Formation) Early Miocene tuffaceous sandstone and mudstone (Whakai Formation)
Early OIS1 (Holocene) Red Crater Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Early OIS1 (Holocene) Red Crater Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Early OIS1 (Holocene) Te Mari Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Early OIS1 (Holocene) Te Mari Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Early OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) North Crater Andesite lava of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Early OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) North Crater Andesite lava of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Early Pleistocene (Mangatuna Formation) river and estuary deposits Early Pleistocene (Mangatuna Formation) river and estuary deposits
Early Pleistocene Hillersden Gravel Early Pleistocene Hillersden Gravel
Early Pleistocene Kaiwaka Formation (Mangaheia Group) Early Pleistocene Kaiwaka Formation (Mangaheia Group)
Early Pleistocene debris avalanche deposits (Old Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre Early Pleistocene debris avalanche deposits (Old Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre
Early Pleistocene fan deposits Early Pleistocene fan deposits
Early Pleistocene glacier deposits Early Pleistocene glacier deposits
Early Pleistocene igneous rocks Early Pleistocene igneous rocks
Early Pleistocene lahar deposits (Maungatautari Formation) of Taupo Volcanic Zone Early Pleistocene lahar deposits (Maungatautari Formation) of Taupo Volcanic Zone
Early Pleistocene ocean beach deposits Early Pleistocene ocean beach deposits
Early Pleistocene parabolic dunes Early Pleistocene parabolic dunes
Early Pleistocene river and lake deposits Early Pleistocene river and lake deposits
Early Pleistocene river deposits Early Pleistocene river deposits
Early Pleistocene river, lake and intertidal deposits (Kidnappers Group) Early Pleistocene river, lake and intertidal deposits (Kidnappers Group)
Early Pleistocene to Middle Pleistocene river deposits Early Pleistocene to Middle Pleistocene river deposits
Early Pliocene Kairakau Limestone (Mangaheia Group) Early Pliocene Kairakau Limestone (Mangaheia Group)
Early Pliocene Mangamahoe Limestone Early Pliocene Mangamahoe Limestone
Early Pliocene Pakaututu Formation (Mangaheia Group) Early Pliocene Pakaututu Formation (Mangaheia Group)
Early Pliocene sandstone and siltstone (Mangaheia Group) Early Pliocene sandstone and siltstone (Mangaheia Group)
Early Pliocene shelly sandstone (Mangaheia Group) Early Pliocene shelly sandstone (Mangaheia Group)
Earthquake Flat Formation (Okataina Group) ignimbrite of Okataina Volcanic Centre Earthquake Flat Formation (Okataina Group) ignimbrite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
East Coast Bays Formation of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group) East Coast Bays Formation of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
East Ruggedy Intrusives diorite East Ruggedy Intrusives diorite
East Ruggedy Intrusives gneiss East Ruggedy Intrusives gneiss
Eastern Pukeahua Formation (Maroa Group) ignimbrite of Maroa Volcanic Centre Eastern Pukeahua Formation (Maroa Group) ignimbrite of Maroa Volcanic Centre
Easy Pluton Easy Pluton
Echinus Granite (Tasman Intrusives) Echinus Granite (Tasman Intrusives)
Edgecumbe Andesite (Okataina Group) andesite of Okataina Volcanic Centre Edgecumbe Andesite (Okataina Group) andesite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Eight Mile Formation (Blue Bottom Group) Eight Mile Formation (Blue Bottom Group)
Electric Granite (Median Batholith) Electric Granite (Median Batholith)
Elephant Hill Gravels Elephant Hill Gravels
Erewhon Formation siltstone and sandstone (Mount Potts Group) Erewhon Formation siltstone and sandstone (Mount Potts Group)
Escarpment Pluton diorite (Rakeahua Granite Batholith) Escarpment Pluton diorite (Rakeahua Granite Batholith)
Escarpment Pluton granodiorite (Rakeahua Granite Batholith) Escarpment Pluton granodiorite (Rakeahua Granite Batholith)
Esk Formation (Eyre Group) Esk Formation (Eyre Group)
Esk Formation basalt (Eyre Group) Esk Formation basalt (Eyre Group)
Esk Formation sandstone (Eyre Group) Esk Formation sandstone (Eyre Group)
Esk Head basalt (Kaweka Terrane) Esk Head basalt (Kaweka Terrane)
Esk Head melange (Kaweka Terrane) Esk Head melange (Kaweka Terrane)
Esk Head sandstone and mudstone (Kaweka Terrane) Esk Head sandstone and mudstone (Kaweka Terrane)
Esk Head volcanics (Kaweka Terrane) Esk Head volcanics (Kaweka Terrane)
Euchre Pluton Euchre Pluton
Expedition Pluton (Foulwind Suite) Expedition Pluton (Foulwind Suite)
Fall Formation (Pepin Group) Fall Formation (Pepin Group)
False Edgecumbe Formation (Edgecumbe Group) False Edgecumbe Formation (Edgecumbe Group)
Fannin Pluton (Separation Point Suite) Fannin Pluton (Separation Point Suite)
Fanny Formation (Fanny Bay Group) Fanny Formation (Fanny Bay Group)
Fanthams Peak Andesite of Egmont Volcanic Centre Fanthams Peak Andesite of Egmont Volcanic Centre
Faraday Microgranodiorite (Separation Point Suite) Faraday Microgranodiorite (Separation Point Suite)
Farewell Formation (Kapuni Group) Farewell Formation (Kapuni Group)
Fenella Fault Zone Fenella Fault Zone
Fergus Formation (Eglinton Subgroup) Fergus Formation (Eglinton Subgroup)
Ferndale Group conglomerate Ferndale Group conglomerate
Ferndale Group sandstone Ferndale Group sandstone
Fingers Formation bedded siltstone (Mount Taylor Group) Fingers Formation bedded siltstone (Mount Taylor Group)
Fingers Formation sandstone and siltstone (Mount Taylor Group) Fingers Formation sandstone and siltstone (Mount Taylor Group)
Five Fingers Pluton (Separation Point Suite) Five Fingers Pluton (Separation Point Suite)
Five Fingers Pluton tonalite, schist and amphibolite (Separation Point Suite) Five Fingers Pluton tonalite, schist and amphibolite (Separation Point Suite)
Forest Hill Formation (Waiau Group) Forest Hill Formation (Waiau Group)
Forked Pluton (Foulwind Suite) Forked Pluton (Foulwind Suite)
Fossil Creek Formation, Island Sandstone and Little Totara Sandstone (Rapahoe Group) Fossil Creek Formation, Island Sandstone and Little Totara Sandstone (Rapahoe Group)
Foulwind Granite (Karamea Suite) Foulwind Granite (Karamea Suite)
Fowler Pluton (Darran Suite) Fowler Pluton (Darran Suite)
Fraser Complex gneiss Fraser Complex gneiss
Fraser Complex mylonitised gneiss Fraser Complex mylonitised gneiss
Freds Camp Pluton (Rakeahua Granite Batholith) Freds Camp Pluton (Rakeahua Granite Batholith)
French Creek Granite French Creek Granite
Freshwater Northeast Pluton Freshwater Northeast Pluton
Gardner Burn Granite (Ridge Suite) Gardner Burn Granite (Ridge Suite)
Garnet biotite granitoid Bonar Orthogneiss Garnet biotite granitoid Bonar Orthogneiss
Gebbies Rhyolite (Mount Somers Volcanics Group) Gebbies Rhyolite (Mount Somers Volcanics Group)
Gentle Annie Formation and Springhill Formation (Mangapurupuru Group) Gentle Annie Formation and Springhill Formation (Mangapurupuru Group)
Gentle Annie Formation breccia (Mangapurupuru Group) Gentle Annie Formation breccia (Mangapurupuru Group)
George Sound Paragneiss George Sound Paragneiss
Geraldine Basalt Geraldine Basalt
German Hill Andesite of Egmont Volcanic Centre German Hill Andesite of Egmont Volcanic Centre
Glade Suite (Darran Suite) Glade Suite (Darran Suite)
Gladstone Formation (Coverham Group) Gladstone Formation (Coverham Group)
Glen Massey Formation of Lower Te Kuiti Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group) Glen Massey Formation of Lower Te Kuiti Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group)
Glenburn Formation sandstone (Mangapurupuru Group) Glenburn Formation sandstone (Mangapurupuru Group)
Glenhope Formation (Tadmor Group) Glenhope Formation (Tadmor Group)
Glennie Formation (Livingstone Volcanics Group) Glennie Formation (Livingstone Volcanics Group)
Glenroy Complex granite (Median Batholith) Glenroy Complex granite (Median Batholith)
Glenroy Complex paragneiss (Median Batholith) Glenroy Complex paragneiss (Median Batholith)
Gog Pluton Gog Pluton
Golden Bay Group sandstone Golden Bay Group sandstone
Goldie Hill Formation (Waiau Group) Goldie Hill Formation (Waiau Group)
Gondor Formation (Brook Street Volcanics Group) Gondor Formation (Brook Street Volcanics Group)
Gore Lignite Measures quartzite (East Southland Group) Gore Lignite Measures quartzite (East Southland Group)
Gore Lignite Measures sandstone (East Southland Group) Gore Lignite Measures sandstone (East Southland Group)
Governors Bay Andesite Governors Bay Andesite
Grahams Creek Dolerite (Mount Somers Volcanics Group) Grahams Creek Dolerite (Mount Somers Volcanics Group)
Grampian Formation (Brook Street Volcanics Group) Grampian Formation (Brook Street Volcanics Group)
Grasseed Volcanics (Muzzle Group) Grasseed Volcanics (Muzzle Group)
Grebe Mylonite Zone Grebe Mylonite Zone
Green Islets Formation (Balleny Group) Green Islets Formation (Balleny Group)
Green Stream Formation (Fanny Bay Group) Green Stream Formation (Fanny Bay Group)
Greenhills Group Greenhills Group
Greenland Group amphibolite grade schist Greenland Group amphibolite grade schist
Greenland Group hornsfels Greenland Group hornsfels
Greenland Group metasediment Greenland Group metasediment
Greenland Group paragneiss Greenland Group paragneiss
Greenstone Melange (Caples Terrane) Greenstone Melange (Caples Terrane)
Greta Formation (Motunau Group) Greta Formation (Motunau Group)
Greville Formation (Maitai Group) Greville Formation (Maitai Group)
Greville Formation green sandstone (Maitai Group) Greville Formation green sandstone (Maitai Group)
Greville Formation siltstone (Maitai Group) Greville Formation siltstone (Maitai Group)
Gridiron Formation (Wallow Group) Gridiron Formation (Wallow Group)
Grindstone Gneiss Grindstone Gneiss
Groom Creek Formation (Brook Street Volcanics Group) Groom Creek Formation (Brook Street Volcanics Group)
Gunn Dolerite Gunn Dolerite
Hailes Quartzite and Fowler Formation (Ellis Group) Hailes Quartzite and Fowler Formation (Ellis Group)
Haldon Formation, Spurs Siltstone (Rakaia Terrane) Haldon Formation, Spurs Siltstone (Rakaia Terrane)
Half Cone Pyroclastics of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Half Cone Pyroclastics of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Halfway Formation Halfway Formation
Halfway Peak Hornblende Gabbro (Darran Suite) Halfway Peak Hornblende Gabbro (Darran Suite)
Halfway Peak Hornblende Gabbro with epidorite (Darran Suite) Halfway Peak Hornblende Gabbro with epidorite (Darran Suite)
Hamilton Ash Formation Hamilton Ash Formation
Hanging Valley Granitoid Intrusives (Outboard Darran Suite) Hanging Valley Granitoid Intrusives (Outboard Darran Suite)
Haowhenua Formation breccia (Hauturu Volcanic Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Haowhenua Formation breccia (Hauturu Volcanic Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Haowhenua Formation dacite (Hauturu Volcanic Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Haowhenua Formation dacite (Hauturu Volcanic Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Harper Hills Basalt (Burnt Hill Group) Harper Hills Basalt (Burnt Hill Group)
Harris Saddle Formation TZIIA semischist (Caples Terrane) Harris Saddle Formation TZIIA semischist (Caples Terrane)
Harris Saddle Formation TZIIB greenschist (Caples Terrane) Harris Saddle Formation TZIIB greenschist (Caples Terrane)
Harris Saddle Formation TZIII greenschist (Caples Terrane) Harris Saddle Formation TZIII greenschist (Caples Terrane)
Harrison Gneiss (Arthur River Complex) Harrison Gneiss (Arthur River Complex)
Hauhungaroa Formation andesite of Taupo Volcanic Zone Hauhungaroa Formation andesite of Taupo Volcanic Zone
Hauhungatahi Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Hauhungatahi Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Hauroko Formation conglomerate (Waiau Group) Hauroko Formation conglomerate (Waiau Group)
Hauroko Formation sandstone (Waiau Group) Hauroko Formation sandstone (Waiau Group)
Hauroko Granite (Ridge Suite) Hauroko Granite (Ridge Suite)
Hawes Head Ultramafics (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) Hawes Head Ultramafics (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
Hawks Crag Breccia (Pororari Group) Hawks Crag Breccia (Pororari Group)
Hawtel - Coral Bluff Melange and Wairaki Breccia (Productus Creek Group) Hawtel - Coral Bluff Melange and Wairaki Breccia (Productus Creek Group)
Haycocks Formation (Waiau Group) Haycocks Formation (Waiau Group)
Heartbreak Formation (Takitimu Subgroup) Heartbreak Formation (Takitimu Subgroup)
Heath Volcanics Formation (Devil River Volcanics Group) Heath Volcanics Formation (Devil River Volcanics Group)
Hekeia Gabbro Hekeia Gabbro
Hekeia Gabbro diorite Hekeia Gabbro diorite
Helensville Conglomerate of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Helensville Conglomerate of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Henley Breccia (Matakea Group) Henley Breccia (Matakea Group)
Hewson Formation Hewson Formation
Hewson Formation basalt of Taupo Volcanic Zone Hewson Formation basalt of Taupo Volcanic Zone
Hillersden Gravel Hillersden Gravel
Hinahina Formation (Mataura Group) Hinahina Formation (Mataura Group)
Hinds River Dacite (Mount Somers Volcanics Group) Hinds River Dacite (Mount Somers Volcanics Group)
Hogburn Formation quartzite Hogburn Formation quartzite
Hogburn Formation sandstone Hogburn Formation sandstone
Hokuri Intrusives Hokuri Intrusives
Holly Burn Intrusives Holly Burn Intrusives
Holly Burn Intrusives diorite Holly Burn Intrusives diorite
Holly Burn Intrusives quartz diorite Holly Burn Intrusives quartz diorite
Homebush Sandstone (Eyre Group) Homebush Sandstone (Eyre Group)
Homebush Sandstone and Feary Greensand (Eyre Group) Homebush Sandstone and Feary Greensand (Eyre Group)
Homebush Sandstone and Waipara Greensand (Eyre Group) Homebush Sandstone and Waipara Greensand (Eyre Group)
Hope Arm Formation conglomerate (Waiau Group) Hope Arm Formation conglomerate (Waiau Group)
Hope Arm Formation sandstone (Waiau Group) Hope Arm Formation sandstone (Waiau Group)
Horatio Orthogneiss (Ridge Suite) Horatio Orthogneiss (Ridge Suite)
Hornfelsed Pahau sandstone and mudstone Hornfelsed Pahau sandstone and mudstone
Horse Range (Matakea Group) Horse Range (Matakea Group)
Hoteo Beds of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Hoteo Beds of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Houseroof Pluton (Median Batholith) Houseroof Pluton (Median Batholith)
Howard Gabbro (Rotoroa Suite) Howard Gabbro (Rotoroa Suite)
Howitt Peaks Gabbro (Darran Suite) Howitt Peaks Gabbro (Darran Suite)
Hukawakawa Sequence (Caples Terrane) Hukawakawa Sequence (Caples Terrane)
Hukerenui Mudstone (Mangakahia Complex) in Northland Allochthon Hukerenui Mudstone (Mangakahia Complex) in Northland Allochthon
Hump Ridge Formation conglomerate Hump Ridge Formation conglomerate
Hump Ridge Formation limestone Hump Ridge Formation limestone
Hump Ridge Formation sandstone Hump Ridge Formation sandstone
Hunter Intrusives cataclasite (Darran Suite) Hunter Intrusives cataclasite (Darran Suite)
Hunter Intrusives diorite (Darran Suite) Hunter Intrusives diorite (Darran Suite)
Hunter Intrusives granodiorite (Darran Suite) Hunter Intrusives granodiorite (Darran Suite)
Huriwai Group siltstone (Murihiku Terrane) Huriwai Group siltstone (Murihiku Terrane)
Hut Leucogranite (Darran Suite) Hut Leucogranite (Darran Suite)
Inangahua Formation (Blue Bottom Group) Inangahua Formation (Blue Bottom Group)
Indecision Creek Complex (Inboard Darran Suite) Indecision Creek Complex (Inboard Darran Suite)
Indian Island Granite (Rahu Suite) Indian Island Granite (Rahu Suite)
Irene Complex gneiss (?Takaka Terrane) Irene Complex gneiss (?Takaka Terrane)
Irene Complex psammite (?Takaka Terrane) Irene Complex psammite (?Takaka Terrane)
Isolated Hill Limestone of Omihi Formation (Motunau Group) Isolated Hill Limestone of Omihi Formation (Motunau Group)
Isolated Hill basalt of Omihi Formation (Motunau Group) Isolated Hill basalt of Omihi Formation (Motunau Group)
Iwikau Member andesite of Whakapapa Formation (Ruapehu Group) of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Iwikau Member andesite of Whakapapa Formation (Ruapehu Group) of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Jackson Formation limestone Jackson Formation limestone
Jackson Formation mudstone Jackson Formation mudstone
Jackson Peaks Granite (Median Batholith) Jackson Peaks Granite (Median Batholith)
Jagged Gneiss derived from Arthur River Complex (Median Batholith) Jagged Gneiss derived from Arthur River Complex (Median Batholith)
Jagged Gneiss derived from Western Fiordland Orthogneiss (Median Batholith) Jagged Gneiss derived from Western Fiordland Orthogneiss (Median Batholith)
Jane Lake Granite (Median Batholith) Jane Lake Granite (Median Batholith)
Jaquiery Granitoid Gneiss (Median Batholith) Jaquiery Granitoid Gneiss (Median Batholith)
Jays Creek Granodiorite (Rahu Suite) Jays Creek Granodiorite (Rahu Suite)
Jeanie Pluton (Ridge Suite) Jeanie Pluton (Ridge Suite)
Johnson Road Formation basalt of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres Johnson Road Formation basalt of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres
Junction Formation Junction Formation
K Trig Formation (Taupo Group) basalt of Taupo Volcanic Centre K Trig Formation (Taupo Group) basalt of Taupo Volcanic Centre
Kaawa Formation (Kaihu Group) Kaawa Formation (Kaihu Group)
Kaharoa Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre Kaharoa Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Kaharoa Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre Kaharoa Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Kaherekoau Formation conglomerate (Waiau Group) Kaherekoau Formation conglomerate (Waiau Group)
Kaherekoau Formation limestone (Waiau Group) Kaherekoau Formation limestone (Waiau Group)
Kaherekoau Formation sandstone (Waiau Group) Kaherekoau Formation sandstone (Waiau Group)
Kaiata Formation (Rapahoe Group) Kaiata Formation (Rapahoe Group)
Kaimai Subgroup andesite and dacite (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Kaimai Subgroup andesite and dacite (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Kaingaroa Formation (Reporoa Group) ignimbrite of Reporoa Volcanic Zone Kaingaroa Formation (Reporoa Group) ignimbrite of Reporoa Volcanic Zone
Kaitake Andesite of Egmont Volcanic Centre Kaitake Andesite of Egmont Volcanic Centre
Kaka Formation (Brook Street Volcanics Group) Kaka Formation (Brook Street Volcanics Group)
Kakahu TZIIA semischist Kakahu TZIIA semischist
Kakaramea Formation andesite Kakaramea Formation andesite
Kakepuku Volcanic Formation (Alexandra Volcanic Group) Kakepuku Volcanic Formation (Alexandra Volcanic Group)
Kakuki Formation (Maroa Group) basalt of Maroa Volcanic Centre Kakuki Formation (Maroa Group) basalt of Maroa Volcanic Centre
Kamo Coal Measures of Waro Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group) Kamo Coal Measures of Waro Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group)
Kaninihi Pluton Kaninihi Pluton
Karamea Suite biotite diorite Karamea Suite biotite diorite
Karamea Suite biotite muscovite granite and granodiorite Karamea Suite biotite muscovite granite and granodiorite
Karamea Suite deformed equigranular or slightly porphyritic biotite granite Karamea Suite deformed equigranular or slightly porphyritic biotite granite
Karamea Suite equigranular biotite granite Karamea Suite equigranular biotite granite
Karamea Suite equigranular biotite muscovite granite Karamea Suite equigranular biotite muscovite granite
Karamea Suite leucocratic muscovite K-feldspar granite Karamea Suite leucocratic muscovite K-feldspar granite
Karamea Suite megacrystic K-feldspar-biotite granite Karamea Suite megacrystic K-feldspar-biotite granite
Karamea Suite muscovite biotite granite Karamea Suite muscovite biotite granite
Karamea Suite muscovite granite Karamea Suite muscovite granite
Karamea Suite undeformed equigranular or slightly porphyritic biotite granite Karamea Suite undeformed equigranular or slightly porphyritic biotite granite
Karangahape Formation (Taupo Group) andesite of Taupo Volcanic Centre Karangahape Formation (Taupo Group) andesite of Taupo Volcanic Centre
Karekare Formation Early Cretaceous mudstone (Matawai Group) Karekare Formation Early Cretaceous mudstone (Matawai Group)
Karekare Formation Late Cretaceous mudstone (Matawai Group) Karekare Formation Late Cretaceous mudstone (Matawai Group)
Karekare Formation sandstone (Matawai Group) Karekare Formation sandstone (Matawai Group)
Karewa Volcanic Formation Karewa Volcanic Formation
Karikari Plutonics of Whangaroa Subgroup (Coromandel Group) Karikari Plutonics of Whangaroa Subgroup (Coromandel Group)
Karioi Volcanic Formation (Alexandra Volcanic Group) Karioi Volcanic Formation (Alexandra Volcanic Group)
Kathryn Metavolcanics Formation (Cameron Group) Kathryn Metavolcanics Formation (Cameron Group)
Kaurahoupo Conglomerate (Parengarenga Group) Kaurahoupo Conglomerate (Parengarenga Group)
Kauroa Ash Kauroa Ash
Kawatiri Amphibolite (Rotoroa Suite) Kawatiri Amphibolite (Rotoroa Suite)
Kays Creek Formation (Caples Terrane) Kays Creek Formation (Caples Terrane)
Kays Creek Formation TZIIA semischist (Caples Terrane) Kays Creek Formation TZIIA semischist (Caples Terrane)
Kays Creek Formation TZIIB semischist (Caples Terrane) Kays Creek Formation TZIIB semischist (Caples Terrane)
Kays Creek lithofacies (Caples Terrane) Kays Creek lithofacies (Caples Terrane)
Kerikeri Volcanic Group Late Miocene andesite of Kaikohe to Bay of Islands Volcanic Field Kerikeri Volcanic Group Late Miocene andesite of Kaikohe to Bay of Islands Volcanic Field
Kerikeri Volcanic Group Late Miocene basalt of Kaikohe to Bay of Islands Volcanic Field Kerikeri Volcanic Group Late Miocene basalt of Kaikohe to Bay of Islands Volcanic Field
Kerikeri Volcanic Group Late Miocene basalt of Puhipuhi to Whangarei Volcanic Field Kerikeri Volcanic Group Late Miocene basalt of Puhipuhi to Whangarei Volcanic Field
Kerikeri Volcanic Group Late Miocene breccia of Puhipuhi to Whangarei Volcanic Field Kerikeri Volcanic Group Late Miocene breccia of Puhipuhi to Whangarei Volcanic Field
Kerikeri Volcanic Group Late Miocene rhyolite of Kaikohe to Bay of Islands Volcanic Field Kerikeri Volcanic Group Late Miocene rhyolite of Kaikohe to Bay of Islands Volcanic Field
Kerikeri Volcanic Group Late Miocene scoria of Kaikohe to Bay of Islands Volcanic Field Kerikeri Volcanic Group Late Miocene scoria of Kaikohe to Bay of Islands Volcanic Field
Kerikeri Volcanic Group Late Miocene scoria of Puhipuhi to Whangarei Volcanic Field Kerikeri Volcanic Group Late Miocene scoria of Puhipuhi to Whangarei Volcanic Field
Kerikeri Volcanic Group Pleistocene basalt of Kaikohe to Bay of Islands Volcanic Field Kerikeri Volcanic Group Pleistocene basalt of Kaikohe to Bay of Islands Volcanic Field
Kerikeri Volcanic Group Pleistocene basalt of Puhipuhi to Whangarei Volcanic Field Kerikeri Volcanic Group Pleistocene basalt of Puhipuhi to Whangarei Volcanic Field
Kerikeri Volcanic Group Pleistocene dacite of Puhipuhi to Whangarei Volcanic Field Kerikeri Volcanic Group Pleistocene dacite of Puhipuhi to Whangarei Volcanic Field
Kerikeri Volcanic Group Pleistocene scoria of Kaikohe to Bay of Islands Volcanic Field Kerikeri Volcanic Group Pleistocene scoria of Kaikohe to Bay of Islands Volcanic Field
Kerikeri Volcanic Group Pleistocene scoria of Puhipuhi to Whangarei Volcanic Field Kerikeri Volcanic Group Pleistocene scoria of Puhipuhi to Whangarei Volcanic Field
Kintail Pluton (Ridge Suite) Kintail Pluton (Ridge Suite)
Kiore Formation (Whangamomona Group and Wai-Iti Group) Kiore Formation (Whangamomona Group and Wai-Iti Group)
Kirikiri Group siltstone (Murihiku Terrane) Kirikiri Group siltstone (Murihiku Terrane)
Kirks Breccia of Whangai Formation (Tinui Group) Kirks Breccia of Whangai Formation (Tinui Group)
Kirwans Dolerite Kirwans Dolerite
Kisbee Formation Kisbee Formation
Knife and Steel Formation (Waiau Group) Knife and Steel Formation (Waiau Group)
Knob Granite (Rakeahua Granite Batholith) Knob Granite (Rakeahua Granite Batholith)
Knobs Gabbro Knobs Gabbro
Koheroa Siltstone of Meremere Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Koheroa Siltstone of Meremere Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Kohu Member of Mount Messenger Formation (Whangamomona Group and Wai-Iti Group) Kohu Member of Mount Messenger Formation (Whangamomona Group and Wai-Iti Group)
Kohurau TZIIA Schist Kohurau TZIIA Schist
Kohurau TZIIB semischist Kohurau TZIIB semischist
Kokepa South Pluton Kokepa South Pluton
Kokopu Limestone (Waiau Group) Kokopu Limestone (Waiau Group)
Koranga Formation conglomerate (Matawai Group) Koranga Formation conglomerate (Matawai Group)
Korotai Formation (Maroa Group) ignimbrite of Maroa Volcanic Centre Korotai Formation (Maroa Group) ignimbrite of Maroa Volcanic Centre
Koura Formation (Devil River Volcanics Group) Koura Formation (Devil River Volcanics Group)
Kowai Formation Kowai Formation
Kuaotunu Subgroup andesite and dacite (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Kuaotunu Subgroup andesite and dacite (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Kuriwao Group Kuriwao Group
Kyeburn Breccia (Matakea Group) Kyeburn Breccia (Matakea Group)
Lake 773 Pluton (Median Batholith) Lake 773 Pluton (Median Batholith)
Lake Hankinson Complex diorite (Inboard Darran Suite) Lake Hankinson Complex diorite (Inboard Darran Suite)
Lake Hankinson Complex granite (Inboard Darran Suite) Lake Hankinson Complex granite (Inboard Darran Suite)
Lake Mike Granite Lake Mike Granite
Lake Monk Granite (Rahu Suite) Lake Monk Granite (Rahu Suite)
Lake Roe Gabbro Lake Roe Gabbro
Lake Roxburgh Tonalite (Tobin Suite) Lake Roxburgh Tonalite (Tobin Suite)
Lake Wade Diorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) Lake Wade Diorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
Large Granite (Foulwind Suite) Large Granite (Foulwind Suite)
Late Cretaceous Conway Formation (Eyre Group) Late Cretaceous Conway Formation (Eyre Group)
Late Cretaceous to Paleocene Conway Formation (Eyre Group) Late Cretaceous to Paleocene Conway Formation (Eyre Group)
Late Miocene Areoma Sandstone (Tolaga Group) Late Miocene Areoma Sandstone (Tolaga Group)
Late Miocene Bexhaven Limestone (Tolaga Group) Late Miocene Bexhaven Limestone (Tolaga Group)
Late Miocene Blowhard Formation conglomerate (Tolaga Group) Late Miocene Blowhard Formation conglomerate (Tolaga Group)
Late Miocene Mangaoranga Formation and Kaiparoro Formation conglomerate (Tolaga Group) Late Miocene Mangaoranga Formation and Kaiparoro Formation conglomerate (Tolaga Group)
Late Miocene Patutahi Limestone (Tolaga Group) Late Miocene Patutahi Limestone (Tolaga Group)
Late Miocene Tokomaru Sandstone (Mangaheia Group) Late Miocene Tokomaru Sandstone (Mangaheia Group)
Late Miocene fossiliferous mudstone (Tolaga Group) Late Miocene fossiliferous mudstone (Tolaga Group)
Late Miocene mudstone (Tolaga Group and Owhanga Group) Late Miocene mudstone (Tolaga Group and Owhanga Group)
Late Miocene mudstone (Tolaga Group) Late Miocene mudstone (Tolaga Group)
Late Miocene mudstone (Tolaga Group, Hurupi Group and Onoke Group) Late Miocene mudstone (Tolaga Group, Hurupi Group and Onoke Group)
Late Miocene mudstone (Tolaga Group, Te Hoe Group and Hurupi Group) Late Miocene mudstone (Tolaga Group, Te Hoe Group and Hurupi Group)
Late Miocene sandstone (Tolaga Group) Late Miocene sandstone (Tolaga Group)
Late Miocene sandstone and mudstone (Tolaga Group) Late Miocene sandstone and mudstone (Tolaga Group)
Late Miocene to Middle Pleistocene rhyolitic river deposits Late Miocene to Middle Pleistocene rhyolitic river deposits
Late Miocene to Middle Pleistocene river deposits Late Miocene to Middle Pleistocene river deposits
Late Miocene to Pliocene sandstone (Mangaheia Group) Late Miocene to Pliocene sandstone (Mangaheia Group)
Late Miocene tuffaceous sandstone and mudstone (Tolaga Group) Late Miocene tuffaceous sandstone and mudstone (Tolaga Group)
Late OIS1 (Holocene) Red Crater Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Late OIS1 (Holocene) Red Crater Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Late OIS1 (Holocene) Te Mari Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Late OIS1 (Holocene) Te Mari Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Late OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) North Crater Andesite lava of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Late OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) North Crater Andesite lava of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Late Pleistocene Maroa Group rhyolite of Maroa Volcanic Centre Late Pleistocene Maroa Group rhyolite of Maroa Volcanic Centre
Late Pleistocene Maroa Group rhyolite pyroclastics of Maroa Volcanic Centre Late Pleistocene Maroa Group rhyolite pyroclastics of Maroa Volcanic Centre
Late Pleistocene Okataina Group rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre Late Pleistocene Okataina Group rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Late Pleistocene river and estuary deposits Late Pleistocene river and estuary deposits
Late Pleistocene river and lake deposits Late Pleistocene river and lake deposits
Late Pleistocene to Holocene fan deposits Late Pleistocene to Holocene fan deposits
Late Pleistocene to Holocene landslide deposits Late Pleistocene to Holocene landslide deposits
Late Pleistocene to Holocene ocean beach and swamp deposits Late Pleistocene to Holocene ocean beach and swamp deposits
Late Pleistocene to Holocene river and ocean beach deposits Late Pleistocene to Holocene river and ocean beach deposits
Late Pleistocene to Holocene river deposits Late Pleistocene to Holocene river deposits
Late Pleistocene to Holocene river deposits mantled by thick Mangaone Subgroup fall deposits of Okataina Volcanic Centre Late Pleistocene to Holocene river deposits mantled by thick Mangaone Subgroup fall deposits of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Late Pleistocene to Holocene scree deposits Late Pleistocene to Holocene scree deposits
Late Pleistocene to Holocene swamp deposits Late Pleistocene to Holocene swamp deposits
Late Pleistocene) White Island Formation andesite of Central Cone Late Pleistocene) White Island Formation andesite of Central Cone
Late Pleistocene) White Island Formation andesite of North Cone Late Pleistocene) White Island Formation andesite of North Cone
Late Pliocene Awapapa Limestone (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Awapapa Limestone (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene Castlepoint Formation (Onoke Group) Late Pliocene Castlepoint Formation (Onoke Group)
Late Pliocene Kereru Formation (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Kereru Formation (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene Kumeroa Formation (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Kumeroa Formation (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene Mason Ridge Formation (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Mason Ridge Formation (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene Matahorua Formation (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Matahorua Formation (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene Mount Mary Limestone (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Mount Mary Limestone (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene Ngaruru Limestone (Mangamaire Group) Late Pliocene Ngaruru Limestone (Mangamaire Group)
Late Pliocene Opoiti Limestone (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Opoiti Limestone (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene Ormond Limestone (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Ormond Limestone (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene Pakipaki Limestone (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Pakipaki Limestone (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene Petane Formation (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Petane Formation (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene Rongomai Limestone, Whetukura Limestone, Koropeke Limestone (Onoke Group) Late Pliocene Rongomai Limestone, Whetukura Limestone, Koropeke Limestone (Onoke Group)
Late Pliocene Rotookiwa Limestone (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Rotookiwa Limestone (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene Scinde Island Formation (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Scinde Island Formation (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene Sentry Box Formation (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Sentry Box Formation (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene Tahaenui Limestone (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Tahaenui Limestone (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene Te Onepu Limestone (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Te Onepu Limestone (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene Te Waka Formation (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Te Waka Formation (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene Titiokura Formation (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Titiokura Formation (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene Totaranui Limestone, Otope Limestone, Pori Limestone, Ngaruru Limestone, Kumeroa Limestone (Mangamaire Group), Pukenui Limestone (Onoke Group) Late Pliocene Totaranui Limestone, Otope Limestone, Pori Limestone, Ngaruru Limestone, Kumeroa Limestone (Mangamaire Group), Pukenui Limestone (Onoke Group)
Late Pliocene Tourere Formation (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Tourere Formation (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene Waitahora Limestone (Napier Group) Late Pliocene Waitahora Limestone (Napier Group)
Late Pliocene Whakapunake Limestone (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Whakapunake Limestone (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene Whetukura Limestone (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Whetukura Limestone (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene limestone (Managamaire Group and Onoke Group) Late Pliocene limestone (Managamaire Group and Onoke Group)
Late Pliocene limestone (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene limestone (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene sandstone and siltstone (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene sandstone and siltstone (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene siltstone (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene siltstone (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene to Early Pleistocene lahar deposits (Hauhungaroa Formation) of Taupo Volcanic Zone Late Pliocene to Early Pleistocene lahar deposits (Hauhungaroa Formation) of Taupo Volcanic Zone
Late Pliocene to Early Pleistocene river deposits Late Pliocene to Early Pleistocene river deposits
Late Pliocene to Middle Pleistocene pumiceous river deposits Late Pliocene to Middle Pleistocene pumiceous river deposits
Late Pliocene to Middle Pleistocene river deposits Late Pliocene to Middle Pleistocene river deposits
Leslie Formation and Slaty Creek Formation (Golden Bay Group) Leslie Formation and Slaty Creek Formation (Golden Bay Group)
Liger Breccia Member of Blackmount Formation (Waiau Group) Liger Breccia Member of Blackmount Formation (Waiau Group)
Link Formation ignimbrite (Pakaumanu Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Link Formation ignimbrite (Pakaumanu Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Little Ben Sandstone (Maitai Group) Little Ben Sandstone (Maitai Group)
Loburn Formation, Waipara Greensand and Ashley Mudstone (Eyre Group) Loburn Formation, Waipara Greensand and Ashley Mudstone (Eyre Group)
Loburn Formation, Waipara Greensand, Ashley Mudstone, Homebush and Karetu sandstones (Eyre Group) Loburn Formation, Waipara Greensand, Ashley Mudstone, Homebush and Karetu sandstones (Eyre Group)
Loch Burn Formation metaconglomerate Loch Burn Formation metaconglomerate
Loch Burn Formation metavolcanics Loch Burn Formation metavolcanics
Lockett Conglomerate Formation (Haupiri Group) Lockett Conglomerate Formation (Haupiri Group)
Lockington Diorite (Separation Point Suite) Lockington Diorite (Separation Point Suite)
Lone Kauri Formation of Manukau Subgroup (Waitakere Group) Lone Kauri Formation of Manukau Subgroup (Waitakere Group)
Lone Stag Ultramafics Lone Stag Ultramafics
Long Sound Calc-Silicate (Cameron Group) Long Sound Calc-Silicate (Cameron Group)
Longford Formation Longford Formation
Lookout Formation (Wallow Group) Lookout Formation (Wallow Group)
Lords Pluton Lords Pluton
Lower Orakonui Formation (Maroa Group) ignimbrite of Maroa Volcanic Centre Lower Orakonui Formation (Maroa Group) ignimbrite of Maroa Volcanic Centre
Lugar Burn Quartz Monzonite (Median Batholith) Lugar Burn Quartz Monzonite (Median Batholith)
Lumaluma Formation quartzite and graphitic pelite (Fanny Bay Group) Lumaluma Formation quartzite and graphitic pelite (Fanny Bay Group)
Lumaluma Formation quartzose metasandstone and pelite (Fanny Bay Group) Lumaluma Formation quartzose metasandstone and pelite (Fanny Bay Group)
Lushington Breccia (Akaroa Volcanic Group) Lushington Breccia (Akaroa Volcanic Group)
Luxmore Mafic Igneous Complex (Darran Suite) Luxmore Mafic Igneous Complex (Darran Suite)
Lyttelton Volcanics basaltic and trachytic lava, breccia, tuff and domes Lyttelton Volcanics basaltic and trachytic lava, breccia, tuff and domes
Lyvia Gneiss Lyvia Gneiss
Macey Pluton (Separation Point Suite) Macey Pluton (Separation Point Suite)
Macey west pluton mylonitised granitoid rocks (Separation Point Suite). Macey west pluton mylonitised granitoid rocks (Separation Point Suite).
Mackay Intrusives (Darran Suite) Mackay Intrusives (Darran Suite)
Mackenzie Schist Mackenzie Schist
Mackinnon Peak Intrusives Mackinnon Peak Intrusives
Macnamara Formation conglomerate and sandstone (Balleny Group) Macnamara Formation conglomerate and sandstone (Balleny Group)
Macnamara Formation mudstone (Balleny Group) Macnamara Formation mudstone (Balleny Group)
Maero Formation of Egmont Volcanic Centre Maero Formation of Egmont Volcanic Centre
Mahurangi Limestone (Motatau Complex) in Northland Allochthon Mahurangi Limestone (Motatau Complex) in Northland Allochthon
Makahikatoa Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Makahikatoa Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Mako Coal Measures Mako Coal Measures
Malaspina Pluton hornblende diorite and monzodiorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) Malaspina Pluton hornblende diorite and monzodiorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
Malaspina Pluton orthogneiss (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) Malaspina Pluton orthogneiss (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
Malaspina Pluton two pyroxene diorite and monzodiorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) Malaspina Pluton two pyroxene diorite and monzodiorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
Mamaku Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre Mamaku Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Mamaku Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre Mamaku Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Mamaku Plateau Formation ignimbrite of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres Mamaku Plateau Formation ignimbrite of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres
Manaia Hill Group sandstone and siltstone (Waipapa Composite Terrane) Manaia Hill Group sandstone and siltstone (Waipapa Composite Terrane)
Manawahe Formation dacite of Taupo Volcanic Zone Manawahe Formation dacite of Taupo Volcanic Zone
Mangahouhounui Lavas andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Mangahouhounui Lavas andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Mangakotuku Formation of Lower Te Kuiti Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group) Mangakotuku Formation of Lower Te Kuiti Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group)
Mangaku Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Mangaku Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Manganui Formation (Wai-Iti Group) Manganui Formation (Wai-Iti Group)
Manganui Formation (Wai-Iti Group) and undifferentiated Mokau Group Manganui Formation (Wai-Iti Group) and undifferentiated Mokau Group
Mangaohewa Formation and Mokoiwi Formation (Ruatoria Group) in East Coast Allochthon Mangaohewa Formation and Mokoiwi Formation (Ruatoria Group) in East Coast Allochthon
Mangaokewa Formation ignimbrite (Pakaumanu Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Mangaokewa Formation ignimbrite (Pakaumanu Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Mangaone Subgroup (Okataina Group) ignimbrite of Okataina Volcanic Centre Mangaone Subgroup (Okataina Group) ignimbrite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Mangapa Mudstone of Whakateterekia Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group) Mangapa Mudstone of Whakateterekia Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group)
Mangapa Mudstone of Whakateterekia Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group) in Northland Allochthon Mangapa Mudstone of Whakateterekia Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group) in Northland Allochthon
Mangapokia Formation basalt (Pahaoa Group) Mangapokia Formation basalt (Pahaoa Group)
Mangapokia Formation sandstone (Pahaoa Group) Mangapokia Formation sandstone (Pahaoa Group)
Mangarere Formation (Rangitikei Group) Mangarere Formation (Rangitikei Group)
Mangawhero Formation (Ruapehu Group) andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Mangawhero Formation (Ruapehu Group) andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Mangles Formation Mangles Formation
Mangonui Formation (Reinga Group) Mangonui Formation (Reinga Group)
Maniototo Conglomerate (Hawkdun Group) Maniototo Conglomerate (Hawkdun Group)
Maniototo Conglomerate and Wedderburn Formation (Hawkdun Group) Maniototo Conglomerate and Wedderburn Formation (Hawkdun Group)
Mantle Volcanics Formation (Skippers Subgroup) Mantle Volcanics Formation (Skippers Subgroup)
Manurewa, Awhea, Awheaiti, Pukemuri and Wanstead formations (Tora Group) Manurewa, Awhea, Awheaiti, Pukemuri and Wanstead formations (Tora Group)
Marguerite Amphibolite Marguerite Amphibolite
Marotiri Formation (Taupo Group) basalt of Taupo Volcanic Centre Marotiri Formation (Taupo Group) basalt of Taupo Volcanic Centre
Marshall Formation ignimbrite (Pakaumanu Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Marshall Formation ignimbrite (Pakaumanu Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Maruia Formation conglomerate Maruia Formation conglomerate
Maruia Formation sandstone and mudstone Maruia Formation sandstone and mudstone
Maruia Pluton granodiorite to granite (Ridge Suite) Maruia Pluton granodiorite to granite (Ridge Suite)
Marybank Formation (Drumduan Group) Marybank Formation (Drumduan Group)
Maryville Coal Measures (Mokau Group) Maryville Coal Measures (Mokau Group)
Mason Bay Pluton amphibolite Mason Bay Pluton amphibolite
Mason Bay Pluton granodiorite Mason Bay Pluton granodiorite
Matahina Formation (Okataina Group) ignimbrite mantled by thick Mangaone Subgroup fall deposits of Okataina Volcanic Centre Matahina Formation (Okataina Group) ignimbrite mantled by thick Mangaone Subgroup fall deposits of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Matahina Formation (Okataina Group) ignimbrite of Okataina Volcanic Centre Matahina Formation (Okataina Group) ignimbrite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Matakana Formation (Whitianga Group) basalt of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Matakana Formation (Whitianga Group) basalt of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Mataki Volcanics Formation (Devil River Volcanics Group) Mataki Volcanics Formation (Devil River Volcanics Group)
Matapan Formation basalt of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres Matapan Formation basalt of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres
Matapia Formation (Parengarenga Group) Matapia Formation (Parengarenga Group)
Matapoura Conglomerate of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Matapoura Conglomerate of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Matemateaonga Formation Early Pliocene sandstone (Whangamomona Group) Matemateaonga Formation Early Pliocene sandstone (Whangamomona Group)
Matemateaonga Formation Late Miocene sandstone (Whangamomona Group) Matemateaonga Formation Late Miocene sandstone (Whangamomona Group)
Matemateaonga Formation Late Miocene to Early Pliocene sandstone (Whangamomona Group) Matemateaonga Formation Late Miocene to Early Pliocene sandstone (Whangamomona Group)
Matiri Formation (Blue Bottom Group) Matiri Formation (Blue Bottom Group)
Maungakatote Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Maungakatote Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Maungatautari Formation andesite of Taupo Volcanic Zone Maungatautari Formation andesite of Taupo Volcanic Zone
McConnochie Pluton granite (Karamea Suite) McConnochie Pluton granite (Karamea Suite)
McIntosh Monzodiorite (Separation Point Suite) McIntosh Monzodiorite (Separation Point Suite)
McIvor Formation (Waiau Group) McIvor Formation (Waiau Group)
McKerr Intrusives diorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) McKerr Intrusives diorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
McKerr Intrusives quartz monzodiorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) McKerr Intrusives quartz monzodiorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
McPhee Cove Conglomerate (Ferndale Group) McPhee Cove Conglomerate (Ferndale Group)
McQueens Andesite (Mount Somers Volcanics Group) McQueens Andesite (Mount Somers Volcanics Group)
Mead Hill Formation (Muzzle Group) Mead Hill Formation (Muzzle Group)
Medway Formation (Awatere Group) Medway Formation (Awatere Group)
Melange of East Coast Allochthon Melange of East Coast Allochthon
Melange of Northland Allochthon Melange of Northland Allochthon
Mercer Sandstone of Meremere Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Mercer Sandstone of Meremere Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Mercury Basalts of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Mercury Basalts of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Merrie Granite (Ridge Suite) Merrie Granite (Ridge Suite)
Meybille Granite (Karamea Suite) Meybille Granite (Karamea Suite)
Mid Poteriteri Pluton (Inboard Darran Suite) Mid Poteriteri Pluton (Inboard Darran Suite)
Middle Miocene Tunanui Formation sandstone (Tolaga Group) Middle Miocene Tunanui Formation sandstone (Tolaga Group)
Middle Miocene Waiokaha Formation limestone (Tolaga Group) Middle Miocene Waiokaha Formation limestone (Tolaga Group)
Middle Miocene limestone (Tolaga Group) Middle Miocene limestone (Tolaga Group)
Middle Miocene sandstone (Tolaga Group) Middle Miocene sandstone (Tolaga Group)
Middle Miocene sandstone and mudstone (Tolaga Group) Middle Miocene sandstone and mudstone (Tolaga Group)
Middle Miocene to Late Miocene sandstone and conglomerate (Tolaga and Hurupi groups) Middle Miocene to Late Miocene sandstone and conglomerate (Tolaga and Hurupi groups)
Middle OIS1 (Holocene) Red Crater Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Middle OIS1 (Holocene) Red Crater Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Middle OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) North Crater Andesite lava of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Middle OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) North Crater Andesite lava of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Middle Pleistocene Okataina Group dacite of Okataina Volcanic Centre Middle Pleistocene Okataina Group dacite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Middle Pleistocene Okataina Group rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre Middle Pleistocene Okataina Group rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Middle Pleistocene Okataina Group rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre Middle Pleistocene Okataina Group rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Middle Pleistocene dune deposits Middle Pleistocene dune deposits
Middle Pleistocene estuary and shallow marine deposits Middle Pleistocene estuary and shallow marine deposits
Middle Pleistocene fan deposits Middle Pleistocene fan deposits
Middle Pleistocene fan, river and lake deposits Middle Pleistocene fan, river and lake deposits
Middle Pleistocene glacier deposits Middle Pleistocene glacier deposits
Middle Pleistocene lahar deposits (Kakaramea Formation) Middle Pleistocene lahar deposits (Kakaramea Formation)
Middle Pleistocene lake deposits Middle Pleistocene lake deposits
Middle Pleistocene lake deposits and breccia Middle Pleistocene lake deposits and breccia
Middle Pleistocene lake deposits mantled by thick Mangaone Subgroup fall deposits of Okataina Volcanic Centre Middle Pleistocene lake deposits mantled by thick Mangaone Subgroup fall deposits of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Middle Pleistocene landslide deposits Middle Pleistocene landslide deposits
Middle Pleistocene loess deposits Middle Pleistocene loess deposits
Middle Pleistocene ocean beach deposits Middle Pleistocene ocean beach deposits
Middle Pleistocene outwash deposits Middle Pleistocene outwash deposits
Middle Pleistocene river deposits Middle Pleistocene river deposits
Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene glacier deposits Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene glacier deposits
Middle Stream Formation (Edgecumbe Group) Middle Stream Formation (Edgecumbe Group)
Mike River Formation (Edgecumbe Group) Mike River Formation (Edgecumbe Group)
Milford Orthogneiss orthogneiss (Arthur River Complex) Milford Orthogneiss orthogneiss (Arthur River Complex)
Milford Orthogneiss ultramafics (Arthur River Complex) Milford Orthogneiss ultramafics (Arthur River Complex)
Millar Road Ignimbrite (Okataina Group) of Okataina Volcanic Centre Millar Road Ignimbrite (Okataina Group) of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Minden Rhyolite Subgroup (Whitianga Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Minden Rhyolite Subgroup (Whitianga Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Miranda unit basaltic andesite (Kiwitahi Volcanic Group) Miranda unit basaltic andesite (Kiwitahi Volcanic Group)
Mistake Diorite (Darran Suite) Mistake Diorite (Darran Suite)
Misty Pluton hornblende diorite and quartz monzonite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) Misty Pluton hornblende diorite and quartz monzonite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
Misty Pluton hornblendite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) Misty Pluton hornblendite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
Misty Pluton orthogneiss (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) Misty Pluton orthogneiss (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
Misty Pluton two pyroxene diorite and monzodiorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) Misty Pluton two pyroxene diorite and monzodiorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
Moanui Formation (Matawai Group) Moanui Formation (Matawai Group)
Mohakatino Formation (Whangamomona Group and Wai-Iti Group) Mohakatino Formation (Whangamomona Group and Wai-Iti Group)
Mokai Formation (Maroa Group) ignimbrite of Maroa Volcanic Centre Mokai Formation (Maroa Group) ignimbrite of Maroa Volcanic Centre
Mokoiwi Formation (Ruatoria Group) in East Coast Allochthon Mokoiwi Formation (Ruatoria Group) in East Coast Allochthon
Momus Sandstone (Caples Terrane) Momus Sandstone (Caples Terrane)
Momus Sandstone TZIIA semischist (Caples Terrane) Momus Sandstone TZIIA semischist (Caples Terrane)
Momus Sandstone TZIIB semischist (Caples Terrane) Momus Sandstone TZIIB semischist (Caples Terrane)
Monowai Formation (Waiau Group) Monowai Formation (Waiau Group)
Monro Conglomerate Monro Conglomerate
Montgomerie Pluton granite (Karamea Suite) Montgomerie Pluton granite (Karamea Suite)
Motukaraka Sandstone (Mangakahia Complex) in Northland Allochthon Motukaraka Sandstone (Mangakahia Complex) in Northland Allochthon
Motuouhi Formation of Hukatere Subgroup (Waitakere Group) Motuouhi Formation of Hukatere Subgroup (Waitakere Group)
Mouat Pluton (Separation Point Suite) Mouat Pluton (Separation Point Suite)
Mount Anau Complex (Inboard Darran Suite) Mount Anau Complex (Inboard Darran Suite)
Mount Barber Gneiss (Takaka Terrane) Mount Barber Gneiss (Takaka Terrane)
Mount Barber Gneiss schist (Takaka Terrane) Mount Barber Gneiss schist (Takaka Terrane)
Mount Brown Formation (Motunau Group) Mount Brown Formation (Motunau Group)
Mount Brown Formation, Tokama Siltstone and Waikari Formation (Motunau Group) Mount Brown Formation, Tokama Siltstone and Waikari Formation (Motunau Group)
Mount George Gabbro (Inboard Darran Suite) Mount George Gabbro (Inboard Darran Suite)
Mount Graham Granite (Karamea Suite) Mount Graham Granite (Karamea Suite)
Mount Herbert Volcanics basaltic lava, breccia and sediments Mount Herbert Volcanics basaltic lava, breccia and sediments
Mount Messenger Formation (Whangamomona Group and Wai-Iti Group) Mount Messenger Formation (Whangamomona Group and Wai-Iti Group)
Mount Solitary Granodiorite (Paringa Suite) Mount Solitary Granodiorite (Paringa Suite)
Mount Somers Volcanics basaltic to dacitic andesite flows Mount Somers Volcanics basaltic to dacitic andesite flows
Mount Somers Volcanics ignimbrite Mount Somers Volcanics ignimbrite
Mount Somers Volcanics porphyritic rhyolitic Mount Somers Volcanics porphyritic rhyolitic
Mount Somers Volcanics rhyolite Mount Somers Volcanics rhyolite
Mount Somers Volcanics rhyolitic tuff Mount Somers Volcanics rhyolitic tuff
Mount St Mary Formation TZIIA schist Mount St Mary Formation TZIIA schist
Mount St Mary Formation sandstone/siltstone Mount St Mary Formation sandstone/siltstone
Mount Webb Gneiss (Median Batholith) Mount Webb Gneiss (Median Batholith)
Moutere Gravel (Tadmor Group) Moutere Gravel (Tadmor Group)
Mt Beckman Norite Mt Beckman Norite
Mt Edgar Diorite (Inboard Darran Suite) Mt Edgar Diorite (Inboard Darran Suite)
Mt Evans Pluton diorite (Karamea Suite) Mt Evans Pluton diorite (Karamea Suite)
Mt Evans Pluton granite (Karamea Suite) Mt Evans Pluton granite (Karamea Suite)
Mt Gore Pluton granite (Separation Point Suite) Mt Gore Pluton granite (Separation Point Suite)
Mt Haast Pluton granite (Karamea Suite) Mt Haast Pluton granite (Karamea Suite)
Mt Ross Pluton granite (Rahu Suite) Mt Ross Pluton granite (Rahu Suite)
Mungaroa Limestone Formation (Tora Group) Mungaroa Limestone Formation (Tora Group)
Murchison Intrusives gabbro (Darran Suite) Murchison Intrusives gabbro (Darran Suite)
Murchison Intrusives granodiorite (Darran Suite) Murchison Intrusives granodiorite (Darran Suite)
Murchison Intrusives quartz diorite (Darran Suite) Murchison Intrusives quartz diorite (Darran Suite)
Murcott Burn Andesites (Largs Group) Murcott Burn Andesites (Largs Group)
Murihiku Supergroup conglomerate Murihiku Supergroup conglomerate
Murihiku Supergroup volcaniclastic sandstone Murihiku Supergroup volcaniclastic sandstone
Murimotu Intrusives (Tangihua Complex) in Northland Allochthon Murimotu Intrusives (Tangihua Complex) in Northland Allochthon
Muscovite biotite granite and granodiorite Bonar Orthogneiss Muscovite biotite granite and granodiorite Bonar Orthogneiss
Mylonitised garnet biotite granitoid Bonar Orthogneiss Mylonitised garnet biotite granitoid Bonar Orthogneiss
Neck Granite Neck Granite
New Brighton Conglomerate (Ohai Group) New Brighton Conglomerate (Ohai Group)
Newcastle Group Early Jurassic siltstone (Murihiku Terrane) Newcastle Group Early Jurassic siltstone (Murihiku Terrane)
Newcastle Group Late Triassic siltstone (Murihiku Terrane) Newcastle Group Late Triassic siltstone (Murihiku Terrane)
Newton River Pluton (Karamea Suite) Newton River Pluton (Karamea Suite)
Ngahape Volcanic Complex (Mangapurupuru Group) Ngahape Volcanic Complex (Mangapurupuru Group)
Ngaroma Formation ignimbrite (Pakaumanu Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Ngaroma Formation ignimbrite (Pakaumanu Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Ngatoka Member of Ruarangi Formation of Bream Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Ngatoka Member of Ruarangi Formation of Bream Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Ngatutura Basalts (Kerikeri Volcanic Group) of Ngatutura volcanic field Ngatutura Basalts (Kerikeri Volcanic Group) of Ngatutura volcanic field
Ngauruhoe Andesite (Tongariro Subgroup) of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Ngauruhoe Andesite (Tongariro Subgroup) of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Nidd Formation (Hapuku Group) Nidd Formation (Hapuku Group)
Nihotupu Formation and Piha Formation of Manukau Subgroup (Waitakere Group) Nihotupu Formation and Piha Formation of Manukau Subgroup (Waitakere Group)
Nihotupu Formation of Manukau Subgroup (Waitakere Group) Nihotupu Formation of Manukau Subgroup (Waitakere Group)
Nile Group and Stillwater Mudstone (Blue Bottom Group) Nile Group and Stillwater Mudstone (Blue Bottom Group)
North Arm Pluton diorite North Arm Pluton diorite
North Arm Pluton gneiss North Arm Pluton gneiss
North Cape Formation (Pakawau Group) North Cape Formation (Pakawau Group)
North Fiord Granite (Separation Point Suite) North Fiord Granite (Separation Point Suite)
North Port Granite (Rahu Suite) North Port Granite (Rahu Suite)
North Range Group conglomerate North Range Group conglomerate
North Range Group siltstone North Range Group siltstone
Nowhere Formation siltstone (Mount Potts Group) Nowhere Formation siltstone (Mount Potts Group)
Nurse Formation (Largs Group) Nurse Formation (Largs Group)
Nurse Suite (Darran Suite) Nurse Suite (Darran Suite)
O'Keefe Formation (Blue Bottom Group) O'Keefe Formation (Blue Bottom Group)
O'Sullivans Granite (Karamea Suite) O'Sullivans Granite (Karamea Suite)
OIS1 (Holocene) Okataina Group rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre OIS1 (Holocene) Okataina Group rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre
OIS1 (Holocene) Taupo Group rhyolite of Taupo Volcanic Centre OIS1 (Holocene) Taupo Group rhyolite of Taupo Volcanic Centre
OIS1 (Holocene) Taupo Group tephra of Taupo Volcanic Centre OIS1 (Holocene) Taupo Group tephra of Taupo Volcanic Centre
OIS1 (Holocene) White Island Formation andesite of Central Cone OIS1 (Holocene) White Island Formation andesite of Central Cone
OIS1 (Holocene) active dune deposits OIS1 (Holocene) active dune deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) active ocean beach deposits OIS1 (Holocene) active ocean beach deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) active riverbed deposits OIS1 (Holocene) active riverbed deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) anthropic deposits OIS1 (Holocene) anthropic deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) debris avalanche deposits (Murimotu Formation) of Tongariro Volcanic Centre OIS1 (Holocene) debris avalanche deposits (Murimotu Formation) of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
OIS1 (Holocene) debris avalanche deposits (Opua Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre OIS1 (Holocene) debris avalanche deposits (Opua Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre
OIS1 (Holocene) debris avalanche deposits at Ketetahi OIS1 (Holocene) debris avalanche deposits at Ketetahi
OIS1 (Holocene) dune deposits OIS1 (Holocene) dune deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) engineered fill OIS1 (Holocene) engineered fill
OIS1 (Holocene) estuary deposits OIS1 (Holocene) estuary deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) fan deposits OIS1 (Holocene) fan deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) glacier deposits OIS1 (Holocene) glacier deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) lahar flow deposits (Hangatahua Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre OIS1 (Holocene) lahar flow deposits (Hangatahua Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre
OIS1 (Holocene) lahar flow deposits (Kahui Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre OIS1 (Holocene) lahar flow deposits (Kahui Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre
OIS1 (Holocene) lahar flow deposits (Ngatoro Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre OIS1 (Holocene) lahar flow deposits (Ngatoro Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre
OIS1 (Holocene) lahar flow deposits (Te Popo Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre OIS1 (Holocene) lahar flow deposits (Te Popo Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre
OIS1 (Holocene) lahar flow deposits (Warea Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre OIS1 (Holocene) lahar flow deposits (Warea Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre
OIS1 (Holocene) lahar flow deposits of Tongariro Volcanic Centre OIS1 (Holocene) lahar flow deposits of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
OIS1 (Holocene) lake beach deposits OIS1 (Holocene) lake beach deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) lake breakout deposits from Okataina Volcanic Centre OIS1 (Holocene) lake breakout deposits from Okataina Volcanic Centre
OIS1 (Holocene) lake deposits OIS1 (Holocene) lake deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) lake gravel OIS1 (Holocene) lake gravel
OIS1 (Holocene) landfill OIS1 (Holocene) landfill
OIS1 (Holocene) landfill and reclaimed land OIS1 (Holocene) landfill and reclaimed land
OIS1 (Holocene) landslide deposits OIS1 (Holocene) landslide deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) mining waste OIS1 (Holocene) mining waste
OIS1 (Holocene) ocean beach deposits OIS1 (Holocene) ocean beach deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) parabolic dunes OIS1 (Holocene) parabolic dunes
OIS1 (Holocene) reclaimed land OIS1 (Holocene) reclaimed land
OIS1 (Holocene) river delta deposits OIS1 (Holocene) river delta deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) river deposits OIS1 (Holocene) river deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) river deposits (Taupo Pumice Alluvium) OIS1 (Holocene) river deposits (Taupo Pumice Alluvium)
OIS1 (Holocene) river deposits derived from Tarawera Formation OIS1 (Holocene) river deposits derived from Tarawera Formation
OIS1 (Holocene) rock avalanche deposits OIS1 (Holocene) rock avalanche deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) rock glacier deposits OIS1 (Holocene) rock glacier deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) scree deposits OIS1 (Holocene) scree deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) stable dune deposits OIS1 (Holocene) stable dune deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) swamp deposits OIS1 (Holocene) swamp deposits
OIS10 (Middle Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre OIS10 (Middle Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
OIS10 (Middle Pleistocene) debris avalanche deposits (Eltham Formation to Egmont Volcanic Centre) OIS10 (Middle Pleistocene) debris avalanche deposits (Eltham Formation to Egmont Volcanic Centre)
OIS10 (Middle Pleistocene) fan deposits OIS10 (Middle Pleistocene) fan deposits
OIS10 (Middle Pleistocene) glacier deposits OIS10 (Middle Pleistocene) glacier deposits
OIS10 (Middle Pleistocene) landslide deposits OIS10 (Middle Pleistocene) landslide deposits
OIS10 (Middle Pleistocene) outwash deposits OIS10 (Middle Pleistocene) outwash deposits
OIS10 (Middle Pleistocene) river deposits OIS10 (Middle Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS10-OIS3 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) glacier deposits OIS10-OIS3 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) glacier deposits
OIS10-OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) fan deposits OIS10-OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) fan deposits
OIS10-OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) glacier deposits OIS10-OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) glacier deposits
OIS10-OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) outwash deposits OIS10-OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) outwash deposits
OIS10-OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) river deposits OIS10-OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS11 (Middle Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre OIS11 (Middle Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
OIS11 (Middle Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits OIS11 (Middle Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits
OIS11-OIS5 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) lahar flow deposits of Tongariro Volcanic Centre OIS11-OIS5 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) lahar flow deposits of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
OIS12 (Middle Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite mantled by thick Mangaone Subgroup fall deposits of Okataina Volcanic Centre OIS12 (Middle Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite mantled by thick Mangaone Subgroup fall deposits of Okataina Volcanic Centre
OIS12 (Middle Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre OIS12 (Middle Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
OIS12 (Middle Pleistocene) fan deposits OIS12 (Middle Pleistocene) fan deposits
OIS12 (Middle Pleistocene) glacier deposits OIS12 (Middle Pleistocene) glacier deposits
OIS12 (Middle Pleistocene) lake deposits OIS12 (Middle Pleistocene) lake deposits
OIS12 (Middle Pleistocene) outwash deposits OIS12 (Middle Pleistocene) outwash deposits
OIS12 (Middle Pleistocene) river deposits OIS12 (Middle Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS13 (Middle Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits OIS13 (Middle Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits
OIS13 (Middle Pleistocene) rhyolite of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres OIS13 (Middle Pleistocene) rhyolite of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres
OIS14 (Early Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre OIS14 (Early Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
OIS14 (Early Pleistocene) fan deposits OIS14 (Early Pleistocene) fan deposits
OIS14+-OIS12 (Early Pleistocene to Middle Pleistocene) river deposits and ignimbrite OIS14+-OIS12 (Early Pleistocene to Middle Pleistocene) river deposits and ignimbrite
OIS15 (Early Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits OIS15 (Early Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits
OIS16 (Early Pleistocene) glacier deposits OIS16 (Early Pleistocene) glacier deposits
OIS16 (Early Pleistocene) outwash deposits OIS16 (Early Pleistocene) outwash deposits
OIS16+ (Early Pleistocene) river deposits OIS16+ (Early Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS17 (Early Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits OIS17 (Early Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits
OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) Mangawhero Formation (Ruapehu Group) andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) Mangawhero Formation (Ruapehu Group) andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) North Crater Andesite scoria of Tongariro Volcanic Centre OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) North Crater Andesite scoria of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) Te Mari Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) Te Mari Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) debris avalanche deposits (Pungarehu and Warea formations) of Egmont Volcanic Centre OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) debris avalanche deposits (Pungarehu and Warea formations) of Egmont Volcanic Centre
OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) dune deposits OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) dune deposits
OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) fan and river deposits OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) fan and river deposits
OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) fan deposits OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) fan deposits
OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) glacier deposits OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) glacier deposits
OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) lahar deposits (Te Heuheu Formation) of Tongariro Volcanic Centre OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) lahar deposits (Te Heuheu Formation) of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) lahar flow deposits (Warea Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) lahar flow deposits (Warea Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre
OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) lake gravel OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) lake gravel
OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) landslide deposits OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) landslide deposits
OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) outwash deposits OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) outwash deposits
OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) swamp deposits OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) swamp deposits
OIS2-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) fan and river deposits OIS2-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) fan and river deposits
OIS2-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) fan deposits OIS2-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) fan deposits
OIS2-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) glacier deposits OIS2-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) glacier deposits
OIS2-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) lake beach deposits OIS2-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) lake beach deposits
OIS2-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) landslide deposits OIS2-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) landslide deposits
OIS2-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) river deposits OIS2-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) river deposits
OIS2-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) scree deposits OIS2-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) scree deposits
OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) Maroa Group rhyolite of Maroa Volcanic Centre OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) Maroa Group rhyolite of Maroa Volcanic Centre
OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) North Crater Andesite lava of Tongariro Volcanic Centre OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) North Crater Andesite lava of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre
OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) Taupo Group crystal rich rhyolite of Taupo Volcanic Centre OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) Taupo Group crystal rich rhyolite of Taupo Volcanic Centre
OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) Taupo Group rhyolite of Taupo Volcanic Centre OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) Taupo Group rhyolite of Taupo Volcanic Centre
OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) Te Mari Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) Te Mari Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) debris avalanche deposit (Ngaere Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) debris avalanche deposit (Ngaere Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre
OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) fan deposits OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) fan deposits
OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) lahar deposits (Horopito Formation) of Tongariro Volcanic Centre OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) lahar deposits (Horopito Formation) of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) lahar deposits of Egmont Volcanic Centre OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) lahar deposits of Egmont Volcanic Centre
OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) lake deposits OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) lake deposits
OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits
OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) river sand deposits OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) river sand deposits
OIS3-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) glacier deposits OIS3-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) glacier deposits
OIS3-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) river deposits OIS3-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) river deposits
OIS3-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) Mangawhero Formation (Ruapehu Group) andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre OIS3-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) Mangawhero Formation (Ruapehu Group) andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
OIS3-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) fan deposits OIS3-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) fan deposits
OIS3-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits OIS3-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS3-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits (Hinuera Formation) OIS3-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits (Hinuera Formation)
OIS3-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) scree deposits OIS3-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) scree deposits
OIS3-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) stable dune deposits OIS3-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) stable dune deposits
OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) fan deposits OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) fan deposits
OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) glacier deposits OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) glacier deposits
OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) lake deposits OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) lake deposits
OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) loess deposits OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) loess deposits
OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits
OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) outwash deposits OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) outwash deposits
OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS4-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) estuary, river and swamp deposits OIS4-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) estuary, river and swamp deposits
OIS4-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) fan deposits OIS4-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) fan deposits
OIS4-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) landslide deposits OIS4-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) landslide deposits
OIS4-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) river deposits OIS4-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) river deposits
OIS4-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) scree deposits OIS4-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) scree deposits
OIS4-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) swamp deposits OIS4-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) swamp deposits
OIS4-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) fan and river deposits OIS4-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) fan and river deposits
OIS4-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) fan deposits OIS4-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) fan deposits
OIS4-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) glacier deposits OIS4-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) glacier deposits
OIS4-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits OIS4-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS4-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) stable dune deposits OIS4-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) stable dune deposits
OIS4-OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) lahar deposits (Stratford Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre OIS4-OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) lahar deposits (Stratford Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre
OIS4-OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits OIS4-OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS5 (Late Paleocene) Taupo Group rhyolite of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres OIS5 (Late Paleocene) Taupo Group rhyolite of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres
OIS5 (Late Paleocene) Taupo Group rhyolite of Taupo Volcanic Centre OIS5 (Late Paleocene) Taupo Group rhyolite of Taupo Volcanic Centre
OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) Maroa Group rhyolite of Maroa Volcanic Centre OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) Maroa Group rhyolite of Maroa Volcanic Centre
OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) debris avalanche deposits (Okawa Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) debris avalanche deposits (Okawa Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre
OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) fan deposits OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) fan deposits
OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) landslide deposits OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) landslide deposits
OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits
OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) parabolic dunes OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) parabolic dunes
OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) river, lake and swamp deposits OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) river, lake and swamp deposits
OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) stable dune deposits OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) stable dune deposits
OIS5+ (Early Pleistocene to Middle Pleistocene) dune deposits OIS5+ (Early Pleistocene to Middle Pleistocene) dune deposits
OIS5+ (Early Pleistocene to Middle Pleistocene) estuary, river and swamp deposits OIS5+ (Early Pleistocene to Middle Pleistocene) estuary, river and swamp deposits
OIS5+ (Early Pleistocene to Middle Pleistocene) pumicious river deposits OIS5+ (Early Pleistocene to Middle Pleistocene) pumicious river deposits
OIS5+ (Early Pleistocene to Middle Pleistocene) river deposits OIS5+ (Early Pleistocene to Middle Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS5+ (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) fan and river deposits OIS5+ (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) fan and river deposits
OIS5+-OIS2 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) fan deposits OIS5+-OIS2 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) fan deposits
OIS5+-OIS2 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) river and hill slope deposits OIS5+-OIS2 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) river and hill slope deposits
OIS5-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) glacier deposits OIS5-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) glacier deposits
OIS5-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) river deposits OIS5-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) river deposits
OIS5-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) landslide deposits OIS5-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) landslide deposits
OIS5-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits OIS5-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS5-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) stable dune deposits OIS5-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) stable dune deposits
OIS5-OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) lahar deposits (Waimarino Formation) of Tongariro Volcanic Centre OIS5-OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) lahar deposits (Waimarino Formation) of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
OIS5-OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits OIS5-OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS5-OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) stable dune deposits OIS5-OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) stable dune deposits
OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) Maroa Group rhyolite of Maroa Volcanic Centre OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) Maroa Group rhyolite of Maroa Volcanic Centre
OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) debris avalanche deposits (Motunui Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) debris avalanche deposits (Motunui Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre
OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) fan deposits OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) fan deposits
OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) glacier deposits OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) glacier deposits
OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) loess deposits OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) loess deposits
OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits
OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) outwash deposits OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) outwash deposits
OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) rhyolite of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) rhyolite of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres
OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) river deposits OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS6+ (Early Pleistocene to Middle Pleistocene) estuary, river and swamp deposits OIS6+ (Early Pleistocene to Middle Pleistocene) estuary, river and swamp deposits
OIS6-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) lahar flow deposits of Tongariro Volcanic Centre OIS6-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) lahar flow deposits of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
OIS6-OIS1 (Middle Pleistocene to Holocene) fan deposits OIS6-OIS1 (Middle Pleistocene to Holocene) fan deposits
OIS6-OIS2 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) fan deposits OIS6-OIS2 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) fan deposits
OIS6-OIS2 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) lahar flow deposits of Tongariro Volcanic Centre OIS6-OIS2 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) lahar flow deposits of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
OIS6-OIS2 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) river deposits OIS6-OIS2 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS6-OIS4 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) Maroa Group rhyolite pyroclastics of Maroa Volcanic Centre OIS6-OIS4 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) Maroa Group rhyolite pyroclastics of Maroa Volcanic Centre
OIS6-OIS4 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) fan deposits OIS6-OIS4 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) fan deposits
OIS6-OIS4 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) glacier deposits OIS6-OIS4 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) glacier deposits
OIS6-OIS4 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) lake deposits OIS6-OIS4 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) lake deposits
OIS6-OIS4 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) lake deposits mantled by thick Mangaone Subgroup fall deposits of Okataina Volcanic Centre OIS6-OIS4 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) lake deposits mantled by thick Mangaone Subgroup fall deposits of Okataina Volcanic Centre
OIS6-OIS4 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) river deposits OIS6-OIS4 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS7 (Middle Pleistocene) Maroa Group rhyolite of Maroa Volcanic Centre OIS7 (Middle Pleistocene) Maroa Group rhyolite of Maroa Volcanic Centre
OIS7 (Middle Pleistocene) Maroa Group rhyolite pyroclastics of Maroa Volcanic Centre OIS7 (Middle Pleistocene) Maroa Group rhyolite pyroclastics of Maroa Volcanic Centre
OIS7 (Middle Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre OIS7 (Middle Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
OIS7 (Middle Pleistocene) ignimbrite of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres OIS7 (Middle Pleistocene) ignimbrite of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres
OIS7 (Middle Pleistocene) lake deposits OIS7 (Middle Pleistocene) lake deposits
OIS7 (Middle Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits OIS7 (Middle Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits
OIS7 (Middle Pleistocene) river deposits OIS7 (Middle Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS7-OIS5 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre OIS7-OIS5 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre
OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) Maroa Group rhyolite of Maroa Volcanic Centre OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) Maroa Group rhyolite of Maroa Volcanic Centre
OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) debris avalanche deposits (Maitahi Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) debris avalanche deposits (Maitahi Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre
OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) fan deposits OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) fan deposits
OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) glacier deposits OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) glacier deposits
OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) loess deposits OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) loess deposits
OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) outwash deposits OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) outwash deposits
OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) river deposits OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS8+ (Middle Pleistocene) alluvial deposits OIS8+ (Middle Pleistocene) alluvial deposits
OIS8+ (Middle Pleistocene) fan deposits OIS8+ (Middle Pleistocene) fan deposits
OIS8+ (Middle Pleistocene) loess deposits OIS8+ (Middle Pleistocene) loess deposits
OIS8+ (Middle Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits OIS8+ (Middle Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits
OIS8+ (Middle Pleistocene) river deposits OIS8+ (Middle Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS8-OIS2 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) river deposits OIS8-OIS2 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS8-OIS4 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) fan deposits OIS8-OIS4 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) fan deposits
OIS8-OIS4 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) river deposits OIS8-OIS4 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS8-OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) fan deposits OIS8-OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) fan deposits
OIS8-OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) outwash deposits OIS8-OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) outwash deposits
OIS8-OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) river deposits OIS8-OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS8-OIS7 (Middle Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite pyroclastics mantled by thick Mangaone Subgroup fall deposits of Okataina Volcanic Centre OIS8-OIS7 (Middle Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite pyroclastics mantled by thick Mangaone Subgroup fall deposits of Okataina Volcanic Centre
OIS8-OIS7 (Middle Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre OIS8-OIS7 (Middle Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre
OIS9 (Middle Pleistocene) Maroa Group rhyolite of Maroa Volcanic Centre OIS9 (Middle Pleistocene) Maroa Group rhyolite of Maroa Volcanic Centre
OIS9 (Middle Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre OIS9 (Middle Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
OIS9 (Middle Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits OIS9 (Middle Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits
OIS9 (Middle Pleistocene) river deposits OIS9 (Middle Pleistocene) river deposits
Oamaru Diatomite (Alma Group) Oamaru Diatomite (Alma Group)
Ohakune Tephra Formation (Ruapehu Group) andesite lava of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Ohakune Tephra Formation (Ruapehu Group) andesite lava of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Ohakuri Formation ignimbrite of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres Ohakuri Formation ignimbrite of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres
Ohinemuri Subgroup ignimbrite (Whitianga Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Ohinemuri Subgroup ignimbrite (Whitianga Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Oira Pyroclastics (Mayor Island Group) Oira Pyroclastics (Mayor Island Group)
Okareka Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre Okareka Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Okari Granite-Gneiss (Karamea Suite) Okari Granite-Gneiss (Karamea Suite)
Okaroro Formation of Hukatere Subgroup (Waitakere Group) Okaroro Formation of Hukatere Subgroup (Waitakere Group)
Okete Volcanic Formation (Alexandra Volcanic Group) Okete Volcanic Formation (Alexandra Volcanic Group)
Old Man Group gravel Old Man Group gravel
Old Man Group sandstone Old Man Group sandstone
Omahia Formation andesite of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Omahia Formation andesite of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Omahine Subgroup andesite and dacite (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Omahine Subgroup andesite and dacite (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Omahuta Sandstone (Motatau Complex) in Northland Allochthon Omahuta Sandstone (Motatau Complex) in Northland Allochthon
Omahuta sandstone and siltstone (Caples Terrane) Omahuta sandstone and siltstone (Caples Terrane)
Omaio sandstone and mudstone (Pahau Terrane) Omaio sandstone and mudstone (Pahau Terrane)
Omaki Orthogneiss (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) Omaki Orthogneiss (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
Omaki tonalitic orthogneiss (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) Omaki tonalitic orthogneiss (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
Omapere Conglomerate of Waipoua Subgroup (Waitakere Group) Omapere Conglomerate of Waipoua Subgroup (Waitakere Group)
Omatane Limestone (Whenuakura Group) Omatane Limestone (Whenuakura Group)
Omoho Formation of Kuaotunu Subgroup (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Omoho Formation of Kuaotunu Subgroup (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Onawe Syenite and Duvauchelle Gabbro (Akaroa Volcanic Group) Onawe Syenite and Duvauchelle Gabbro (Akaroa Volcanic Group)
One Mile Gabbronorite (Tasman Intrusives) One Mile Gabbronorite (Tasman Intrusives)
Onekaka Schist Formation (Mount Arthur Group) Onekaka Schist Formation (Mount Arthur Group)
Onemama Formation of Waro Subgroup (Waitemata Group) in Northland Allochthon Onemama Formation of Waro Subgroup (Waitemata Group) in Northland Allochthon
Ongaroto Formation basalt of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres Ongaroto Formation basalt of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres
Ongaroto Group rhyolite of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Ongaroto Group rhyolite of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Ongaroto Group rhyolite pyroclastics of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Ongaroto Group rhyolite pyroclastics of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Ongatiti Formation ignimbrite (Pakaumanu Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Ongatiti Formation ignimbrite (Pakaumanu Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Only Islands Diorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss / Separation Point Suite) Only Islands Diorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss / Separation Point Suite)
Oponae Melange (Matawai Group) Oponae Melange (Matawai Group)
Orahiri Limestone of Upper Te Kuiti Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group) Orahiri Limestone of Upper Te Kuiti Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group)
Oraka Diorite (Brook Street Volcanics Group) Oraka Diorite (Brook Street Volcanics Group)
Orangipongo Formation, Mangaonoho Formation and Vinegar Hill Formation (Rangitikei Group) Orangipongo Formation, Mangaonoho Formation and Vinegar Hill Formation (Rangitikei Group)
Orauea Formation (Nightcaps Group) Orauea Formation (Nightcaps Group)
Orepuki Formation (Waiau Group) Orepuki Formation (Waiau Group)
Oruanui Formation ignimbrite (Taupo Group) of Taupo Volcanic Centre Oruanui Formation ignimbrite (Taupo Group) of Taupo Volcanic Centre
Oruawharo Hyaloclastite of Hukatere Subgroup (Waitakere Group) Oruawharo Hyaloclastite of Hukatere Subgroup (Waitakere Group)
Otaihanga Quartzite and Muaupoko Greensand Otaihanga Quartzite and Muaupoko Greensand
Otaketake Formation (Taupo Group) basalt of Taupo Volcanic Centre Otaketake Formation (Taupo Group) basalt of Taupo Volcanic Centre
Otanomomo Complex (Otanomomo Complex) Otanomomo Complex (Otanomomo Complex)
Otauanui Intrusive andesite (Orangiwhao Intrusive Group) Otauanui Intrusive andesite (Orangiwhao Intrusive Group)
Otawa Formation (Whitianga Group) andesite of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Otawa Formation (Whitianga Group) andesite of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Otekaike Limestone and Kokoamu Greensand (Kekenodon Group) Otekaike Limestone and Kokoamu Greensand (Kekenodon Group)
Otimataura Conglomerate Member of Rakopi Formation (Pakawau Group) Otimataura Conglomerate Member of Rakopi Formation (Pakawau Group)
Otorohanga Limestone of Upper Te Kuiti Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group) Otorohanga Limestone of Upper Te Kuiti Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group)
Ototara Limestone (Alma Group) Ototara Limestone (Alma Group)
Otu Ultramafics (Brook Street Volcanics Group) Otu Ultramafics (Brook Street Volcanics Group)
Otueka Formation and Waiwhatawhata Conglomerate (Otaua Group) Otueka Formation and Waiwhatawhata Conglomerate (Otaua Group)
Otumotu Formation Otumotu Formation
Otunui Formation (Whangamomona Group) Otunui Formation (Whangamomona Group)
Otunui Formation and Mangarara Formation (Whangamomona Group) Otunui Formation and Mangarara Formation (Whangamomona Group)
Owhena Formation (Tinui Group) Owhena Formation (Tinui Group)
Paeroa Subgroup ignimbrite (Whakamaru Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Paeroa Subgroup ignimbrite (Whakamaru Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Pah Point Granite (Rahu Suite) Pah Point Granite (Rahu Suite)
Pahau Terrane sandstone Pahau Terrane sandstone
Pahau Terrane volcanics Pahau Terrane volcanics
Pahau chert Pahau chert
Pahau conglomerate Pahau conglomerate
Pahau sandstone and mudstone Pahau sandstone and mudstone
Pahau spilitic basalt, dolerite and camptonite Pahau spilitic basalt, dolerite and camptonite
Pahia Intrusives Pahia Intrusives
Pahoka Formation andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Pahoka Formation andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Pakaurangi Formation of Hukatere Subgroup (Waitakere Group) Pakaurangi Formation of Hukatere Subgroup (Waitakere Group)
Pakiri Formation of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Pakiri Formation of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Pakiri Formation of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group) in Northland Allochthon Pakiri Formation of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group) in Northland Allochthon
Palisade Andesite (Tasman Intrusives) Palisade Andesite (Tasman Intrusives)
Pandora Orthogneiss Pandora Orthogneiss
Papakura Limestone of Kawau Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Papakura Limestone of Kawau Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Papamoa Formation (Whitianga Group) ignimbrite of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Papamoa Formation (Whitianga Group) ignimbrite of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Paparoa Coal Measures (Mawheranui Group) Paparoa Coal Measures (Mawheranui Group)
Parakiore Pelite Formation (Cameron Group) Parakiore Pelite Formation (Cameron Group)
Paratoetoe Formation (Parengarenga Group) Paratoetoe Formation (Parengarenga Group)
Paritu Plutonics of Kuaotunu Subgroup (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Paritu Plutonics of Kuaotunu Subgroup (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Park Volcanics Group Park Volcanics Group
Paton Formation (Seymour Group) Paton Formation (Seymour Group)
Patriarch, Owen formations (Mount Patriarch Group) Patriarch, Owen formations (Mount Patriarch Group)
Patuki Melange Patuki Melange
Pebbly Hill Gravels Pebbly Hill Gravels
Pecksniff Metasedimentary Gneiss (Charleston Metamorphic Group) Pecksniff Metasedimentary Gneiss (Charleston Metamorphic Group)
Pegasus Group schist Pegasus Group schist
Pegasus Group schist with pegmatite dikes Pegasus Group schist with pegmatite dikes
Pember Diorite (Torlesse Composite Terrane) Pember Diorite (Torlesse Composite Terrane)
Pembroke Granulite (Median Batholith) Pembroke Granulite (Median Batholith)
Penguin Rock Intrusives Penguin Rock Intrusives
Pensini Granodiorite (Separation Point Suite) Pensini Granodiorite (Separation Point Suite)
Peters Lavas of Egmont Volcanic Centre Peters Lavas of Egmont Volcanic Centre
Picton Conglomerate, Elevation Mudstone and Shakespeare Bay Sandstone Picton Conglomerate, Elevation Mudstone and Shakespeare Bay Sandstone
Piha Formation of Manukau Subgroup (Waitakere Group) Piha Formation of Manukau Subgroup (Waitakere Group)
Pihanga Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Pihanga Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Pikikiruna Schist Formation (Mount Arthur Group) Pikikiruna Schist Formation (Mount Arthur Group)
Pirongia Volcanic Formation (Alexandra Volcanic Group) Pirongia Volcanic Formation (Alexandra Volcanic Group)
Plateau Pluton (Darran Suite) Plateau Pluton (Darran Suite)
Platform Gneiss Platform Gneiss
Pleasant Pluton (?Paringa Suite) Pleasant Pluton (?Paringa Suite)
Pleistocene to Holocene sinter Pleistocene to Holocene sinter
Pliocene Hautotara Formation sandstone Pliocene Hautotara Formation sandstone
Pliocene mudstone (Mangamaire Group, Mangahea Group, Te Aute Group, Hurupi Group, Tolaga Group, Moa Group, Makuri Group, Onoke Group) Pliocene mudstone (Mangamaire Group, Mangahea Group, Te Aute Group, Hurupi Group, Tolaga Group, Moa Group, Makuri Group, Onoke Group)
Pliocene sandstone and siltstone (Mangaheia Group) Pliocene sandstone and siltstone (Mangaheia Group)
Pohangina Melange (Torlesse Terrane) Pohangina Melange (Torlesse Terrane)
Point Burn Formation conglomerate (Waiau Group) Point Burn Formation conglomerate (Waiau Group)
Point Burn Formation conglomerate, breccia and sandstone (Waiau Group) Point Burn Formation conglomerate, breccia and sandstone (Waiau Group)
Point Burn Formation massive sandstone (Waiau Group) Point Burn Formation massive sandstone (Waiau Group)
Pokai Formation ignimbrite of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres Pokai Formation ignimbrite of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres
Pokas Formation of Waipoua Subgroup (Waitakere Group) Pokas Formation of Waipoua Subgroup (Waitakere Group)
Pokopoko Formation (Okataina Group) ignimbrite of Okataina Volcanic Centre Pokopoko Formation (Okataina Group) ignimbrite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Pokororo Pyroxenite (Riwaka Igneous Complex Group) Pokororo Pyroxenite (Riwaka Igneous Complex Group)
Pomahaka Formation (East Southland Group) Pomahaka Formation (East Southland Group)
Pomona Island Granite (Median Batholith) Pomona Island Granite (Median Batholith)
Porphyritic ignimbrite flows and rare andesitic flows (Mount Somers Volcanics Group) Porphyritic ignimbrite flows and rare andesitic flows (Mount Somers Volcanics Group)
Port Craig Formation (Waiau Group) Port Craig Formation (Waiau Group)
Port Elizabeth Member of Kaiata Formation (Rapahoe Group) Port Elizabeth Member of Kaiata Formation (Rapahoe Group)
Port Hills Gravel (Tadmor Group) Port Hills Gravel (Tadmor Group)
Poteriteri Pluton (Foulwind Suite) Poteriteri Pluton (Foulwind Suite)
Pouakai Andesite of Egmont Volcanic Centre Pouakai Andesite of Egmont Volcanic Centre
Pouakani Formation ignimbrite (Pakaumanu Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Pouakani Formation ignimbrite (Pakaumanu Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Pourakino Trondhjemite Pourakino Trondhjemite
Preservation Formation (Fanny Bay Group) Preservation Formation (Fanny Bay Group)
Prices Pluton (Separation Point Suite) Prices Pluton (Separation Point Suite)
Productus Creek Group Productus Creek Group
Prong Lake Formation marble (Cameron Group) Prong Lake Formation marble (Cameron Group)
Prong Lake Formation psammite (Cameron Group) Prong Lake Formation psammite (Cameron Group)
Prospect Formation (Wilderness Group) Prospect Formation (Wilderness Group)
Pudding Hill Formation sandstone and siltstone (Mount Taylor Group) Pudding Hill Formation sandstone and siltstone (Mount Taylor Group)
Puhipuhi Formation (Okataina Group) dacite mantled by thick Mangaone Subgroup fall deposits of Okataina Volcanic Centre Puhipuhi Formation (Okataina Group) dacite mantled by thick Mangaone Subgroup fall deposits of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Puhipuhi Formation (Okataina Group) dacite of Okataina Volcanic Centre Puhipuhi Formation (Okataina Group) dacite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Pukeiti Andesite of Egmont Volcanic Centre Pukeiti Andesite of Egmont Volcanic Centre
Pukekaikiore Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Pukekaikiore Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Pukeonake Andesite (Ruapehu Group) of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Pukeonake Andesite (Ruapehu Group) of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Pukepenga Formation of Kaimai Subgroup (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Pukepenga Formation of Kaimai Subgroup (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Pukepoto Formation (Otaua Group) Pukepoto Formation (Otaua Group)
Pukepoto Formation of Bream Subgroup (Waitemata Group) in Northland Allochthon Pukepoto Formation of Bream Subgroup (Waitemata Group) in Northland Allochthon
Pukerimu Formation and Tikorangi Formation ignimbrite of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Pukerimu Formation and Tikorangi Formation ignimbrite of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Puketarata Formation (Maroa Group) rhyolite of Maroa Volcanic Centre Puketarata Formation (Maroa Group) rhyolite of Maroa Volcanic Centre
Puketarata Formation (Maroa Group) rhyolite pyroclastics of Maroa Volcanic Centre Puketarata Formation (Maroa Group) rhyolite pyroclastics of Maroa Volcanic Centre
Puketi Formation of Hukatere Subgroup (Waitakere Group) Puketi Formation of Hukatere Subgroup (Waitakere Group)
Puketi chert (Caples Terrane) Puketi chert (Caples Terrane)
Puketi melange (Caples Terrane) Puketi melange (Caples Terrane)
Puketi metavolcanics (Caples Terrane) Puketi metavolcanics (Caples Terrane)
Puketi metavolcanics and chert (Caples Terrane) Puketi metavolcanics and chert (Caples Terrane)
Punakitere Sandstone (Mangakahia Complex) in Northland Allochthon Punakitere Sandstone (Mangakahia Complex) in Northland Allochthon
Puponga Formation (Pakawau Group) Puponga Formation (Pakawau Group)
Pupuia Formation of Hukatere Subgroup (Waitakere Group) Pupuia Formation of Hukatere Subgroup (Waitakere Group)
Pureora Formation andesite of Taupo Volcanic Zone Pureora Formation andesite of Taupo Volcanic Zone
Puriri Formation of Kaipara Subgroup (Waitemata Group) in Northland Allochthon Puriri Formation of Kaipara Subgroup (Waitemata Group) in Northland Allochthon
Puriri Mudstone (Motatau Complex) in Northland Allochthon Puriri Mudstone (Motatau Complex) in Northland Allochthon
Putauaki Formation (Maroa Group) ignimbrite of Maroa Volcanic Centre Putauaki Formation (Maroa Group) ignimbrite of Maroa Volcanic Centre
Puteketeke Pluton (Separation Point Suite) Puteketeke Pluton (Separation Point Suite)
Raepahu Formation ignimbrite (Pakaumanu Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Raepahu Formation ignimbrite (Pakaumanu Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Rahopaka Formation ignimbrite of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Rahopaka Formation ignimbrite of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Rahu Suite 2-pyroxene monzodiorite, granodiorite and granite Rahu Suite 2-pyroxene monzodiorite, granodiorite and granite
Rahu Suite biotite granite Rahu Suite biotite granite
Rahu Suite biotite granodiorite and tonalite Rahu Suite biotite granodiorite and tonalite
Rahu Suite biotite or muscovite biotite granite Rahu Suite biotite or muscovite biotite granite
Rahu Suite hornblende diorite Rahu Suite hornblende diorite
Rahu Suite leucocratic muscovite granite Rahu Suite leucocratic muscovite granite
Rahu Suite orthogneiss Rahu Suite orthogneiss
Rahu Suite quartz diorite Rahu Suite quartz diorite
Railway Quartz Diorite (Rahu Suite) Railway Quartz Diorite (Rahu Suite)
Rainy River Conglomerate (Teetotal Group) Rainy River Conglomerate (Teetotal Group)
Rakeahua Pluton (Rakeahua Granite Batholith) Rakeahua Pluton (Rakeahua Granite Batholith)
Rakopi Formation (Pakawau Group) Rakopi Formation (Pakawau Group)
Rangataua Member andesite of Whakapapa Formation (Ruapehu Group) of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Rangataua Member andesite of Whakapapa Formation (Ruapehu Group) of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Rangiawhia Volcanics (Houhora Complex) Rangiawhia Volcanics (Houhora Complex)
Rangiputa Granophyre (Houhora Complex) Rangiputa Granophyre (Houhora Complex)
Red Head Pluton (Rahu Suite) Red Head Pluton (Rahu Suite)
Redjacket Granite (Karamea Suite) Redjacket Granite (Karamea Suite)
Reefton Group quartzite Reefton Group quartzite
Refrigerator Orthogneiss (Separation Point Suite) Refrigerator Orthogneiss (Separation Point Suite)
Rengarenga Group sandstone (Murihiku Terrane) Rengarenga Group sandstone (Murihiku Terrane)
Rerewhakaaitu Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre Rerewhakaaitu Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Rerewhakaaitu Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre Rerewhakaaitu Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Resolution Orthogneiss (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) Resolution Orthogneiss (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
Revolver Pluton (Rahu Suite) Revolver Pluton (Rahu Suite)
Richards Point Porphyry Richards Point Porphyry
Ridge Orthogneiss (Ridge Suite) Ridge Orthogneiss (Ridge Suite)
Rip Volcanics in East Coast Allochthon Rip Volcanics in East Coast Allochthon
Ripsaw Pluton granodiorite (Rahu Suite) Ripsaw Pluton granodiorite (Rahu Suite)
Roaring Lion Formation (Greenland Group) Roaring Lion Formation (Greenland Group)
Robin Gneiss Robin Gneiss
Rocky Creek Pluton granite (Rahu Suite) Rocky Creek Pluton granite (Rahu Suite)
Rollers Pluton Rollers Pluton
Rolles Peak Formation andesite of Taupo Volcanic Zone Rolles Peak Formation andesite of Taupo Volcanic Zone
Romanga Formation siltstone of Coroglen Subgroup (Whitianga Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Romanga Formation siltstone of Coroglen Subgroup (Whitianga Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Rotoiti Formation (Okataina Group) ignimbrite mantled by thick Mangaone Subgroup fall deposits of Okataina Volcanic Centre Rotoiti Formation (Okataina Group) ignimbrite mantled by thick Mangaone Subgroup fall deposits of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Rotoiti Formation (Okataina Group) ignimbrite of Okataina Volcanic Centre Rotoiti Formation (Okataina Group) ignimbrite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Rotoiti Gneiss (Tasman Intrusives) Rotoiti Gneiss (Tasman Intrusives)
Rotokawau Formation (Okataina Group) basalt of Okataina Volcanic Centre Rotokawau Formation (Okataina Group) basalt of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Rotokohu Coal Measures Rotokohu Coal Measures
Rotokohu Coal Measures (Blue Bottom Group) Rotokohu Coal Measures (Blue Bottom Group)
Rotoma Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre Rotoma Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Rotoma Formation (Okataina Group) tephra of Okataina Volcanic Centre Rotoma Formation (Okataina Group) tephra of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Rotorua Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre Rotorua Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Rotorua Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre Rotorua Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Rowallan Sandstone (Waiau Group) Rowallan Sandstone (Waiau Group)
Ruahine Granite Ruahine Granite
Ruarangi Formation of Bream Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Ruarangi Formation of Bream Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Ruarangi Formation of Bream Subgroup (Waitemata Group) in Northland Allochthon Ruarangi Formation of Bream Subgroup (Waitemata Group) in Northland Allochthon
Ruatangata Sandstone of Waro Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group) Ruatangata Sandstone of Waro Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group)
Ruatangata Sandstone of Waro Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group) in Northland Allochthon Ruatangata Sandstone of Waro Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group) in Northland Allochthon
Ruggedy Granite (Tobin Suite) Ruggedy Granite (Tobin Suite)
Russet Formation Russet Formation
Saddle Pluton Saddle Pluton
Salisbury Conglomerate Formation (Haupiri Group) Salisbury Conglomerate Formation (Haupiri Group)
Sand Hill Point Formation (Waiau Group) Sand Hill Point Formation (Waiau Group)
Sandfly Formation conglomerate (Annick Group) Sandfly Formation conglomerate (Annick Group)
Sandfly Formation sandstone (Annick Group) Sandfly Formation sandstone (Annick Group)
Schoolhouse Fanglomerate (Hawkdun Group) Schoolhouse Fanglomerate (Hawkdun Group)
Sea View Psammite Formation (Cameron Group) Sea View Psammite Formation (Cameron Group)
Seal Lake Gabbro Seal Lake Gabbro
Seek Cove Formation (Puysegur Group) Seek Cove Formation (Puysegur Group)
Selwyn Creek Gneiss (Inboard Darran Suite) Selwyn Creek Gneiss (Inboard Darran Suite)
Separation Point Suite biotite granite Separation Point Suite biotite granite
Separation Point Suite biotite quartz monzogranite Separation Point Suite biotite quartz monzogranite
Separation Point Suite equigranular hornblende biotite granodiorite Separation Point Suite equigranular hornblende biotite granodiorite
Seventeen Gabbro (Tasman Intrusives) Seventeen Gabbro (Tasman Intrusives)
Sisters Islets Conglomerate Sisters Islets Conglomerate
Skeet Lavas of Egmont Volcanic Centre Skeet Lavas of Egmont Volcanic Centre
Slabby Peak Schist (Skippers Subgroup) Slabby Peak Schist (Skippers Subgroup)
Slip Hill Diorite (Mistake Suite) Slip Hill Diorite (Mistake Suite)
Slip Hill Granodiorite (Mistake Suite) Slip Hill Granodiorite (Mistake Suite)
Smoky Pluton Smoky Pluton
Solander Island Volcanics Solander Island Volcanics
South West Arm Pluton (Rakeahua Granite Batholith) South West Arm Pluton (Rakeahua Granite Batholith)
Spear Peak Formation (Waiau Group) Spear Peak Formation (Waiau Group)
Spillway Formation (Otematata Group) Spillway Formation (Otematata Group)
Split Rock Formation (Coverham Group) Split Rock Formation (Coverham Group)
Spot 59 Pluton (Separation Point Suite) Spot 59 Pluton (Separation Point Suite)
Springhill Formation mudstone (Mangapurupuru Group) Springhill Formation mudstone (Mangapurupuru Group)
St Anne Formation gneiss (Anita Shear Zone) St Anne Formation gneiss (Anita Shear Zone)
Stag Stream Siltstone (North Range Group) Stag Stream Siltstone (North Range Group)
Staircase Lavas of Egmont Volcanic Centre Staircase Lavas of Egmont Volcanic Centre
Staircase Tonalite (Ridge Suite) Staircase Tonalite (Ridge Suite)
Star Formation TZIIA semischist (Caples Terrane) Star Formation TZIIA semischist (Caples Terrane)
Star Formation TZIIB semischist (Caples Terrane) Star Formation TZIIB semischist (Caples Terrane)
Star Formation TZIII schist (Caples Terrane) Star Formation TZIII schist (Caples Terrane)
Star Formation TZIV schist (Caples Terrane) Star Formation TZIV schist (Caples Terrane)
Star Formation sandstone (Caples Terrane) Star Formation sandstone (Caples Terrane)
Starborough Formation (Awatere Group) Starborough Formation (Awatere Group)
Station Conglomerate Formation (Haupiri Group) Station Conglomerate Formation (Haupiri Group)
Steele Granodiorite (Rahu Suite) Steele Granodiorite (Rahu Suite)
Stella Psammite Stella Psammite
Stephens Subgroup (Maitai Group) Stephens Subgroup (Maitai Group)
Stillwater Mudstone (Blue Bottom Group) Stillwater Mudstone (Blue Bottom Group)
Stitts Tuff Member of Ohika Formation (Pororari Group) Stitts Tuff Member of Ohika Formation (Pororari Group)
Straight River Granite Straight River Granite
Stuart Formation (Waiau Group) Stuart Formation (Waiau Group)
Stuart Formation and Point Burn Formation (Waiau Group) Stuart Formation and Point Burn Formation (Waiau Group)
Sugar Loaf Andesite of Egmont Volcanic Centre Sugar Loaf Andesite of Egmont Volcanic Centre
Summit Formation andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Summit Formation andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Summit Granite (Karamea Suite) Summit Granite (Karamea Suite)
Summit Lavas of Egmont Volcanic Centre Summit Lavas of Egmont Volcanic Centre
Supper Cove Orthogneiss (Inboard Darran Suite) Supper Cove Orthogneiss (Inboard Darran Suite)
Supper Cove amphibolitic orthogneiss (Inboard Darran Suite) Supper Cove amphibolitic orthogneiss (Inboard Darran Suite)
Surville Serpentinite (Tangihua Complex) in Northland Allochthon Surville Serpentinite (Tangihua Complex) in Northland Allochthon
Table Hill Orthogneiss Table Hill Orthogneiss
Tahora Formation sandstone (Tinui Group) Tahora Formation sandstone (Tinui Group)
Tahora Formation siltstone (Tinui Group) Tahora Formation siltstone (Tinui Group)
Tahuna unit basaltic andesite (Kiwitahi Volcanic Group) of Tahuna Volcanic Centre Tahuna unit basaltic andesite (Kiwitahi Volcanic Group) of Tahuna Volcanic Centre
Taipa Mudstone (Motatau Complex) in Northland Allochthon Taipa Mudstone (Motatau Complex) in Northland Allochthon
Taipo Formation sandstone (Pahaoa Group) Taipo Formation sandstone (Pahaoa Group)
Taitai Sandstone of Mokoiwi Formation (Ruatoria Group) in East Coast Allochthon Taitai Sandstone of Mokoiwi Formation (Ruatoria Group) in East Coast Allochthon
Takahe Granodiorite (Separation Point Suite) Takahe Granodiorite (Separation Point Suite)
Takaro Formation (Waiau Group) Takaro Formation (Waiau Group)
Tama Formation andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Tama Formation andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Tama Lakes Pyroclastics of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Tama Lakes Pyroclastics of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Tama Trig Lavas andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Tama Trig Lavas andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Tangahoe Mudstone (Rangitikei Group) Tangahoe Mudstone (Rangitikei Group)
Tangarakau Formation sandstone (Mokau Group) Tangarakau Formation sandstone (Mokau Group)
Tangaruhe Formation (Tinui Group) Tangaruhe Formation (Tinui Group)
Tank Gully Coal Measures (Mount Potts Group) Tank Gully Coal Measures (Mount Potts Group)
Tapuwaeroa Formation (Ruatoria Group) Tapuwaeroa Formation (Ruatoria Group)
Tapuwaeroa Formation (Ruatoria Group) in East Coast Allochthon Tapuwaeroa Formation (Ruatoria Group) in East Coast Allochthon
Taratu Formation (Onekakara Group) Taratu Formation (Onekakara Group)
Tarawera Formation (Okataina Group) scoria and mud of Okataina Volcanic Centre Tarawera Formation (Okataina Group) scoria and mud of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Taringatura Group Kaihikuan sandstone Taringatura Group Kaihikuan sandstone
Taringatura Group Warepan sandstone Taringatura Group Warepan sandstone
Taringatura Group sandstone Taringatura Group sandstone
Tarn Summit Pluton granodiorite to tonalite (Karamea Suite) Tarn Summit Pluton granodiorite to tonalite (Karamea Suite)
Tarn Summit Tonalite (Karamea Suite) Tarn Summit Tonalite (Karamea Suite)
Tarpaulin Pluton Tarpaulin Pluton
Tasman, Lake Peel, Mount Benson Sandstone formations (Haupiri Group) Tasman, Lake Peel, Mount Benson Sandstone formations (Haupiri Group)
Tatua Formation (Maroa Group) basalt of Maroa Volcanic Centre Tatua Formation (Maroa Group) basalt of Maroa Volcanic Centre
Tauhara Formation (Taupo Group) dacite of Taupo Volcanic Centre Tauhara Formation (Taupo Group) dacite of Taupo Volcanic Centre
Taumarunui Formation sandstone (Mahoenui Group) Taumarunui Formation sandstone (Mahoenui Group)
Taumatamaire Formation mudstone (Mahoenui Group) Taumatamaire Formation mudstone (Mahoenui Group)
Tauperikaka Coal Measures, Whakapohai Sandstone and Arnott Basalt Tauperikaka Coal Measures, Whakapohai Sandstone and Arnott Basalt
Taupo Pumice Formation of Taupo Volcanic Centre Taupo Pumice Formation of Taupo Volcanic Centre
Taurikura Subgroup andesite (Coromandel Group) Taurikura Subgroup andesite (Coromandel Group)
Taurikura Subgroup breccia (Coromandel Group) Taurikura Subgroup breccia (Coromandel Group)
Taurikura Subgroup dacite (Coromandel Group) Taurikura Subgroup dacite (Coromandel Group)
Te Akatea Formation (Te Kuiti Group) Te Akatea Formation (Te Kuiti Group)
Te Herenga Formation (Ruapehu Group) andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Te Herenga Formation (Ruapehu Group) andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Te Kawa Volcanic Formation (Alexandra Volcanic Group) Te Kawa Volcanic Formation (Alexandra Volcanic Group)
Te Kinga Monzogranite (Rahu Suite) Te Kinga Monzogranite (Rahu Suite)
Te Rere Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre Te Rere Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Te Rere Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre Te Rere Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Te Tatau Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Te Tatau Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Te Waewae Formation (Waiau Group) Te Waewae Formation (Waiau Group)
Te Waewae Formation conglomerate (Waiau Group) Te Waewae Formation conglomerate (Waiau Group)
Te Wera Formation sandstone (Matawai Group) Te Wera Formation sandstone (Matawai Group)
Teer Formation marine silt Teer Formation marine silt
Tekoa Limestone (Motunau Group) Tekoa Limestone (Motunau Group)
Tengawai Coal Measures (Eyre Group) Tengawai Coal Measures (Eyre Group)
Thomas Formation limestone (Kekenodon Group) Thomas Formation limestone (Kekenodon Group)
Thomas Formation tuff (Kekenodon Group) Thomas Formation tuff (Kekenodon Group)
Thompson Formation (Haupiri Group) Thompson Formation (Haupiri Group)
Thundercleft Quartz Diorite (Median Batholith) Thundercleft Quartz Diorite (Median Batholith)
Thurso Formation amphibolite (Anita Shear Zone) Thurso Formation amphibolite (Anita Shear Zone)
Ti Point Group basalt Ti Point Group basalt
Tikapu Formation and Makohine Formation (Rangitikei Group) Tikapu Formation and Makohine Formation (Rangitikei Group)
Tikihore Formation (Ruatoria Group) Cretaceous sandstone and mudstone in East Coast Allochthon Tikihore Formation (Ruatoria Group) Cretaceous sandstone and mudstone in East Coast Allochthon
Tikihore Formation (Ruatoria Group) Early Cretaceous sandstone and mudstone in East Coast Allochthon Tikihore Formation (Ruatoria Group) Early Cretaceous sandstone and mudstone in East Coast Allochthon
Tikihore Formation (Ruatoria Group) Late Cretaceous basalt in East Coast Allochthon Tikihore Formation (Ruatoria Group) Late Cretaceous basalt in East Coast Allochthon
Tikihore Formation (Ruatoria Group) Late Cretaceous breccia in East Coast Allochthon Tikihore Formation (Ruatoria Group) Late Cretaceous breccia in East Coast Allochthon
Tikihore Formation (Ruatoria Group) Late Cretaceous mudstone in East Coast Allochthon Tikihore Formation (Ruatoria Group) Late Cretaceous mudstone in East Coast Allochthon
Tikihore Formation (Ruatoria Group) Late Cretaceous sandstone and mudstone Tikihore Formation (Ruatoria Group) Late Cretaceous sandstone and mudstone
Tikihore Formation (Ruatoria Group) Late Cretaceous sandstone and mudstone in East Coast Allochthon Tikihore Formation (Ruatoria Group) Late Cretaceous sandstone and mudstone in East Coast Allochthon
Tikihore Formation (Ruatoria Group) Late Cretaceous sandstone in East Coast Allochthon Tikihore Formation (Ruatoria Group) Late Cretaceous sandstone in East Coast Allochthon
Tikihore Formation (Ruatoria Group) and Whangai Formation (Tinui Group) in East Coast Allochthon Tikihore Formation (Ruatoria Group) and Whangai Formation (Tinui Group) in East Coast Allochthon
Tikihore Formation and Tapuwaeroa Formation (Ruatoria Group) Tikihore Formation and Tapuwaeroa Formation (Ruatoria Group)
Tikotatahi Pluton Tikotatahi Pluton
Timaru Basalt Timaru Basalt
Timber Bay Formation of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Timber Bay Formation of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Timber Bay Formation of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group) in Northland Allochthon Timber Bay Formation of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group) in Northland Allochthon
Tin Hut Melange Tin Hut Melange
Tinline Formation (Livingstone Volcanics Group) Tinline Formation (Livingstone Volcanics Group)
Tipakuri Formation of Kawau Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Tipakuri Formation of Kawau Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Tirikohua Formation of Manukau Subgroup (Waitakere Group) Tirikohua Formation of Manukau Subgroup (Waitakere Group)
Tirua Formation (Wai-Iti Group) Tirua Formation (Wai-Iti Group)
Titiraupenga Formation andesite of Taupo Volcanic Zone Titiraupenga Formation andesite of Taupo Volcanic Zone
Titiroa Granodiorite (Separation Point Suite) Titiroa Granodiorite (Separation Point Suite)
Tititira Formation Tititira Formation
Tobin Diorite (Tobin Suite) Tobin Diorite (Tobin Suite)
Tokakoriri Formation, Abbey Formation and Otitia Basalt Tokakoriri Formation, Abbey Formation and Otitia Basalt
Tokarahi Sill of Waiareka Volcanics (Alma Group) Tokarahi Sill of Waiareka Volcanics (Alma Group)
Tokerau Formation (Houhora Complex) Tokerau Formation (Houhora Complex)
Tokoma Siltstone (Motunau Group) Tokoma Siltstone (Motunau Group)
Tolley Formation ignimbrite (Pakaumanu Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Tolley Formation ignimbrite (Pakaumanu Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Tom Bowling Formation (Parengarenga Group) Tom Bowling Formation (Parengarenga Group)
Topfer Formation Topfer Formation
Torehina Formation (Te Kuiti Group) Torehina Formation (Te Kuiti Group)
Tower Intrusives (Foulwind Suite) Tower Intrusives (Foulwind Suite)
Townley Calc-Silicate Townley Calc-Silicate
Tramway Sandstone (Maitai Group) Tramway Sandstone (Maitai Group)
Treble Mountain Pluton (Rahu Suite) Treble Mountain Pluton (Rahu Suite)
Trevaccoon Diorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss / Separation Point Suite) Trevaccoon Diorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss / Separation Point Suite)
Trig A Member of Mangles Formation Trig A Member of Mangles Formation
Trig K Pluton granite to granodiorite (Rahu Suite) Trig K Pluton granite to granodiorite (Rahu Suite)
Tucks Bay Formation (Ferndale Group) Tucks Bay Formation (Ferndale Group)
Tunnel Burn Formation (Waiau Group) Tunnel Burn Formation (Waiau Group)
Tupou Complex in Northland Allochthon Tupou Complex in Northland Allochthon
Turiwhate Granodiorite (Rahu Suite) Turiwhate Granodiorite (Rahu Suite)
Turret Peaks Formation (Waiau Group) Turret Peaks Formation (Waiau Group)
Tutaki Member of Mangles Formation Tutaki Member of Mangles Formation
Tutaretare Rhyolite (Mayor Island Group) Tutaretare Rhyolite (Mayor Island Group)
Twin Lakes Trondhjemite Twin Lakes Trondhjemite
Undifferentiated ?Cameron Group sandstone Undifferentiated ?Cameron Group sandstone
Undifferentiated ?Cameron Group sandstone and mudstone Undifferentiated ?Cameron Group sandstone and mudstone
Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Cambrian to Early Ordovician amphibolite and felsic gneiss Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Cambrian to Early Ordovician amphibolite and felsic gneiss
Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Cambrian to Early Ordovician massive and banded amphibolite gneiss Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Cambrian to Early Ordovician massive and banded amphibolite gneiss
Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Cambrian to Early Ordovician paragneiss Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Cambrian to Early Ordovician paragneiss
Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Cambrian to Early Ordovician psammite Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Cambrian to Early Ordovician psammite
Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Cambrian to Early Ordovician psammitic gneiss Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Cambrian to Early Ordovician psammitic gneiss
Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Cambrian to Ordovician paragneiss Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Cambrian to Ordovician paragneiss
Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Cambrian to Ordovician psammite Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Cambrian to Ordovician psammite
Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Paleozoic amphibolite and felsic gneiss Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Paleozoic amphibolite and felsic gneiss
Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Paleozoic paragneiss Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Paleozoic paragneiss
Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Paleozoic quartzose paragneiss Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Paleozoic quartzose paragneiss
Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane biotite amphibolite Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane biotite amphibolite
Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane marble Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane marble
Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane pelite Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane pelite
Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane psammitic and amphibolitic schist and gneiss Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane psammitic and amphibolitic schist and gneiss
Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane schist Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane schist
Undifferentiated Annick Group sandstone Undifferentiated Annick Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Balleny Group sandstone Undifferentiated Balleny Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Blue Bottom Group sandstone, mudstone and conglomerate Undifferentiated Blue Bottom Group sandstone, mudstone and conglomerate
Undifferentiated Brook Street basalt Undifferentiated Brook Street basalt
Undifferentiated Brook Street mylonite Undifferentiated Brook Street mylonite
Undifferentiated Buller Terrane hornfels Undifferentiated Buller Terrane hornfels
Undifferentiated Buller Terrane paragneiss Undifferentiated Buller Terrane paragneiss
Undifferentiated Burnt Hill Group Undifferentiated Burnt Hill Group
Undifferentiated Cameron Group or Fanny Bay Group psammite Undifferentiated Cameron Group or Fanny Bay Group psammite
Undifferentiated Cameron Group psammite Undifferentiated Cameron Group psammite
Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIIA metaconglomerate Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIIA metaconglomerate
Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIIA psammitic semischist Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIIA psammitic semischist
Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIIA semischist Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIIA semischist
Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIIB greenschist Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIIB greenschist
Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIIB marble Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIIB marble
Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIIB psammitic semischist Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIIB psammitic semischist
Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIIB semischist Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIIB semischist
Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIII greenschist Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIII greenschist
Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIII pelite Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIII pelite
Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIII schist Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIII schist
Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIV schist Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIV schist
Undifferentiated Caples Terrane black and red mudstone Undifferentiated Caples Terrane black and red mudstone
Undifferentiated Caples Terrane black and red mudstone and conglomerate Undifferentiated Caples Terrane black and red mudstone and conglomerate
Undifferentiated Caples Terrane metavolcanics Undifferentiated Caples Terrane metavolcanics
Undifferentiated Caples Terrane sandstone Undifferentiated Caples Terrane sandstone
Undifferentiated Caples Terrane sandstone and siltstone Undifferentiated Caples Terrane sandstone and siltstone
Undifferentiated Clent Hills Group conglomerate Undifferentiated Clent Hills Group conglomerate
Undifferentiated Clent Hills Group sandstone Undifferentiated Clent Hills Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Clent Hills Group siltstone Undifferentiated Clent Hills Group siltstone
Undifferentiated Cookson Volcanics Group Undifferentiated Cookson Volcanics Group
Undifferentiated Coverham Group sandstone Undifferentiated Coverham Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Darren Suite gabbro Undifferentiated Darren Suite gabbro
Undifferentiated Darren Suite quartz diorite Undifferentiated Darren Suite quartz diorite
Undifferentiated Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group gabbro Undifferentiated Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group gabbro
Undifferentiated Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group harzburgite and minor dunite Undifferentiated Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group harzburgite and minor dunite
Undifferentiated Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group harzburgite, dunite and pyroxenite Undifferentiated Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group harzburgite, dunite and pyroxenite
Undifferentiated Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group melange Undifferentiated Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group melange
Undifferentiated Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group peridotite Undifferentiated Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group peridotite
Undifferentiated Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group protoclastic harzburgite Undifferentiated Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group protoclastic harzburgite
Undifferentiated Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group serpentinised harzburgite Undifferentiated Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group serpentinised harzburgite
Undifferentiated Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group serpentinite Undifferentiated Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group serpentinite
Undifferentiated Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group weakly serpentinised peridotite Undifferentiated Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group weakly serpentinised peridotite
Undifferentiated Early Cretaceous basalt and limestone Undifferentiated Early Cretaceous basalt and limestone
Undifferentiated Early Cretaceous conglomerate Undifferentiated Early Cretaceous conglomerate
Undifferentiated Early Miocene to Middle Miocene sandstone and mudstone (Tolaga Group) Undifferentiated Early Miocene to Middle Miocene sandstone and mudstone (Tolaga Group)
Undifferentiated Early Pleistocene sedimentary rocks Undifferentiated Early Pleistocene sedimentary rocks
Undifferentiated Eglinton Subgroup mudstone Undifferentiated Eglinton Subgroup mudstone
Undifferentiated Eglinton Subgroup sandstone Undifferentiated Eglinton Subgroup sandstone
Undifferentiated Eglinton Subgroup volcanic breccia Undifferentiated Eglinton Subgroup volcanic breccia
Undifferentiated Eocene to Oligocene mudstone Undifferentiated Eocene to Oligocene mudstone
Undifferentiated Eyre Group Late Cretaceous to Eocene sandstone Undifferentiated Eyre Group Late Cretaceous to Eocene sandstone
Undifferentiated Eyre Group Late Cretaceous to Eocene sandstone and conglomerate Undifferentiated Eyre Group Late Cretaceous to Eocene sandstone and conglomerate
Undifferentiated Eyre Group Paleocene to Eocene sandstone Undifferentiated Eyre Group Paleocene to Eocene sandstone
Undifferentiated Eyre Group Paleocene to Oligocene sandstone Undifferentiated Eyre Group Paleocene to Oligocene sandstone
Undifferentiated Eyre Group and Kekenodon Group sandstone Undifferentiated Eyre Group and Kekenodon Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Eyre Group sandstone and conglomerate Undifferentiated Eyre Group sandstone and conglomerate
Undifferentiated Eyre group sandstone Undifferentiated Eyre group sandstone
Undifferentiated Fanny Bay Group metasandstone Undifferentiated Fanny Bay Group metasandstone
Undifferentiated Fanny Bay Group psammite Undifferentiated Fanny Bay Group psammite
Undifferentiated Golden Bay Group argillite Undifferentiated Golden Bay Group argillite
Undifferentiated Haupiri Group Undifferentiated Haupiri Group
Undifferentiated Houhora Complex sandstone Undifferentiated Houhora Complex sandstone
Undifferentiated Hukatere Subgroup andesite (Waitakere Group) Undifferentiated Hukatere Subgroup andesite (Waitakere Group)
Undifferentiated Hukatere Subgroup breccia (Waitakere Group) Undifferentiated Hukatere Subgroup breccia (Waitakere Group)
Undifferentiated Inboard Median Batholith syenogranite Undifferentiated Inboard Median Batholith syenogranite
Undifferentiated Jenkins Group sandstone Undifferentiated Jenkins Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Kai-Iwi Group Undifferentiated Kai-Iwi Group
Undifferentiated Karamea Suite Undifferentiated Karamea Suite
Undifferentiated Karamea Suite orthogneiss Undifferentiated Karamea Suite orthogneiss
Undifferentiated Kaweka Terrane TZIIA and TZIIB schist Undifferentiated Kaweka Terrane TZIIA and TZIIB schist
Undifferentiated Kaweka Terrane sandstone and siltstone Undifferentiated Kaweka Terrane sandstone and siltstone
Undifferentiated Kekenodon Group and Motunau Group sandstone Undifferentiated Kekenodon Group and Motunau Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Kekenodon Group and Otakou Group sandstone Undifferentiated Kekenodon Group and Otakou Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Kekenodon Group limestone Undifferentiated Kekenodon Group limestone
Undifferentiated Kerikeri Volcanic Group basalt lava of South Auckland Volcanic Field Undifferentiated Kerikeri Volcanic Group basalt lava of South Auckland Volcanic Field
Undifferentiated Kerikeri Volcanic Group basalt scoria of South Auckland Volcanic Field Undifferentiated Kerikeri Volcanic Group basalt scoria of South Auckland Volcanic Field
Undifferentiated Kerikeri Volcanic Group tuff of South Auckland Volcanic Field Undifferentiated Kerikeri Volcanic Group tuff of South Auckland Volcanic Field
Undifferentiated Kiwitahi Volcanic Group basaltic andesite Undifferentiated Kiwitahi Volcanic Group basaltic andesite
Undifferentiated Late Cretaceous to Early Miocene melange Undifferentiated Late Cretaceous to Early Miocene melange
Undifferentiated Late Pleistocene hydrothermal explosion breccia of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres Undifferentiated Late Pleistocene hydrothermal explosion breccia of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres
Undifferentiated Late Pleistocene lahar deposits of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Undifferentiated Late Pleistocene lahar deposits of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Undifferentiated Late Pleistocene to Holocene landslide deposits Undifferentiated Late Pleistocene to Holocene landslide deposits
Undifferentiated Late Pliocene Pakihi Supergroup Undifferentiated Late Pliocene Pakihi Supergroup
Undifferentiated Livingston Volcanics Group diorite Undifferentiated Livingston Volcanics Group diorite
Undifferentiated Livingston Volcanics Group keratophyre Undifferentiated Livingston Volcanics Group keratophyre
Undifferentiated Livingston Volcanics Group spilite Undifferentiated Livingston Volcanics Group spilite
Undifferentiated Livingstone Volcanics Group basalt and gabbro Undifferentiated Livingstone Volcanics Group basalt and gabbro
Undifferentiated Livingstone Volcanics Group dolerite Undifferentiated Livingstone Volcanics Group dolerite
Undifferentiated Livingstone Volcanics Group gabbro Undifferentiated Livingstone Volcanics Group gabbro
Undifferentiated Livingstone Volcanics Group mudstone Undifferentiated Livingstone Volcanics Group mudstone
Undifferentiated Livingstone Volcanics Group sandstone Undifferentiated Livingstone Volcanics Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Livingstone Volcanics Group spilite Undifferentiated Livingstone Volcanics Group spilite
Undifferentiated Livingstone Volcanics Group volcanic breccia Undifferentiated Livingstone Volcanics Group volcanic breccia
Undifferentiated Lower Blue Bottom Group sandstone and mudstone Undifferentiated Lower Blue Bottom Group sandstone and mudstone
Undifferentiated Lower Blue Bottom Group siltstone and mudstone Undifferentiated Lower Blue Bottom Group siltstone and mudstone
Undifferentiated Lower Clifden Subgroup Undifferentiated Lower Clifden Subgroup
Undifferentiated Lower Okiwa Group Undifferentiated Lower Okiwa Group
Undifferentiated Lower Te Kuiti Group Undifferentiated Lower Te Kuiti Group
Undifferentiated Maitai Group serpentinite breccia Undifferentiated Maitai Group serpentinite breccia
Undifferentiated Maitai Group siltstone Undifferentiated Maitai Group siltstone
Undifferentiated Mandamus Igneous Complex syenite Undifferentiated Mandamus Igneous Complex syenite
Undifferentiated Mangakahia Complex in Northland Allochthon Undifferentiated Mangakahia Complex in Northland Allochthon
Undifferentiated Manuherikia Group quartzite Undifferentiated Manuherikia Group quartzite
Undifferentiated Matakaoa Volcanic Group basalt in East Coast Allochthon Undifferentiated Matakaoa Volcanic Group basalt in East Coast Allochthon
Undifferentiated Matakaoa Volcanic Group gabbro in East Coast Allochthon Undifferentiated Matakaoa Volcanic Group gabbro in East Coast Allochthon
Undifferentiated Matakaoa Volcanic Group mudstone in East Coast Allochthon Undifferentiated Matakaoa Volcanic Group mudstone in East Coast Allochthon
Undifferentiated Mataura Group Undifferentiated Mataura Group
Undifferentiated Maxwell Group Undifferentiated Maxwell Group
Undifferentiated Median Batholith diorite and gabbro Undifferentiated Median Batholith diorite and gabbro
Undifferentiated Median Batholith granite and granodiorite Undifferentiated Median Batholith granite and granodiorite
Undifferentiated Median Batholith granite to monzonite rafts in Western Fiordland Orthogneiss Undifferentiated Median Batholith granite to monzonite rafts in Western Fiordland Orthogneiss
Undifferentiated Median Batholith hornblende diorite and gabbro Undifferentiated Median Batholith hornblende diorite and gabbro
Undifferentiated Median Batholith intrusives in East Fiordland and Longwood Range Undifferentiated Median Batholith intrusives in East Fiordland and Longwood Range
Undifferentiated Median Batholith monzodiorite Undifferentiated Median Batholith monzodiorite
Undifferentiated Median Batholith orthogneiss Undifferentiated Median Batholith orthogneiss
Undifferentiated Median Batholith paragneiss Undifferentiated Median Batholith paragneiss
Undifferentiated Median Batholith plutonics on offshore islands Undifferentiated Median Batholith plutonics on offshore islands
Undifferentiated Median Batholith porphyry Undifferentiated Median Batholith porphyry
Undifferentiated Median Batholith quartz diorite Undifferentiated Median Batholith quartz diorite
Undifferentiated Middle Pleistocene rhyolite of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres Undifferentiated Middle Pleistocene rhyolite of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres
Undifferentiated Middle Pleistocene rhyolite pyroclastics of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres Undifferentiated Middle Pleistocene rhyolite pyroclastics of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres
Undifferentiated Middle Pleistocene sedimentary rocks Undifferentiated Middle Pleistocene sedimentary rocks
Undifferentiated Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene lahar deposits Undifferentiated Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene lahar deposits
Undifferentiated Miocene lignite Undifferentiated Miocene lignite
Undifferentiated Miocene limestone Undifferentiated Miocene limestone
Undifferentiated Miocene to Pliocene gravel Undifferentiated Miocene to Pliocene gravel
Undifferentiated Mistake Suite diorite (Median Batholith) Undifferentiated Mistake Suite diorite (Median Batholith)
Undifferentiated Mistake Suite trondhjemite (Median Batholith) Undifferentiated Mistake Suite trondhjemite (Median Batholith)
Undifferentiated Mokau Group sandstone Undifferentiated Mokau Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Motatau Complex in Northland Allochthon Undifferentiated Motatau Complex in Northland Allochthon
Undifferentiated Motunau Group Early Miocene sandstone Undifferentiated Motunau Group Early Miocene sandstone
Undifferentiated Motunau Group sandstone Undifferentiated Motunau Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Mount Taylor Group sandstone and siltstone Undifferentiated Mount Taylor Group sandstone and siltstone
Undifferentiated Muzzle Group limestone Undifferentiated Muzzle Group limestone
Undifferentiated Nightcaps Group sediments Undifferentiated Nightcaps Group sediments
Undifferentiated Nile Group limestone Undifferentiated Nile Group limestone
Undifferentiated Nukumaru Group Undifferentiated Nukumaru Group
Undifferentiated Ohai Group sandstone Undifferentiated Ohai Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Okehu Group Undifferentiated Okehu Group
Undifferentiated Oligocene conglomerate Undifferentiated Oligocene conglomerate
Undifferentiated Oligocene limestone Undifferentiated Oligocene limestone
Undifferentiated Onekakara Group Early Paleocene to Eocene sandstone Undifferentiated Onekakara Group Early Paleocene to Eocene sandstone
Undifferentiated Onekakara Group Eocene sandstone Undifferentiated Onekakara Group Eocene sandstone
Undifferentiated Onekakara Group Eocene to Oligocene sandstone Undifferentiated Onekakara Group Eocene to Oligocene sandstone
Undifferentiated Onekakara Group Late Cretaceous to Paleocene mudstone Undifferentiated Onekakara Group Late Cretaceous to Paleocene mudstone
Undifferentiated Onekakara Group Late Cretaceous to Paleocene sandstone Undifferentiated Onekakara Group Late Cretaceous to Paleocene sandstone
Undifferentiated Orangiwhao Intrusive Group andesite at Pehimatea Undifferentiated Orangiwhao Intrusive Group andesite at Pehimatea
Undifferentiated Orangiwhao Intrusive Group andesite at Whareorino Undifferentiated Orangiwhao Intrusive Group andesite at Whareorino
Undifferentiated Otakou Group sandstone Undifferentiated Otakou Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Pahaoa Group conglomerate Undifferentiated Pahaoa Group conglomerate
Undifferentiated Pakaumanu Group ignimbrite of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Undifferentiated Pakaumanu Group ignimbrite of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Undifferentiated Pakaumanu Group rhyolite of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Undifferentiated Pakaumanu Group rhyolite of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Undifferentiated Paleocene basalt Undifferentiated Paleocene basalt
Undifferentiated Paleocene to Oligocene sandstone Undifferentiated Paleocene to Oligocene sandstone
Undifferentiated Paparangi Group Undifferentiated Paparangi Group
Undifferentiated Parapara Group sandstone Undifferentiated Parapara Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Paringa Suite granodiorite Undifferentiated Paringa Suite granodiorite
Undifferentiated Patterson Group schist Undifferentiated Patterson Group schist
Undifferentiated Pleistocene to Holocene fan deposits Undifferentiated Pleistocene to Holocene fan deposits
Undifferentiated Pleistocene to Holocene glacier deposits Undifferentiated Pleistocene to Holocene glacier deposits
Undifferentiated Pleistocene to Holocene lake deposits Undifferentiated Pleistocene to Holocene lake deposits
Undifferentiated Pleistocene to Holocene landslide deposits Undifferentiated Pleistocene to Holocene landslide deposits
Undifferentiated Pleistocene to Holocene ocean beach deposits Undifferentiated Pleistocene to Holocene ocean beach deposits
Undifferentiated Pleistocene to Holocene river deposits Undifferentiated Pleistocene to Holocene river deposits
Undifferentiated Pleistocene to Holocene scree deposits Undifferentiated Pleistocene to Holocene scree deposits
Undifferentiated Pliocene andesite Undifferentiated Pliocene andesite
Undifferentiated Pliocene siltstone Undifferentiated Pliocene siltstone
Undifferentiated Pliocene to Early Pleistocene sandstone Undifferentiated Pliocene to Early Pleistocene sandstone
Undifferentiated Pororari Group and Paparoa Group sandstone Undifferentiated Pororari Group and Paparoa Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Pororari Group breccia Undifferentiated Pororari Group breccia
Undifferentiated Pororari Group carbonaceous sandstone Undifferentiated Pororari Group carbonaceous sandstone
Undifferentiated Pororari Group conglomerate Undifferentiated Pororari Group conglomerate
Undifferentiated Pororari Group sandstone and carbonaceous siltstone Undifferentiated Pororari Group sandstone and carbonaceous siltstone
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian TZIIA crush zone breccia Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian TZIIA crush zone breccia
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian TZIIA metavolcanics Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian TZIIA metavolcanics
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian TZIIA semischist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian TZIIA semischist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian TZIIB crush zone breccia Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian TZIIB crush zone breccia
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian TZIIB semischist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian TZIIB semischist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian TZIII schist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian TZIII schist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian broken formation Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian broken formation
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian conglomerate Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian conglomerate
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian crush zone breccia Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian crush zone breccia
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian massive sandstone Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian massive sandstone
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian metavolcanics Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian metavolcanics
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian mudstone Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian mudstone
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian sandstone and mudstone Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian sandstone and mudstone
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian thin bedded siltstone Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian thin bedded siltstone
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian thin-bedded sandstone and siltstone Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian thin-bedded sandstone and siltstone
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIIA crush zone breccia Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIIA crush zone breccia
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIIA pelitic semischist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIIA pelitic semischist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIIA semischist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIIA semischist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIIB greenschist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIIB greenschist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIIB metavolcanics Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIIB metavolcanics
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIIB pelitic semischist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIIB pelitic semischist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIIB semischist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIIB semischist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIII pelitic schist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIII pelitic schist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIII schist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIII schist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIV amphibolite Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIV amphibolite
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIV greenschist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIV greenschist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIV mylonite Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIV mylonite
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIV mylonitic amphibolite Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIV mylonitic amphibolite
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIV schist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIV schist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic broken formation and melange Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic broken formation and melange
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic massive sandstone Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic massive sandstone
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic metavolcanics Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic metavolcanics
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic sandstone and mudstone Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic sandstone and mudstone
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic thin bedded siltstone Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic thin bedded siltstone
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian volcanics Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian volcanics
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane TZIIA semischist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane TZIIA semischist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIIA massive psammitic semischist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIIA massive psammitic semischist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIIA metaconglomerate Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIIA metaconglomerate
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIIA semischist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIIA semischist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIIA thin bedded pelitic semischist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIIA thin bedded pelitic semischist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIIA thin bedded psammitic and pelitic semischist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIIA thin bedded psammitic and pelitic semischist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIIB metaconglomerate Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIIB metaconglomerate
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIIB semischist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIIB semischist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIII metaconglomerate Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIII metaconglomerate
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIII schist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIII schist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIV schist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIV schist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic crush zone breccia Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic crush zone breccia
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic massive sandstone Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic massive sandstone
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic mudstone Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic mudstone
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic sandstone and mudstone Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic sandstone and mudstone
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic siltstone Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic siltstone
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic thick bedded sandstone and black siltstone Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic thick bedded sandstone and black siltstone
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic thin bedded siltstone Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic thin bedded siltstone
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic thin-bedded sandstone and siltstone Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic thin-bedded sandstone and siltstone
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic to Jurassic chert Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic to Jurassic chert
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic to Jurassic limestone Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic to Jurassic limestone
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic to Jurassic volcanics Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic to Jurassic volcanics
Undifferentiated Rapahoe Group siltstone Undifferentiated Rapahoe Group siltstone
Undifferentiated Rappahannock Group Early Miocene conglomerate Undifferentiated Rappahannock Group Early Miocene conglomerate
Undifferentiated Rappahannock Group Middle Miocene conglomerate Undifferentiated Rappahannock Group Middle Miocene conglomerate
Undifferentiated Richmond Group Undifferentiated Richmond Group
Undifferentiated Riwaka Igneous Complex Undifferentiated Riwaka Igneous Complex
Undifferentiated Rotoroa Igneous Complex granite ( Rotoroa Suite) Undifferentiated Rotoroa Igneous Complex granite ( Rotoroa Suite)
Undifferentiated Separation Point Suite granite Undifferentiated Separation Point Suite granite
Undifferentiated Separation Point Suite granodiorite Undifferentiated Separation Point Suite granodiorite
Undifferentiated Separation Point Suite intrusion breccia Undifferentiated Separation Point Suite intrusion breccia
Undifferentiated Separation Point Suite tonalite Undifferentiated Separation Point Suite tonalite
Undifferentiated Seymour Group sandstone Undifferentiated Seymour Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Shakespeare Group Undifferentiated Shakespeare Group
Undifferentiated Skippers Subgroup sandstone Undifferentiated Skippers Subgroup sandstone
Undifferentiated Takitimu Subgroup sandstone (Brook Street Volcanics Group) Undifferentiated Takitimu Subgroup sandstone (Brook Street Volcanics Group)
Undifferentiated Tangihua Complex basalt in Northland Allochthon Undifferentiated Tangihua Complex basalt in Northland Allochthon
Undifferentiated Tangihua Complex breccia in Northland Allochthon Undifferentiated Tangihua Complex breccia in Northland Allochthon
Undifferentiated Tangihua Complex gabbro in Northland Allochthon Undifferentiated Tangihua Complex gabbro in Northland Allochthon
Undifferentiated Tangihua Complex in Northland Allochthon Undifferentiated Tangihua Complex in Northland Allochthon
Undifferentiated Tangihua Complex serpentinite in Northland Allochthon Undifferentiated Tangihua Complex serpentinite in Northland Allochthon
Undifferentiated Tapuaenuku Igneous Complex pyroxenite Undifferentiated Tapuaenuku Igneous Complex pyroxenite
Undifferentiated Taupo Group Late Pleistocene rhyolite of Taupo Volcanic Centre Undifferentiated Taupo Group Late Pleistocene rhyolite of Taupo Volcanic Centre
Undifferentiated Taupo Group Late Pleistocene rhyolite pyroclastics of Taupo Volcanic Centre Undifferentiated Taupo Group Late Pleistocene rhyolite pyroclastics of Taupo Volcanic Centre
Undifferentiated Taupo Group Late Pleistocene rhyolite tephra of Taupo Volcanic Centre Undifferentiated Taupo Group Late Pleistocene rhyolite tephra of Taupo Volcanic Centre
Undifferentiated Taupo Group Middle Pleistocene rhyolite of Taupo Volcanic Centre Undifferentiated Taupo Group Middle Pleistocene rhyolite of Taupo Volcanic Centre
Undifferentiated Te Akatarawa TZIIA melange Undifferentiated Te Akatarawa TZIIA melange
Undifferentiated Te Kuiti Group limestone Undifferentiated Te Kuiti Group limestone
Undifferentiated Te Kuiti Group sandstone Undifferentiated Te Kuiti Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Te Kuiti Group sandstone in Northland Allochthon Undifferentiated Te Kuiti Group sandstone in Northland Allochthon
Undifferentiated Upper Blue Bottom Group mudstone Undifferentiated Upper Blue Bottom Group mudstone
Undifferentiated Upper Blue Bottom Group sandstone Undifferentiated Upper Blue Bottom Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Upper Clifden Subgroup Undifferentiated Upper Clifden Subgroup
Undifferentiated Upper Okiwa Group Undifferentiated Upper Okiwa Group
Undifferentiated Upper Te Kuiti Group Undifferentiated Upper Te Kuiti Group
Undifferentiated Utiku Group Undifferentiated Utiku Group
Undifferentiated Waiau Group sandstone Undifferentiated Waiau Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Wallow Group sandstone Undifferentiated Wallow Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Walton Subgroup alluvium Undifferentiated Walton Subgroup alluvium
Undifferentiated Warkworth Subgroup sandstone (Waitemata Group) Undifferentiated Warkworth Subgroup sandstone (Waitemata Group)
Undifferentiated Whakamaru Group ignimbrite of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Undifferentiated Whakamaru Group ignimbrite of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Undifferentiated Whakamaru Group ignimbrite of Mangakino Volcanic Centre mantled by thick Mangaone Subgroup fall deposits of Okataina Volcanic Centre Undifferentiated Whakamaru Group ignimbrite of Mangakino Volcanic Centre mantled by thick Mangaone Subgroup fall deposits of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Undifferentiated Whenuakura Group Undifferentiated Whenuakura Group
Undifferentiated andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Undifferentiated andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Undifferentiated andesite on Motiti Island. Undifferentiated andesite on Motiti Island.
Undifferentiated andesites of Egmont Volcanic Centre Undifferentiated andesites of Egmont Volcanic Centre
Undifferentiated ankeritic sandstone and conglomerate (Haupiri Group) Undifferentiated ankeritic sandstone and conglomerate (Haupiri Group)
Undifferentiated basement gneiss Undifferentiated basement gneiss
Undifferentiated late Cretaceous basalt and gabbro Undifferentiated late Cretaceous basalt and gabbro
Undifferentiated volcanic ash including Kauroa Ash and Hamilton Ash Undifferentiated volcanic ash including Kauroa Ash and Hamilton Ash
Unit X pumiceous tephra of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Unit X pumiceous tephra of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Upper Kopeka Pluton Upper Kopeka Pluton
Upper Orakonui Formation (Maroa Group) ignimbrite of Maroa Volcanic Centre Upper Orakonui Formation (Maroa Group) ignimbrite of Maroa Volcanic Centre
Upper Peak Formation (Caples Terrane) Upper Peak Formation (Caples Terrane)
Upper Peak Formation TZIIA semischist (Caples Terrane) Upper Peak Formation TZIIA semischist (Caples Terrane)
Upper Rakeahua Pluton Upper Rakeahua Pluton
Upton Formation conglomerate (Awatere Group) Upton Formation conglomerate (Awatere Group)
Upton Formation siltstone (Awatere Group) Upton Formation siltstone (Awatere Group)
Upukerora Formation (Maitai Group) Upukerora Formation (Maitai Group)
Upukerora Melange (Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group) Upukerora Melange (Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group)
Upukerora Melange dominated by gabbro (Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group) Upukerora Melange dominated by gabbro (Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group)
Upukerora Melange dominated by peridotite (Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group) Upukerora Melange dominated by peridotite (Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group)
Urenui Formation (Whangamomona Group and Wai-Iti Group) Urenui Formation (Whangamomona Group and Wai-Iti Group)
Uretara Formation andesite of Kaimai Subgroup (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Uretara Formation andesite of Kaimai Subgroup (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Victoria Paragneiss Formation (Greenland Group) Victoria Paragneiss Formation (Greenland Group)
View Hill Volcanics and Brechin Formation (Eyre and Motunau groups) View Hill Volcanics and Brechin Formation (Eyre and Motunau groups)
View Hill Volcanics basalt (Eyre Group) View Hill Volcanics basalt (Eyre Group)
View Hill Volcanics dolerite (Eyre Group) View Hill Volcanics dolerite (Eyre Group)
Wahianoa Formation (Ruapehu Group) andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Wahianoa Formation (Ruapehu Group) andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Waiareka Pyroclastics (Alma Group) Waiareka Pyroclastics (Alma Group)
Waiareka Volcanics (Alma Group) Waiareka Volcanics (Alma Group)
Waiatarua Formation of Manukau Subgroup (Waitakere Group) Waiatarua Formation of Manukau Subgroup (Waitakere Group)
Waicoe Formation limestone (Waiau Group) Waicoe Formation limestone (Waiau Group)
Waicoe Formation mudstone (Waiau Group) Waicoe Formation mudstone (Waiau Group)
Waicoe Formation sandstone (Waiau Group) Waicoe Formation sandstone (Waiau Group)
Waihangaru Formation of Kaipara Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Waihangaru Formation of Kaipara Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Waiheke unit andesite (Kiwitahi Volcanic Group) Waiheke unit andesite (Kiwitahi Volcanic Group)
Waihoaka Formation (Waiau Group) Waihoaka Formation (Waiau Group)
Waihohonu Lavas andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Waihohonu Lavas andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Waikakapo Formation (Waiau Group) Waikakapo Formation (Waiau Group)
Waikari Formation (Motunau Group) Waikari Formation (Motunau Group)
Waikato Coal Measures of Lower Te Kuiti Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group) Waikato Coal Measures of Lower Te Kuiti Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group)
Waikawau Sandstone and Koheroa Siltstone of Meremere Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Waikawau Sandstone and Koheroa Siltstone of Meremere Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Waikawau Sandstone of Meremere Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Waikawau Sandstone of Meremere Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Waima Formation (Motunau Group) Waima Formation (Motunau Group)
Waimana Sandstone (Matawai Group) Waimana Sandstone (Matawai Group)
Waimaomao Formation (Hauturu Volcanic Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Waimaomao Formation (Hauturu Volcanic Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Waimarino Basalt Waimarino Basalt
Waingaro Schist derived from Balloon Melange Waingaro Schist derived from Balloon Melange
Waingaro Schist derived from Devil River Volcanics Waingaro Schist derived from Devil River Volcanics
Waingaro Schist derived from Haupiri Group Waingaro Schist derived from Haupiri Group
Waioeka and Omaio sandstone and mudstone (Pahau Terrane) Waioeka and Omaio sandstone and mudstone (Pahau Terrane)
Waioeka sandstone and mudstone (Pahau Terrane) Waioeka sandstone and mudstone (Pahau Terrane)
Waiohau Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre Waiohau Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Waiohau Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre Waiohau Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Waiotapu Formation ignimbrite of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Waiotapu Formation ignimbrite of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Waipapa Group chert (Waipapa Composite Terrane) Waipapa Group chert (Waipapa Composite Terrane)
Waipapa Group conglomerate (Waipapa Composite Terrane) Waipapa Group conglomerate (Waipapa Composite Terrane)
Waipapa Group melange (Waipapa Composite Terrane) Waipapa Group melange (Waipapa Composite Terrane)
Waipapa Group metavolcanics (Waipapa Composite Terrane) Waipapa Group metavolcanics (Waipapa Composite Terrane)
Waipapa Group sandstone and siltstone (Waipapa Composite Terrane) Waipapa Group sandstone and siltstone (Waipapa Composite Terrane)
Waipawa Formation (Tinui Group) and Wanstead Formation (Mangatu Group) in East Coast Allochthon Waipawa Formation (Tinui Group) and Wanstead Formation (Mangatu Group) in East Coast Allochthon
Waipawa Formation (Tinui Group) and Wanstead Formation and Weber Formation (Mangatu Group) Waipawa Formation (Tinui Group) and Wanstead Formation and Weber Formation (Mangatu Group)
Waipoua Basalt of Waipoua Subgroup (Waitakere Group) Waipoua Basalt of Waipoua Subgroup (Waitakere Group)
Wairakau Volcanics andesite (Coromandel Group) Wairakau Volcanics andesite (Coromandel Group)
Wairakau Volcanics breccia (Coromandel Group) Wairakau Volcanics breccia (Coromandel Group)
Wairata Sandstone (Matawai Group) Wairata Sandstone (Matawai Group)
Wairau Conglomerate Wairau Conglomerate
Wairaurahiri Formation (Waiau Group) Wairaurahiri Formation (Waiau Group)
Wairere Serpentinite (Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group) Wairere Serpentinite (Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group)
Waitahaia Formation sandstone (Matawai Group) Waitahaia Formation sandstone (Matawai Group)
Waitahu Pluton granite (Separation Point Suite) Waitahu Pluton granite (Separation Point Suite)
Waitaia Sinter of Kuaotunu Subgroup (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Waitaia Sinter of Kuaotunu Subgroup (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Waiteariki Formation (Whakamarama Group) ignimbrite of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Waiteariki Formation (Whakamarama Group) ignimbrite of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Waitiiti Formation (Otaua Group) Waitiiti Formation (Otaua Group)
Waitomo Sandstone of Orahiri Formation of Lower Te Kuiti Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group) Waitomo Sandstone of Orahiri Formation of Lower Te Kuiti Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group)
Waiua Formation (Maitai Group) Waiua Formation (Maitai Group)
Waiwawa Subgroup andesite and dacite (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Waiwawa Subgroup andesite and dacite (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Wakaepa Formation (Torlesse Composite Terrane) Wakaepa Formation (Torlesse Composite Terrane)
Wakamarama Schist Formation (Haupiri Group) Wakamarama Schist Formation (Haupiri Group)
Wakamarina Quartzite (Caples Terrane) Wakamarina Quartzite (Caples Terrane)
Wakamarina Quartzite TZIIA schist (Caples Terrane) Wakamarina Quartzite TZIIA schist (Caples Terrane)
Wakapuaka Phyllonite Wakapuaka Phyllonite
Walkers Pluton (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) Walkers Pluton (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
Walkers Pluton granite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) Walkers Pluton granite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
Walkers Pluton monzodiorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) Walkers Pluton monzodiorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
Wanaka Lithologic Association TZIIB semischist (Rakaia Terrane) Wanaka Lithologic Association TZIIB semischist (Rakaia Terrane)
Wanaka Lithologic Association TZIII schist (Rakaia Terrane) Wanaka Lithologic Association TZIII schist (Rakaia Terrane)
Wanaka Lithologic Association TZIV greenschist (Rakaia Terrane) Wanaka Lithologic Association TZIV greenschist (Rakaia Terrane)
Wanaka Lithologic Association TZIV metachert (Rakaia Terrane) Wanaka Lithologic Association TZIV metachert (Rakaia Terrane)
Wanaka Lithologic Association TZIV schist (Rakaia Terrane) Wanaka Lithologic Association TZIV schist (Rakaia Terrane)
Wanaka Lithologic Association TZIV ultramafics (Rakaia Terrane) Wanaka Lithologic Association TZIV ultramafics (Rakaia Terrane)
Wangapeka, Baldy formations (Mount Arthur Group) Wangapeka, Baldy formations (Mount Arthur Group)
Wanstead Formation and Weber Formation (Mangatu Group) Wanstead Formation and Weber Formation (Mangatu Group)
Wanstead Formation and Weber Formation (Mangatu Group) in East Coast Allochthon Wanstead Formation and Weber Formation (Mangatu Group) in East Coast Allochthon
Wanstead Formation and Weber Formation limestone (Mangatu Group) in East Coast Allochthon Wanstead Formation and Weber Formation limestone (Mangatu Group) in East Coast Allochthon
Wanstead Formation and Weber Formation sandstone (Mangatu Group) Wanstead Formation and Weber Formation sandstone (Mangatu Group)
Wanstead Formation greensand (Mangatu Group) Wanstead Formation greensand (Mangatu Group)
Wanstead Formation greensand (Mangatu Group) in East Coast Allochthon Wanstead Formation greensand (Mangatu Group) in East Coast Allochthon
Wanstead Formation mudstone (Mangatu Group) Wanstead Formation mudstone (Mangatu Group)
Wanstead Formation mudstone (Mangatu Group) in East Coast Allochthon Wanstead Formation mudstone (Mangatu Group) in East Coast Allochthon
Waratah Formation (Eyre Group) Waratah Formation (Eyre Group)
Ward Formation (Caples Terrane) Ward Formation (Caples Terrane)
Ward Formation TZIIA semischist (Caples Terrane) Ward Formation TZIIA semischist (Caples Terrane)
Warder Formation (Wallow Group) Warder Formation (Wallow Group)
Warren Diorite Warren Diorite
Warwick Lavas of Egmont Volcanic Centre Warwick Lavas of Egmont Volcanic Centre
Waterfall Tuffs and Breccias (Largs Group) Waterfall Tuffs and Breccias (Largs Group)
Webb Formation (Greenland Group) Webb Formation (Greenland Group)
Weber Formation and Whakai Formation (Mangatu Group) in East Coast Allochthon Weber Formation and Whakai Formation (Mangatu Group) in East Coast Allochthon
Weber Formation greensand (Mangatu Group) Weber Formation greensand (Mangatu Group)
Weber Formation limestone (Mangatu Group) in East Coast Allochthon Weber Formation limestone (Mangatu Group) in East Coast Allochthon
Weber Formation mudstone (Mangatu Group) Weber Formation mudstone (Mangatu Group)
Weber Formation mudstone (Mangatu Group) in East Coast Allochthon Weber Formation mudstone (Mangatu Group) in East Coast Allochthon
Weka Pass Limestone Member of Omihi Formation (Motunau Group) Weka Pass Limestone Member of Omihi Formation (Motunau Group)
Welsh Formation (Blue Bottom Group) Welsh Formation (Blue Bottom Group)
Wesney Siltstone (Eglinton Subgroup) Wesney Siltstone (Eglinton Subgroup)
West Arm Leucogranite (Separation Point Suite) West Arm Leucogranite (Separation Point Suite)
West Burn TZIIB semischist (Caples Terrane) West Burn TZIIB semischist (Caples Terrane)
West Burn TZIII schist (Caples Terrane) West Burn TZIII schist (Caples Terrane)
West Kepler Gabbro (Darran Suite) West Kepler Gabbro (Darran Suite)
West Kepler anorthositic gabbro (Darran Suite) West Kepler anorthositic gabbro (Darran Suite)
Western Pukeahua Formation (Maroa Group) ignimbrite of Maroa Volcanic Centre Western Pukeahua Formation (Maroa Group) ignimbrite of Maroa Volcanic Centre
Wether Formation (Caples Terrane) Wether Formation (Caples Terrane)
Wether Formation TZIIA semischist (Caples Terrane) Wether Formation TZIIA semischist (Caples Terrane)
Weydon Formation (Waiau Group) Weydon Formation (Waiau Group)
Whaingaroa Formation of Lower Te Kuiti Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group) Whaingaroa Formation of Lower Te Kuiti Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group)
Whakaahu Formation rhyolite (Pakaumanu Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Whakaahu Formation rhyolite (Pakaumanu Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Whakapapa Formation (Ruapehu Group) andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Whakapapa Formation (Ruapehu Group) andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Whakatane Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre Whakatane Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Whakatane Formation (Okataina Group) tephra of Okataina Volcanic Centre Whakatane Formation (Okataina Group) tephra of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Whakatane Melange (Torlesse Terrane) Whakatane Melange (Torlesse Terrane)
Whale Creek Granite (Karamea Suite) Whale Creek Granite (Karamea Suite)
Whale Formation basaltic andesite of Taupo Volcanic Zone Whale Formation basaltic andesite of Taupo Volcanic Zone
Whangai Formation (Mangakahia Complex) in Northland Allochthon Whangai Formation (Mangakahia Complex) in Northland Allochthon
Whangai Formation (Tinui Group) Whangai Formation (Tinui Group)
Whangai Formation (Tinui Group) and Wanstead Formation (Mangatu Group) Whangai Formation (Tinui Group) and Wanstead Formation (Mangatu Group)
Whangai Formation (Tinui Group) and Wanstead Formation (Mangatu Group) in East Coast Allochthon Whangai Formation (Tinui Group) and Wanstead Formation (Mangatu Group) in East Coast Allochthon
Whangai Formation (Tinui Group) in East Coast Allochthon Whangai Formation (Tinui Group) in East Coast Allochthon
Whangai Formation and Waipawa Formation (Tinui Group) Whangai Formation and Waipawa Formation (Tinui Group)
Whangai Formation and Waipawa Formation (Tinui Group) and Wanstead Formation (Mangatu Group) Whangai Formation and Waipawa Formation (Tinui Group) and Wanstead Formation (Mangatu Group)
Whangamarino Formation (Walton Subgroup) Whangamarino Formation (Walton Subgroup)
Whangarei Limestone of Waro Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group) Whangarei Limestone of Waro Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group)
Whangarei Limestone of Waro Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group) in Northland Allochthon Whangarei Limestone of Waro Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group) in Northland Allochthon
Whatarangi Formation sandstone (Mangapurupuru Group) Whatarangi Formation sandstone (Mangapurupuru Group)
Whatuwhiwhi Formation (Matawai Group) and Waiari Formation (Tinui Group) Whatuwhiwhi Formation (Matawai Group) and Waiari Formation (Tinui Group)
White Hill Intrusives (Brook Street Volcanics Group) White Hill Intrusives (Brook Street Volcanics Group)
White Rock Coal Measures (Motunau Group) White Rock Coal Measures (Motunau Group)
Widgeon Pluton (Ridge Suite) Widgeon Pluton (Ridge Suite)
William Granite (Tobin Suite) William Granite (Tobin Suite)
Willsher Group Willsher Group
Windon Melange (Livingstone Volcanics Group) Windon Melange (Livingstone Volcanics Group)
Windsor Formation (Puysegur Group) Windsor Formation (Puysegur Group)
Windy Point Granite (Karamea Suite) Windy Point Granite (Karamea Suite)
Winterton Formation (Coverham Group) Winterton Formation (Coverham Group)
Winton Hill Formation Winton Hill Formation
Wooded Peak Limestone (Maitai Group) Wooded Peak Limestone (Maitai Group)
Wooded Peak Limestone sandstone (Maitai Group) Wooded Peak Limestone sandstone (Maitai Group)
Worsley Pluton hornblende diorite and monzodiorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) Worsley Pluton hornblende diorite and monzodiorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
Worsley Pluton two pyroxene diorite, monzodiorite and monzonite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) Worsley Pluton two pyroxene diorite, monzodiorite and monzonite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
NZL_GNS_250K_geological_units (369)
Acacia Bay Basalt (Taupo Group) of Taupo Volcanic Centre Acacia Bay Basalt (Taupo Group) of Taupo Volcanic Centre
Adventure South Orthogneiss Adventure South Orthogneiss
Ahimia Conglomerate of Manaia Hill Group (Waipapa Composite Terrane) Ahimia Conglomerate of Manaia Hill Group (Waipapa Composite Terrane)
Akaroa Volcanics basaltic and trachytic lava Akaroa Volcanics basaltic and trachytic lava
Akaroa Volcanics trachyte to microsyenite dome Akaroa Volcanics trachyte to microsyenite dome
Akatarewa Basalt Formation (Maroa Group) basalt of Maroa Volcanic Centre Akatarewa Basalt Formation (Maroa Group) basalt of Maroa Volcanic Centre
Akatarewa Ignimbrite of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Akatarewa Ignimbrite of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Albany Conglomerate of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Albany Conglomerate of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Albert Edward Granite (Darran Suite) Albert Edward Granite (Darran Suite)
Alexander Granite Alexander Granite
Alfred Formation (Mount Arthur Group) Alfred Formation (Mount Arthur Group)
Alice Diorite (Foulwind Suite) Alice Diorite (Foulwind Suite)
All Round Pluton (Ridge Suite) All Round Pluton (Ridge Suite)
Allandale Rhyolite Allandale Rhyolite
Alpine Dike Swarm Alpine Dike Swarm
Amokura Formation of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Amokura Formation of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Amuri Formation (Muzzle and Eyre groups) Amuri Formation (Muzzle and Eyre groups)
Amuri Formation (Muzzle and Eyre groups) and Weka Pass Limestone Member of Omihi Formation (Motunau Group) Amuri Formation (Muzzle and Eyre groups) and Weka Pass Limestone Member of Omihi Formation (Motunau Group)
Anatoki Formation (Mount Patriarch Group) Anatoki Formation (Mount Patriarch Group)
Anchor Island Intrusives Anchor Island Intrusives
Anita Ultramafites dunite (Anita Shear Zone) Anita Ultramafites dunite (Anita Shear Zone)
Aongatete Formation (Whakamarama Group) andesite of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Aongatete Formation (Whakamarama Group) andesite of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Aorangi Mine Formation (Golden Bay Group) Aorangi Mine Formation (Golden Bay Group)
Aotea Formation of Lower Te Kuiti Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group) Aotea Formation of Lower Te Kuiti Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group)
Apotu Group siltstone (Murihiku Terrane) Apotu Group siltstone (Murihiku Terrane)
Arahura Granite (Rahu Suite) Arahura Granite (Rahu Suite)
Arapawa Lithologic Association TZIIA semischist (Waipapa Composite Terrane) Arapawa Lithologic Association TZIIA semischist (Waipapa Composite Terrane)
Arapawa Lithologic Association TZIIB semischist (Waipapa Composite Terrane) Arapawa Lithologic Association TZIIB semischist (Waipapa Composite Terrane)
Arapawa Lithologic Association TZIII schist (Waipapa Composite Terrane) Arapawa Lithologic Association TZIII schist (Waipapa Composite Terrane)
Arapawa Lithologic Association TZIV schist (Waipapa Composite Terrane) Arapawa Lithologic Association TZIV schist (Waipapa Composite Terrane)
Arapawa Lithologic Association sandstone and mudstone (Waipapa Composite Terrane) Arapawa Lithologic Association sandstone and mudstone (Waipapa Composite Terrane)
Army Hut Formation (Waiau Group) Army Hut Formation (Waiau Group)
Arnott Basalt Arnott Basalt
Arthur Marble 1, Sluice Box Limestone formations (Mount Arthur Group) Arthur Marble 1, Sluice Box Limestone formations (Mount Arthur Group)
Arthur Marble 1, Summit Limestone formations (Mount Arthur Group) Arthur Marble 1, Summit Limestone formations (Mount Arthur Group)
Arthur Marble 2 Formation (Mount Arthur Group) Arthur Marble 2 Formation (Mount Arthur Group)
Ashley Formation (Eyre Group) Ashley Formation (Eyre Group)
Aspiring Lithologic Association Pounamu Ultramafics TZIIB (Rakaia Terrane) Aspiring Lithologic Association Pounamu Ultramafics TZIIB (Rakaia Terrane)
Aspiring Lithologic Association Pounamu Ultramafics TZIII (Rakaia Terrane) Aspiring Lithologic Association Pounamu Ultramafics TZIII (Rakaia Terrane)
Aspiring Lithologic Association Pounamu Ultramafics TZIV (Rakaia Terrane) Aspiring Lithologic Association Pounamu Ultramafics TZIV (Rakaia Terrane)
Aspiring Lithologic Association TZIIB semischist (Rakaia Terrane) Aspiring Lithologic Association TZIIB semischist (Rakaia Terrane)
Aspiring Lithologic Association TZIII greenschist (Rakaia Terrane) Aspiring Lithologic Association TZIII greenschist (Rakaia Terrane)
Aspiring Lithologic Association TZIII mylonite (Rakaia Terrane) Aspiring Lithologic Association TZIII mylonite (Rakaia Terrane)
Aspiring Lithologic Association TZIII schist (Rakaia Terrane) Aspiring Lithologic Association TZIII schist (Rakaia Terrane)
Aspiring Lithologic Association TZIV greenschist (Rakaia Terrane) Aspiring Lithologic Association TZIV greenschist (Rakaia Terrane)
Aspiring Lithologic Association TZIV mylonite (Rakaia Terrane) Aspiring Lithologic Association TZIV mylonite (Rakaia Terrane)
Aspiring Lithologic Association TZIV mylonite and cataclasite (Rakaia Terrane) Aspiring Lithologic Association TZIV mylonite and cataclasite (Rakaia Terrane)
Aspiring Lithologic Association TZIV schist (Rakaia Terrane) Aspiring Lithologic Association TZIV schist (Rakaia Terrane)
Atiamuri Formation (Maroa Group) ignimbrite of Maroa Volcanic Centre Atiamuri Formation (Maroa Group) ignimbrite of Maroa Volcanic Centre
Aubrey Orthogneiss (Median Batholith) Aubrey Orthogneiss (Median Batholith)
Auckland Basalts lava (Kerikeri Volcanic Group) of Auckland Volcanic Field Auckland Basalts lava (Kerikeri Volcanic Group) of Auckland Volcanic Field
Auckland Basalts scoria (Kerikeri Volcanic Group) of Auckland Volcanic Field Auckland Basalts scoria (Kerikeri Volcanic Group) of Auckland Volcanic Field
Auckland Basalts tuff (Kerikeri Volcanic Group) of Auckland Volcanic Field Auckland Basalts tuff (Kerikeri Volcanic Group) of Auckland Volcanic Field
Austin Quartz Monzonite Austin Quartz Monzonite
Avoca Coal Measures (Motatau Complex) in Northland Allochthon Avoca Coal Measures (Motatau Complex) in Northland Allochthon
Awakaponga Formation andesite of Taupo Volcanic Zone Awakaponga Formation andesite of Taupo Volcanic Zone
Awarua Limestone Awarua Limestone
Awhitu Group alluvium Awhitu Group alluvium
Awhitu Group dunes Awhitu Group dunes
Bald Hill Pluton granite (Rahu Suite) Bald Hill Pluton granite (Rahu Suite)
Bald Peaks Pluton (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss / Separation Point Suite) Bald Peaks Pluton (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss / Separation Point Suite)
Balloon Melange derived from Heath Volcanics Balloon Melange derived from Heath Volcanics
Balloon Melange derived from Junction Formation Balloon Melange derived from Junction Formation
Balloon Melange derived from Junction Formation, Haupiri Group and Devil River Volcanics Balloon Melange derived from Junction Formation, Haupiri Group and Devil River Volcanics
Balloon Melange derived from Lockett Conglomerate Balloon Melange derived from Lockett Conglomerate
Balmacaan Formation sandstone and siltstone (Mount Taylor Group) Balmacaan Formation sandstone and siltstone (Mount Taylor Group)
Bannockburn Formation and Dunstan Formation (Manuherikia Group) Bannockburn Formation and Dunstan Formation (Manuherikia Group)
Bannockburn Formation and Waitangi Formation (Manuherikia Group) Bannockburn Formation and Waitangi Formation (Manuherikia Group)
Barretts Formation Barretts Formation
Barrier Formation (Murihiku Supergroup) Barrier Formation (Murihiku Supergroup)
Barrosa Andesite (Mount Somers Volcanics Group) Barrosa Andesite (Mount Somers Volcanics Group)
Barrytown Granite (Karamea Suite) Barrytown Granite (Karamea Suite)
Baton Formation (Baton River Group) Baton Formation (Baton River Group)
Bay Schist (Golden Bay Group) Bay Schist (Golden Bay Group)
Beaumont Formation (Nightcaps Group) Beaumont Formation (Nightcaps Group)
Beebys Conglomerate Beebys Conglomerate
Beehive Diorite (Darran Suite) Beehive Diorite (Darran Suite)
Ben Lomond Formation (Taupo Group) basalt of Taupo Volcanic Centre Ben Lomond Formation (Taupo Group) basalt of Taupo Volcanic Centre
Bench Sandstone (Mount Potts Group) Bench Sandstone (Mount Potts Group)
Benson Volcanics Formation (Devil River Volcanics Group) Benson Volcanics Formation (Devil River Volcanics Group)
Berlins Porphyry (Rahu Suite) Berlins Porphyry (Rahu Suite)
Berneyboosal Formation (Murihiku Supergroup) Berneyboosal Formation (Murihiku Supergroup)
Bexley Sandstone Formation (Mokau Group) Bexley Sandstone Formation (Mokau Group)
Big Bush Andesite (Tasman Intrusives) Big Bush Andesite (Tasman Intrusives)
Big Deep Granite (Rahu Suite) Big Deep Granite (Rahu Suite)
Big Glory Pluton (Foulwind Suite) Big Glory Pluton (Foulwind Suite)
Big Pluton cataclasite (Ridge Suite) Big Pluton cataclasite (Ridge Suite)
Big Pluton granodiorite (Ridge Suite) Big Pluton granodiorite (Ridge Suite)
Birchwood Formation limestone (Waiau Group) Birchwood Formation limestone (Waiau Group)
Black Giants Anorthosite Black Giants Anorthosite
Black Jacks Conglomerate (Otematata Group) Black Jacks Conglomerate (Otematata Group)
Blackmount Formation sandstone (Waiau Group) Blackmount Formation sandstone (Waiau Group)
Blackwater Granite (Rahu Suite) Blackwater Granite (Rahu Suite)
Blaikies Pluton (Rakeahua Granite Batholith) Blaikies Pluton (Rakeahua Granite Batholith)
Blue Glen Formation (Richmond Group) Blue Glen Formation (Richmond Group)
Blue Lake Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Blue Lake Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Blue Mountain Formation Blue Mountain Formation
Blue Spur Conglomerate Blue Spur Conglomerate
Bluff Intrusives diorite Bluff Intrusives diorite
Bluff Intrusives dunite (Bluff Intrusives Complex) Bluff Intrusives dunite (Bluff Intrusives Complex)
Bluff Intrusives gabbro (Bluff Intrusives Complex) Bluff Intrusives gabbro (Bluff Intrusives Complex)
Bluff Intrusives gabbro/norite (Bluff Intrusives Complex) Bluff Intrusives gabbro/norite (Bluff Intrusives Complex)
Bluff Intrusives granite (Bluff Intrusives Complex) Bluff Intrusives granite (Bluff Intrusives Complex)
Bluff Intrusives tonalite (Bluff Intrusives Complex) Bluff Intrusives tonalite (Bluff Intrusives Complex)
Bluff Sandstone Formation (Wallow Group) Bluff Sandstone Formation (Wallow Group)
Boat Harbour Diorite Boat Harbour Diorite
Bobs Cove Beds limestone Bobs Cove Beds limestone
Bobs Cove Beds sandstone Bobs Cove Beds sandstone
Bobs Cove Beds siltstone Bobs Cove Beds siltstone
Bold Peak Formation (Caples Terrane) Bold Peak Formation (Caples Terrane)
Bold Peak Formation TZIIA semischist (Caples Terrane) Bold Peak Formation TZIIA semischist (Caples Terrane)
Bold Peak Formation TZIIB metaconglomerate (Caples Terrane) Bold Peak Formation TZIIB metaconglomerate (Caples Terrane)
Bold Peak Formation TZIIB semischist (Caples Terrane) Bold Peak Formation TZIIB semischist (Caples Terrane)
Bold Peak Formation conglomerate (Caples Terrane) Bold Peak Formation conglomerate (Caples Terrane)
Borland Formation (Waiau Group) Borland Formation (Waiau Group)
Botanical Hill Formation (Drumduan Group) Botanical Hill Formation (Drumduan Group)
Boyd Creek Formation (Waiau Group) Boyd Creek Formation (Waiau Group)
Bradley Sandstone (Burnt Hill Group) Bradley Sandstone (Burnt Hill Group)
Braeburn Diorite (Rotoroa Suite) Braeburn Diorite (Rotoroa Suite)
Braeburn Diorite migmatite (Rotoroa Suite) Braeburn Diorite migmatite (Rotoroa Suite)
Brandywine Andesites (Largs Group) Brandywine Andesites (Largs Group)
Breaksea Orthogneiss (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) Breaksea Orthogneiss (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
Brechin Formation (Motunau Group) Brechin Formation (Motunau Group)
Brechin Formation conglomerate (Motunau Group) Brechin Formation conglomerate (Motunau Group)
Britannia Granite (Karamea Suite) Britannia Granite (Karamea Suite)
Broken River Formation Eocene sandstone (Eyre Group) Broken River Formation Eocene sandstone (Eyre Group)
Broken River Formation Late Cretaceous sandstone (Eyre Group) Broken River Formation Late Cretaceous sandstone (Eyre Group)
Broken River Formation Late Cretaceous to Eocene mudstone (Eyre Group) Broken River Formation Late Cretaceous to Eocene mudstone (Eyre Group)
Broken River Formation Paleocene to Eocene mudstone (Eyre Group) Broken River Formation Paleocene to Eocene mudstone (Eyre Group)
Broken River Formation and Conway Formation (Eyre Group) Broken River Formation and Conway Formation (Eyre Group)
Broken River Formation, Conway Sandstone, Waipara Greensand and Loburn Formation (Eyre Group) Broken River Formation, Conway Sandstone, Waipara Greensand and Loburn Formation (Eyre Group)
Brook Street Volcanics Group sandstone Brook Street Volcanics Group sandstone
Brooklyn Diorite (Riwaka Igneous Complex Group) Brooklyn Diorite (Riwaka Igneous Complex Group)
Brothers Pluton cataclasite (Rahu Suite) Brothers Pluton cataclasite (Rahu Suite)
Brothers Pluton granite (Rahu Suite) Brothers Pluton granite (Rahu Suite)
Brothers Pluton mylonite (Rahu Suite) Brothers Pluton mylonite (Rahu Suite)
Brothers Volcanics (Kekenodon Group) Brothers Volcanics (Kekenodon Group)
Brough Formation (Brook Street Volcanics Group) Brough Formation (Brook Street Volcanics Group)
Brunner Coal Measures (Mawheranui Group) Brunner Coal Measures (Mawheranui Group)
Brunner Coal Measures conglomerate (Mawheranui Group) Brunner Coal Measures conglomerate (Mawheranui Group)
Buckland Granite (Rahu Suite) Buckland Granite (Rahu Suite)
Buller Diorite (Tasman Intrusives) Buller Diorite (Tasman Intrusives)
Bungaree Intrusives Bungaree Intrusives
Burnett Formation (Fanny Bay Group) Burnett Formation (Fanny Bay Group)
Burnside Mudstone (Eyre Group) Burnside Mudstone (Eyre Group)
Burnt Creek Formation (Hapuku Group) Burnt Creek Formation (Hapuku Group)
Buttress Point Conglomerate of Tokakoriri Formation Buttress Point Conglomerate of Tokakoriri Formation
Cable Granodiorite (Tasman Intrusives) Cable Granodiorite (Tasman Intrusives)
Campbell Gabbro (Riwaka Igneous Complex Group) Campbell Gabbro (Riwaka Igneous Complex Group)
Campsite Pluton (Rakeahua Granite Batholith) Campsite Pluton (Rakeahua Granite Batholith)
Cape Rodney Formation and Tipakuri Formation of Kawau Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Cape Rodney Formation and Tipakuri Formation of Kawau Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Cape Rodney Formation of Kawau Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Cape Rodney Formation of Kawau Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Caravan Formation (Takitimu Subgroup) Caravan Formation (Takitimu Subgroup)
Carneys Creek siltstone Carneys Creek siltstone
Caroline Pluton (Separation Point Suite) Caroline Pluton (Separation Point Suite)
Cascade Pluton Cascade Pluton
Chalky Island Formation (Balleny Group) Chalky Island Formation (Balleny Group)
Champagne Formation (Coverham Group) Champagne Formation (Coverham Group)
Charteris Bay Sandstone (Eyre Group) Charteris Bay Sandstone (Eyre Group)
Chatton Formation (East Southland Group) Chatton Formation (East Southland Group)
Chicot Formation (Tasman Intrusives) Chicot Formation (Tasman Intrusives)
Chimp Formation ignimbrite of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres Chimp Formation ignimbrite of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres
Christina Gneiss Christina Gneiss
Christmas Conglomerate Formation (Haupiri Group) Christmas Conglomerate Formation (Haupiri Group)
Clark Hut Granite (Median Batholith) Clark Hut Granite (Median Batholith)
Cleughearn Pluton (Outboard Darran Suite) Cleughearn Pluton (Outboard Darran Suite)
Clifden Subgroup (Waiau Group) Clifden Subgroup (Waiau Group)
Cobb Igneous Complex Formation (Devil River Volcanics Group) Cobb Igneous Complex Formation (Devil River Volcanics Group)
Cobden Limestone (Nile Group) Cobden Limestone (Nile Group)
Codfish Granite Codfish Granite
Colac Granite (Brook Street Volcanics Group) Colac Granite (Brook Street Volcanics Group)
Colville Formation of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Colville Formation of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Consolation Formation (Eglinton Subgroup) Consolation Formation (Eglinton Subgroup)
Conway Formation and Charteris Bay Sandstone (Eyre Group) Conway Formation and Charteris Bay Sandstone (Eyre Group)
Conway Formation and Waipara Greensand (Eyre Group) Conway Formation and Waipara Greensand (Eyre Group)
Conway Formation, Waipara Greensand and Charteris Bay Sandstone (Eyre Group) Conway Formation, Waipara Greensand and Charteris Bay Sandstone (Eyre Group)
Cookson Volcanics Group olivine nephelinite Cookson Volcanics Group olivine nephelinite
Corbies Creek Group Corbies Creek Group
Cornwallis Formation of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Cornwallis Formation of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Coroglen Subgroup ignimbrite (Whitianga Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Coroglen Subgroup ignimbrite (Whitianga Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Cozette Pluton (Foulwind Suite) Cozette Pluton (Foulwind Suite)
Crescent Formation TZIIB semischist (Caples Terrane) Crescent Formation TZIIB semischist (Caples Terrane)
Crescent Formation TZIII schist (Caples Terrane) Crescent Formation TZIII schist (Caples Terrane)
Croisilles Melange (Caples Terrane) Croisilles Melange (Caples Terrane)
Crombie Conglomerate (Waiau Group) Crombie Conglomerate (Waiau Group)
Crosscut Pluton granite (Karamea Suite) Crosscut Pluton granite (Karamea Suite)
Crow Granite Crow Granite
Crowe Member of Mangles Formation Crowe Member of Mangles Formation
Cuvier Plutonics of Kuaotunu Subgroup (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Cuvier Plutonics of Kuaotunu Subgroup (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Dana Tonalite (Darran Suite) Dana Tonalite (Darran Suite)
Daniell Granite (Separation Point Suite) Daniell Granite (Separation Point Suite)
Darran Leucogabbro anorthosite (Darran Suite) Darran Leucogabbro anorthosite (Darran Suite)
Darran Leucogabbro gabbronorite (Darran Suite) Darran Leucogabbro gabbronorite (Darran Suite)
Deas Cove Granite (Foulwind Suite) Deas Cove Granite (Foulwind Suite)
Deborah Volcanics basalt (Alma Group) Deborah Volcanics basalt (Alma Group)
Deborah Volcanics tuff (Alma Group) Deborah Volcanics tuff (Alma Group)
Deceit Pluton Deceit Pluton
Deep Cove Gneiss Deep Cove Gneiss
Deep Cove Gneiss amphibolite Deep Cove Gneiss amphibolite
Deep Cove Gneiss schist Deep Cove Gneiss schist
Desolation Row Pluton granite (Tarpaulin Suite) Desolation Row Pluton granite (Tarpaulin Suite)
Deutgam Granodiorite (Rahu Suite) Deutgam Granodiorite (Rahu Suite)
Diamond Harbour Volcanics basaltic lava, breccia and sediments Diamond Harbour Volcanics basaltic lava, breccia and sediments
Diamond Peak Group sandstone Diamond Peak Group sandstone
Diamond Peak Group siltstone Diamond Peak Group siltstone
Divide Formation (Eglinton Subgroup) Divide Formation (Eglinton Subgroup)
Dolphin Intrusive Complex (Paringa Suite) Dolphin Intrusive Complex (Paringa Suite)
Doughboy Pluton Doughboy Pluton
Douglas Formation (Golden Bay Group) Douglas Formation (Golden Bay Group)
Duncraigen Formation (Waiau Group) Duncraigen Formation (Waiau Group)
Dunedin Volcanic Group basalt Dunedin Volcanic Group basalt
Dunedin Volcanic Group breccia Dunedin Volcanic Group breccia
Dunedin Volcanic Group conglomerate Dunedin Volcanic Group conglomerate
Dunedin Volcanic Group diatomite Dunedin Volcanic Group diatomite
Dunedin Volcanic Group extrusives Dunedin Volcanic Group extrusives
Dunedin Volcanic Group first main phase extrusives Dunedin Volcanic Group first main phase extrusives
Dunedin Volcanic Group first main phase intrusives Dunedin Volcanic Group first main phase intrusives
Dunedin Volcanic Group first main phase pyroclastics Dunedin Volcanic Group first main phase pyroclastics
Dunedin Volcanic Group initial phase extrusives Dunedin Volcanic Group initial phase extrusives
Dunedin Volcanic Group initial phase intrusives Dunedin Volcanic Group initial phase intrusives
Dunedin Volcanic Group initial phase pyroclastics Dunedin Volcanic Group initial phase pyroclastics
Dunedin Volcanic Group second main phase extrusives Dunedin Volcanic Group second main phase extrusives
Dunedin Volcanic Group second main phase intrusives Dunedin Volcanic Group second main phase intrusives
Dunedin Volcanic Group second main phase pyroclastics Dunedin Volcanic Group second main phase pyroclastics
Dunedin Volcanic Group third main phase extrusives Dunedin Volcanic Group third main phase extrusives
Dunedin Volcanic Group third main phase pyroclastics Dunedin Volcanic Group third main phase pyroclastics
Dunphy Granite (Karamea Suite) Dunphy Granite (Karamea Suite)
Dunstan Formation (Manuherikia Group) Dunstan Formation (Manuherikia Group)
Dunton Formation (Waiau Group) Dunton Formation (Waiau Group)
Earl Mountains Sandstone (Annick Group) Earl Mountains Sandstone (Annick Group)
Early Cretaceous Pahau melange and broken formation Early Cretaceous Pahau melange and broken formation
Early Miocene Greenhollows Formation and Coast Road Formation sandstone and mudstone (Owhanga Group) Early Miocene Greenhollows Formation and Coast Road Formation sandstone and mudstone (Owhanga Group)
Early Miocene Puhokio Formation sandstone and mudstone (Tolaga Group) Early Miocene Puhokio Formation sandstone and mudstone (Tolaga Group)
Early Miocene Takiritini Formation limestone (Tolaga Group) Early Miocene Takiritini Formation limestone (Tolaga Group)
Early Miocene Takiritini Formation sandstone (Tolaga Group) Early Miocene Takiritini Formation sandstone (Tolaga Group)
Early Miocene Whakai Formation mudstone (Tolaga Group) Early Miocene Whakai Formation mudstone (Tolaga Group)
Early Miocene Whakataki Formation sandstone and mudstone (Tolaga Group) Early Miocene Whakataki Formation sandstone and mudstone (Tolaga Group)
Early Miocene Whangara Sandstone (Tolaga Group) Early Miocene Whangara Sandstone (Tolaga Group)
Early Miocene breccia (Tolaga Group) Early Miocene breccia (Tolaga Group)
Early Miocene conglomerate (Tolaga Group) Early Miocene conglomerate (Tolaga Group)
Early Miocene fossiliferous sandstone and mudstone (Tolaga Group) Early Miocene fossiliferous sandstone and mudstone (Tolaga Group)
Early Miocene limestone (Tolaga Group) Early Miocene limestone (Tolaga Group)
Early Miocene mudstone (Tolaga Group) Early Miocene mudstone (Tolaga Group)
Early Miocene pebbly limestone (Tolaga Group) Early Miocene pebbly limestone (Tolaga Group)
Early Miocene sandstone and mudstone (Tolaga Group) Early Miocene sandstone and mudstone (Tolaga Group)
Early Miocene shelly limestone (Tolaga Group) Early Miocene shelly limestone (Tolaga Group)
Early Miocene tuffaceous sandstone and mudstone (Whakai Formation) Early Miocene tuffaceous sandstone and mudstone (Whakai Formation)
Early OIS1 (Holocene) Red Crater Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Early OIS1 (Holocene) Red Crater Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Early OIS1 (Holocene) Te Mari Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Early OIS1 (Holocene) Te Mari Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Early OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) North Crater Andesite lava of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Early OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) North Crater Andesite lava of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Early Pleistocene (Mangatuna Formation) river and estuary deposits Early Pleistocene (Mangatuna Formation) river and estuary deposits
Early Pleistocene Hillersden Gravel Early Pleistocene Hillersden Gravel
Early Pleistocene Kaiwaka Formation (Mangaheia Group) Early Pleistocene Kaiwaka Formation (Mangaheia Group)
Early Pleistocene debris avalanche deposits (Old Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre Early Pleistocene debris avalanche deposits (Old Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre
Early Pleistocene fan deposits Early Pleistocene fan deposits
Early Pleistocene glacier deposits Early Pleistocene glacier deposits
Early Pleistocene igneous rocks Early Pleistocene igneous rocks
Early Pleistocene lahar deposits (Maungatautari Formation) of Taupo Volcanic Zone Early Pleistocene lahar deposits (Maungatautari Formation) of Taupo Volcanic Zone
Early Pleistocene ocean beach deposits Early Pleistocene ocean beach deposits
Early Pleistocene parabolic dunes Early Pleistocene parabolic dunes
Early Pleistocene river and lake deposits Early Pleistocene river and lake deposits
Early Pleistocene river deposits Early Pleistocene river deposits
Early Pleistocene river, lake and intertidal deposits (Kidnappers Group) Early Pleistocene river, lake and intertidal deposits (Kidnappers Group)
Early Pleistocene to Middle Pleistocene river deposits Early Pleistocene to Middle Pleistocene river deposits
Early Pliocene Kairakau Limestone (Mangaheia Group) Early Pliocene Kairakau Limestone (Mangaheia Group)
Early Pliocene Mangamahoe Limestone Early Pliocene Mangamahoe Limestone
Early Pliocene Pakaututu Formation (Mangaheia Group) Early Pliocene Pakaututu Formation (Mangaheia Group)
Early Pliocene sandstone and siltstone (Mangaheia Group) Early Pliocene sandstone and siltstone (Mangaheia Group)
Early Pliocene shelly sandstone (Mangaheia Group) Early Pliocene shelly sandstone (Mangaheia Group)
Earthquake Flat Formation (Okataina Group) ignimbrite of Okataina Volcanic Centre Earthquake Flat Formation (Okataina Group) ignimbrite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
East Coast Bays Formation of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group) East Coast Bays Formation of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
East Ruggedy Intrusives diorite East Ruggedy Intrusives diorite
East Ruggedy Intrusives gneiss East Ruggedy Intrusives gneiss
Eastern Pukeahua Formation (Maroa Group) ignimbrite of Maroa Volcanic Centre Eastern Pukeahua Formation (Maroa Group) ignimbrite of Maroa Volcanic Centre
Easy Pluton Easy Pluton
Echinus Granite (Tasman Intrusives) Echinus Granite (Tasman Intrusives)
Edgecumbe Andesite (Okataina Group) andesite of Okataina Volcanic Centre Edgecumbe Andesite (Okataina Group) andesite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Eight Mile Formation (Blue Bottom Group) Eight Mile Formation (Blue Bottom Group)
Electric Granite (Median Batholith) Electric Granite (Median Batholith)
Elephant Hill Gravels Elephant Hill Gravels
Erewhon Formation siltstone and sandstone (Mount Potts Group) Erewhon Formation siltstone and sandstone (Mount Potts Group)
Escarpment Pluton diorite (Rakeahua Granite Batholith) Escarpment Pluton diorite (Rakeahua Granite Batholith)
Escarpment Pluton granodiorite (Rakeahua Granite Batholith) Escarpment Pluton granodiorite (Rakeahua Granite Batholith)
Esk Formation (Eyre Group) Esk Formation (Eyre Group)
Esk Formation basalt (Eyre Group) Esk Formation basalt (Eyre Group)
Esk Formation sandstone (Eyre Group) Esk Formation sandstone (Eyre Group)
Esk Head basalt (Kaweka Terrane) Esk Head basalt (Kaweka Terrane)
Esk Head melange (Kaweka Terrane) Esk Head melange (Kaweka Terrane)
Esk Head sandstone and mudstone (Kaweka Terrane) Esk Head sandstone and mudstone (Kaweka Terrane)
Esk Head volcanics (Kaweka Terrane) Esk Head volcanics (Kaweka Terrane)
Euchre Pluton Euchre Pluton
Expedition Pluton (Foulwind Suite) Expedition Pluton (Foulwind Suite)
Fall Formation (Pepin Group) Fall Formation (Pepin Group)
False Edgecumbe Formation (Edgecumbe Group) False Edgecumbe Formation (Edgecumbe Group)
Fannin Pluton (Separation Point Suite) Fannin Pluton (Separation Point Suite)
Fanny Formation (Fanny Bay Group) Fanny Formation (Fanny Bay Group)
Fanthams Peak Andesite of Egmont Volcanic Centre Fanthams Peak Andesite of Egmont Volcanic Centre
Faraday Microgranodiorite (Separation Point Suite) Faraday Microgranodiorite (Separation Point Suite)
Farewell Formation (Kapuni Group) Farewell Formation (Kapuni Group)
Fenella Fault Zone Fenella Fault Zone
Fergus Formation (Eglinton Subgroup) Fergus Formation (Eglinton Subgroup)
Ferndale Group conglomerate Ferndale Group conglomerate
Ferndale Group sandstone Ferndale Group sandstone
Fingers Formation bedded siltstone (Mount Taylor Group) Fingers Formation bedded siltstone (Mount Taylor Group)
Fingers Formation sandstone and siltstone (Mount Taylor Group) Fingers Formation sandstone and siltstone (Mount Taylor Group)
Five Fingers Pluton (Separation Point Suite) Five Fingers Pluton (Separation Point Suite)
Five Fingers Pluton tonalite, schist and amphibolite (Separation Point Suite) Five Fingers Pluton tonalite, schist and amphibolite (Separation Point Suite)
Forest Hill Formation (Waiau Group) Forest Hill Formation (Waiau Group)
Forked Pluton (Foulwind Suite) Forked Pluton (Foulwind Suite)
Fossil Creek Formation, Island Sandstone and Little Totara Sandstone (Rapahoe Group) Fossil Creek Formation, Island Sandstone and Little Totara Sandstone (Rapahoe Group)
Foulwind Granite (Karamea Suite) Foulwind Granite (Karamea Suite)
Fowler Pluton (Darran Suite) Fowler Pluton (Darran Suite)
Fraser Complex gneiss Fraser Complex gneiss
Fraser Complex mylonitised gneiss Fraser Complex mylonitised gneiss
Freds Camp Pluton (Rakeahua Granite Batholith) Freds Camp Pluton (Rakeahua Granite Batholith)
French Creek Granite French Creek Granite
Freshwater Northeast Pluton Freshwater Northeast Pluton
Gardner Burn Granite (Ridge Suite) Gardner Burn Granite (Ridge Suite)
Garnet biotite granitoid Bonar Orthogneiss Garnet biotite granitoid Bonar Orthogneiss
Gebbies Rhyolite (Mount Somers Volcanics Group) Gebbies Rhyolite (Mount Somers Volcanics Group)
Gentle Annie Formation and Springhill Formation (Mangapurupuru Group) Gentle Annie Formation and Springhill Formation (Mangapurupuru Group)
Gentle Annie Formation breccia (Mangapurupuru Group) Gentle Annie Formation breccia (Mangapurupuru Group)
George Sound Paragneiss George Sound Paragneiss
Geraldine Basalt Geraldine Basalt
German Hill Andesite of Egmont Volcanic Centre German Hill Andesite of Egmont Volcanic Centre
Glade Suite (Darran Suite) Glade Suite (Darran Suite)
Gladstone Formation (Coverham Group) Gladstone Formation (Coverham Group)
Glen Massey Formation of Lower Te Kuiti Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group) Glen Massey Formation of Lower Te Kuiti Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group)
Glenburn Formation sandstone (Mangapurupuru Group) Glenburn Formation sandstone (Mangapurupuru Group)
Glenhope Formation (Tadmor Group) Glenhope Formation (Tadmor Group)
Glennie Formation (Livingstone Volcanics Group) Glennie Formation (Livingstone Volcanics Group)
Glenroy Complex granite (Median Batholith) Glenroy Complex granite (Median Batholith)
Glenroy Complex paragneiss (Median Batholith) Glenroy Complex paragneiss (Median Batholith)
Gog Pluton Gog Pluton
Golden Bay Group sandstone Golden Bay Group sandstone
Goldie Hill Formation (Waiau Group) Goldie Hill Formation (Waiau Group)
Gondor Formation (Brook Street Volcanics Group) Gondor Formation (Brook Street Volcanics Group)
Gore Lignite Measures quartzite (East Southland Group) Gore Lignite Measures quartzite (East Southland Group)
Gore Lignite Measures sandstone (East Southland Group) Gore Lignite Measures sandstone (East Southland Group)
Governors Bay Andesite Governors Bay Andesite
Grahams Creek Dolerite (Mount Somers Volcanics Group) Grahams Creek Dolerite (Mount Somers Volcanics Group)
Grampian Formation (Brook Street Volcanics Group) Grampian Formation (Brook Street Volcanics Group)
Grasseed Volcanics (Muzzle Group) Grasseed Volcanics (Muzzle Group)
Grebe Mylonite Zone Grebe Mylonite Zone
Green Islets Formation (Balleny Group) Green Islets Formation (Balleny Group)
Green Stream Formation (Fanny Bay Group) Green Stream Formation (Fanny Bay Group)
Greenhills Group Greenhills Group
Greenland Group amphibolite grade schist Greenland Group amphibolite grade schist
Greenland Group hornsfels Greenland Group hornsfels
Greenland Group metasediment Greenland Group metasediment
Greenland Group paragneiss Greenland Group paragneiss
Greenstone Melange (Caples Terrane) Greenstone Melange (Caples Terrane)
Greta Formation (Motunau Group) Greta Formation (Motunau Group)
Greville Formation (Maitai Group) Greville Formation (Maitai Group)
Greville Formation green sandstone (Maitai Group) Greville Formation green sandstone (Maitai Group)
Greville Formation siltstone (Maitai Group) Greville Formation siltstone (Maitai Group)
Gridiron Formation (Wallow Group) Gridiron Formation (Wallow Group)
Grindstone Gneiss Grindstone Gneiss
Groom Creek Formation (Brook Street Volcanics Group) Groom Creek Formation (Brook Street Volcanics Group)
Gunn Dolerite Gunn Dolerite
Hailes Quartzite and Fowler Formation (Ellis Group) Hailes Quartzite and Fowler Formation (Ellis Group)
Haldon Formation, Spurs Siltstone (Rakaia Terrane) Haldon Formation, Spurs Siltstone (Rakaia Terrane)
Half Cone Pyroclastics of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Half Cone Pyroclastics of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Halfway Formation Halfway Formation
Halfway Peak Hornblende Gabbro (Darran Suite) Halfway Peak Hornblende Gabbro (Darran Suite)
Halfway Peak Hornblende Gabbro with epidorite (Darran Suite) Halfway Peak Hornblende Gabbro with epidorite (Darran Suite)
Hamilton Ash Formation Hamilton Ash Formation
Hanging Valley Granitoid Intrusives (Outboard Darran Suite) Hanging Valley Granitoid Intrusives (Outboard Darran Suite)
Haowhenua Formation breccia (Hauturu Volcanic Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Haowhenua Formation breccia (Hauturu Volcanic Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Haowhenua Formation dacite (Hauturu Volcanic Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Haowhenua Formation dacite (Hauturu Volcanic Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Harper Hills Basalt (Burnt Hill Group) Harper Hills Basalt (Burnt Hill Group)
Harris Saddle Formation TZIIA semischist (Caples Terrane) Harris Saddle Formation TZIIA semischist (Caples Terrane)
Harris Saddle Formation TZIIB greenschist (Caples Terrane) Harris Saddle Formation TZIIB greenschist (Caples Terrane)
Harris Saddle Formation TZIII greenschist (Caples Terrane) Harris Saddle Formation TZIII greenschist (Caples Terrane)
Harrison Gneiss (Arthur River Complex) Harrison Gneiss (Arthur River Complex)
Hauhungaroa Formation andesite of Taupo Volcanic Zone Hauhungaroa Formation andesite of Taupo Volcanic Zone
Hauhungatahi Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Hauhungatahi Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Hauroko Formation conglomerate (Waiau Group) Hauroko Formation conglomerate (Waiau Group)
Hauroko Formation sandstone (Waiau Group) Hauroko Formation sandstone (Waiau Group)
Hauroko Granite (Ridge Suite) Hauroko Granite (Ridge Suite)
Hawes Head Ultramafics (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) Hawes Head Ultramafics (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
Hawks Crag Breccia (Pororari Group) Hawks Crag Breccia (Pororari Group)
Hawtel - Coral Bluff Melange and Wairaki Breccia (Productus Creek Group) Hawtel - Coral Bluff Melange and Wairaki Breccia (Productus Creek Group)
Haycocks Formation (Waiau Group) Haycocks Formation (Waiau Group)
Heartbreak Formation (Takitimu Subgroup) Heartbreak Formation (Takitimu Subgroup)
Heath Volcanics Formation (Devil River Volcanics Group) Heath Volcanics Formation (Devil River Volcanics Group)
Hekeia Gabbro Hekeia Gabbro
Hekeia Gabbro diorite Hekeia Gabbro diorite
Helensville Conglomerate of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Helensville Conglomerate of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Henley Breccia (Matakea Group) Henley Breccia (Matakea Group)
Hewson Formation Hewson Formation
Hewson Formation basalt of Taupo Volcanic Zone Hewson Formation basalt of Taupo Volcanic Zone
Hillersden Gravel Hillersden Gravel
Hinahina Formation (Mataura Group) Hinahina Formation (Mataura Group)
Hinds River Dacite (Mount Somers Volcanics Group) Hinds River Dacite (Mount Somers Volcanics Group)
Hogburn Formation quartzite Hogburn Formation quartzite
Hogburn Formation sandstone Hogburn Formation sandstone
Hokuri Intrusives Hokuri Intrusives
Holly Burn Intrusives Holly Burn Intrusives
Holly Burn Intrusives diorite Holly Burn Intrusives diorite
Holly Burn Intrusives quartz diorite Holly Burn Intrusives quartz diorite
Homebush Sandstone (Eyre Group) Homebush Sandstone (Eyre Group)
Homebush Sandstone and Feary Greensand (Eyre Group) Homebush Sandstone and Feary Greensand (Eyre Group)
Homebush Sandstone and Waipara Greensand (Eyre Group) Homebush Sandstone and Waipara Greensand (Eyre Group)
Hope Arm Formation conglomerate (Waiau Group) Hope Arm Formation conglomerate (Waiau Group)
Hope Arm Formation sandstone (Waiau Group) Hope Arm Formation sandstone (Waiau Group)
Horatio Orthogneiss (Ridge Suite) Horatio Orthogneiss (Ridge Suite)
Hornfelsed Pahau sandstone and mudstone Hornfelsed Pahau sandstone and mudstone
Horse Range (Matakea Group) Horse Range (Matakea Group)
Hoteo Beds of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Hoteo Beds of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Houseroof Pluton (Median Batholith) Houseroof Pluton (Median Batholith)
Howard Gabbro (Rotoroa Suite) Howard Gabbro (Rotoroa Suite)
Howitt Peaks Gabbro (Darran Suite) Howitt Peaks Gabbro (Darran Suite)
Hukawakawa Sequence (Caples Terrane) Hukawakawa Sequence (Caples Terrane)
Hukerenui Mudstone (Mangakahia Complex) in Northland Allochthon Hukerenui Mudstone (Mangakahia Complex) in Northland Allochthon
Hump Ridge Formation conglomerate Hump Ridge Formation conglomerate
Hump Ridge Formation limestone Hump Ridge Formation limestone
Hump Ridge Formation sandstone Hump Ridge Formation sandstone
Hunter Intrusives cataclasite (Darran Suite) Hunter Intrusives cataclasite (Darran Suite)
Hunter Intrusives diorite (Darran Suite) Hunter Intrusives diorite (Darran Suite)
Hunter Intrusives granodiorite (Darran Suite) Hunter Intrusives granodiorite (Darran Suite)
Huriwai Group siltstone (Murihiku Terrane) Huriwai Group siltstone (Murihiku Terrane)
Hut Leucogranite (Darran Suite) Hut Leucogranite (Darran Suite)
Inangahua Formation (Blue Bottom Group) Inangahua Formation (Blue Bottom Group)
Indecision Creek Complex (Inboard Darran Suite) Indecision Creek Complex (Inboard Darran Suite)
Indian Island Granite (Rahu Suite) Indian Island Granite (Rahu Suite)
Irene Complex gneiss (?Takaka Terrane) Irene Complex gneiss (?Takaka Terrane)
Irene Complex psammite (?Takaka Terrane) Irene Complex psammite (?Takaka Terrane)
Isolated Hill Limestone of Omihi Formation (Motunau Group) Isolated Hill Limestone of Omihi Formation (Motunau Group)
Isolated Hill basalt of Omihi Formation (Motunau Group) Isolated Hill basalt of Omihi Formation (Motunau Group)
Iwikau Member andesite of Whakapapa Formation (Ruapehu Group) of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Iwikau Member andesite of Whakapapa Formation (Ruapehu Group) of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Jackson Formation limestone Jackson Formation limestone
Jackson Formation mudstone Jackson Formation mudstone
Jackson Peaks Granite (Median Batholith) Jackson Peaks Granite (Median Batholith)
Jagged Gneiss derived from Arthur River Complex (Median Batholith) Jagged Gneiss derived from Arthur River Complex (Median Batholith)
Jagged Gneiss derived from Western Fiordland Orthogneiss (Median Batholith) Jagged Gneiss derived from Western Fiordland Orthogneiss (Median Batholith)
Jane Lake Granite (Median Batholith) Jane Lake Granite (Median Batholith)
Jaquiery Granitoid Gneiss (Median Batholith) Jaquiery Granitoid Gneiss (Median Batholith)
Jays Creek Granodiorite (Rahu Suite) Jays Creek Granodiorite (Rahu Suite)
Jeanie Pluton (Ridge Suite) Jeanie Pluton (Ridge Suite)
Johnson Road Formation basalt of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres Johnson Road Formation basalt of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres
Junction Formation Junction Formation
K Trig Formation (Taupo Group) basalt of Taupo Volcanic Centre K Trig Formation (Taupo Group) basalt of Taupo Volcanic Centre
Kaawa Formation (Kaihu Group) Kaawa Formation (Kaihu Group)
Kaharoa Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre Kaharoa Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Kaharoa Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre Kaharoa Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Kaherekoau Formation conglomerate (Waiau Group) Kaherekoau Formation conglomerate (Waiau Group)
Kaherekoau Formation limestone (Waiau Group) Kaherekoau Formation limestone (Waiau Group)
Kaherekoau Formation sandstone (Waiau Group) Kaherekoau Formation sandstone (Waiau Group)
Kaiata Formation (Rapahoe Group) Kaiata Formation (Rapahoe Group)
Kaimai Subgroup andesite and dacite (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Kaimai Subgroup andesite and dacite (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Kaingaroa Formation (Reporoa Group) ignimbrite of Reporoa Volcanic Zone Kaingaroa Formation (Reporoa Group) ignimbrite of Reporoa Volcanic Zone
Kaitake Andesite of Egmont Volcanic Centre Kaitake Andesite of Egmont Volcanic Centre
Kaka Formation (Brook Street Volcanics Group) Kaka Formation (Brook Street Volcanics Group)
Kakahu TZIIA semischist Kakahu TZIIA semischist
Kakaramea Formation andesite Kakaramea Formation andesite
Kakepuku Volcanic Formation (Alexandra Volcanic Group) Kakepuku Volcanic Formation (Alexandra Volcanic Group)
Kakuki Formation (Maroa Group) basalt of Maroa Volcanic Centre Kakuki Formation (Maroa Group) basalt of Maroa Volcanic Centre
Kamo Coal Measures of Waro Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group) Kamo Coal Measures of Waro Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group)
Kaninihi Pluton Kaninihi Pluton
Karamea Suite biotite diorite Karamea Suite biotite diorite
Karamea Suite biotite muscovite granite and granodiorite Karamea Suite biotite muscovite granite and granodiorite
Karamea Suite deformed equigranular or slightly porphyritic biotite granite Karamea Suite deformed equigranular or slightly porphyritic biotite granite
Karamea Suite equigranular biotite granite Karamea Suite equigranular biotite granite
Karamea Suite equigranular biotite muscovite granite Karamea Suite equigranular biotite muscovite granite
Karamea Suite leucocratic muscovite K-feldspar granite Karamea Suite leucocratic muscovite K-feldspar granite
Karamea Suite megacrystic K-feldspar-biotite granite Karamea Suite megacrystic K-feldspar-biotite granite
Karamea Suite muscovite biotite granite Karamea Suite muscovite biotite granite
Karamea Suite muscovite granite Karamea Suite muscovite granite
Karamea Suite undeformed equigranular or slightly porphyritic biotite granite Karamea Suite undeformed equigranular or slightly porphyritic biotite granite
Karangahape Formation (Taupo Group) andesite of Taupo Volcanic Centre Karangahape Formation (Taupo Group) andesite of Taupo Volcanic Centre
Karekare Formation Early Cretaceous mudstone (Matawai Group) Karekare Formation Early Cretaceous mudstone (Matawai Group)
Karekare Formation Late Cretaceous mudstone (Matawai Group) Karekare Formation Late Cretaceous mudstone (Matawai Group)
Karekare Formation sandstone (Matawai Group) Karekare Formation sandstone (Matawai Group)
Karewa Volcanic Formation Karewa Volcanic Formation
Karikari Plutonics of Whangaroa Subgroup (Coromandel Group) Karikari Plutonics of Whangaroa Subgroup (Coromandel Group)
Karioi Volcanic Formation (Alexandra Volcanic Group) Karioi Volcanic Formation (Alexandra Volcanic Group)
Kathryn Metavolcanics Formation (Cameron Group) Kathryn Metavolcanics Formation (Cameron Group)
Kaurahoupo Conglomerate (Parengarenga Group) Kaurahoupo Conglomerate (Parengarenga Group)
Kauroa Ash Kauroa Ash
Kawatiri Amphibolite (Rotoroa Suite) Kawatiri Amphibolite (Rotoroa Suite)
Kays Creek Formation (Caples Terrane) Kays Creek Formation (Caples Terrane)
Kays Creek Formation TZIIA semischist (Caples Terrane) Kays Creek Formation TZIIA semischist (Caples Terrane)
Kays Creek Formation TZIIB semischist (Caples Terrane) Kays Creek Formation TZIIB semischist (Caples Terrane)
Kays Creek lithofacies (Caples Terrane) Kays Creek lithofacies (Caples Terrane)
Kerikeri Volcanic Group Late Miocene andesite of Kaikohe to Bay of Islands Volcanic Field Kerikeri Volcanic Group Late Miocene andesite of Kaikohe to Bay of Islands Volcanic Field
Kerikeri Volcanic Group Late Miocene basalt of Kaikohe to Bay of Islands Volcanic Field Kerikeri Volcanic Group Late Miocene basalt of Kaikohe to Bay of Islands Volcanic Field
Kerikeri Volcanic Group Late Miocene basalt of Puhipuhi to Whangarei Volcanic Field Kerikeri Volcanic Group Late Miocene basalt of Puhipuhi to Whangarei Volcanic Field
Kerikeri Volcanic Group Late Miocene breccia of Puhipuhi to Whangarei Volcanic Field Kerikeri Volcanic Group Late Miocene breccia of Puhipuhi to Whangarei Volcanic Field
Kerikeri Volcanic Group Late Miocene rhyolite of Kaikohe to Bay of Islands Volcanic Field Kerikeri Volcanic Group Late Miocene rhyolite of Kaikohe to Bay of Islands Volcanic Field
Kerikeri Volcanic Group Late Miocene scoria of Kaikohe to Bay of Islands Volcanic Field Kerikeri Volcanic Group Late Miocene scoria of Kaikohe to Bay of Islands Volcanic Field
Kerikeri Volcanic Group Late Miocene scoria of Puhipuhi to Whangarei Volcanic Field Kerikeri Volcanic Group Late Miocene scoria of Puhipuhi to Whangarei Volcanic Field
Kerikeri Volcanic Group Pleistocene basalt of Kaikohe to Bay of Islands Volcanic Field Kerikeri Volcanic Group Pleistocene basalt of Kaikohe to Bay of Islands Volcanic Field
Kerikeri Volcanic Group Pleistocene basalt of Puhipuhi to Whangarei Volcanic Field Kerikeri Volcanic Group Pleistocene basalt of Puhipuhi to Whangarei Volcanic Field
Kerikeri Volcanic Group Pleistocene dacite of Puhipuhi to Whangarei Volcanic Field Kerikeri Volcanic Group Pleistocene dacite of Puhipuhi to Whangarei Volcanic Field
Kerikeri Volcanic Group Pleistocene scoria of Kaikohe to Bay of Islands Volcanic Field Kerikeri Volcanic Group Pleistocene scoria of Kaikohe to Bay of Islands Volcanic Field
Kerikeri Volcanic Group Pleistocene scoria of Puhipuhi to Whangarei Volcanic Field Kerikeri Volcanic Group Pleistocene scoria of Puhipuhi to Whangarei Volcanic Field
Kintail Pluton (Ridge Suite) Kintail Pluton (Ridge Suite)
Kiore Formation (Whangamomona Group and Wai-Iti Group) Kiore Formation (Whangamomona Group and Wai-Iti Group)
Kirikiri Group siltstone (Murihiku Terrane) Kirikiri Group siltstone (Murihiku Terrane)
Kirks Breccia of Whangai Formation (Tinui Group) Kirks Breccia of Whangai Formation (Tinui Group)
Kirwans Dolerite Kirwans Dolerite
Kisbee Formation Kisbee Formation
Knife and Steel Formation (Waiau Group) Knife and Steel Formation (Waiau Group)
Knob Granite (Rakeahua Granite Batholith) Knob Granite (Rakeahua Granite Batholith)
Knobs Gabbro Knobs Gabbro
Koheroa Siltstone of Meremere Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Koheroa Siltstone of Meremere Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Kohu Member of Mount Messenger Formation (Whangamomona Group and Wai-Iti Group) Kohu Member of Mount Messenger Formation (Whangamomona Group and Wai-Iti Group)
Kohurau TZIIA Schist Kohurau TZIIA Schist
Kohurau TZIIB semischist Kohurau TZIIB semischist
Kokepa South Pluton Kokepa South Pluton
Kokopu Limestone (Waiau Group) Kokopu Limestone (Waiau Group)
Koranga Formation conglomerate (Matawai Group) Koranga Formation conglomerate (Matawai Group)
Korotai Formation (Maroa Group) ignimbrite of Maroa Volcanic Centre Korotai Formation (Maroa Group) ignimbrite of Maroa Volcanic Centre
Koura Formation (Devil River Volcanics Group) Koura Formation (Devil River Volcanics Group)
Kowai Formation Kowai Formation
Kuaotunu Subgroup andesite and dacite (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Kuaotunu Subgroup andesite and dacite (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Kuriwao Group Kuriwao Group
Kyeburn Breccia (Matakea Group) Kyeburn Breccia (Matakea Group)
Lake 773 Pluton (Median Batholith) Lake 773 Pluton (Median Batholith)
Lake Hankinson Complex diorite (Inboard Darran Suite) Lake Hankinson Complex diorite (Inboard Darran Suite)
Lake Hankinson Complex granite (Inboard Darran Suite) Lake Hankinson Complex granite (Inboard Darran Suite)
Lake Mike Granite Lake Mike Granite
Lake Monk Granite (Rahu Suite) Lake Monk Granite (Rahu Suite)
Lake Roe Gabbro Lake Roe Gabbro
Lake Roxburgh Tonalite (Tobin Suite) Lake Roxburgh Tonalite (Tobin Suite)
Lake Wade Diorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) Lake Wade Diorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
Large Granite (Foulwind Suite) Large Granite (Foulwind Suite)
Late Cretaceous Conway Formation (Eyre Group) Late Cretaceous Conway Formation (Eyre Group)
Late Cretaceous to Paleocene Conway Formation (Eyre Group) Late Cretaceous to Paleocene Conway Formation (Eyre Group)
Late Miocene Areoma Sandstone (Tolaga Group) Late Miocene Areoma Sandstone (Tolaga Group)
Late Miocene Bexhaven Limestone (Tolaga Group) Late Miocene Bexhaven Limestone (Tolaga Group)
Late Miocene Blowhard Formation conglomerate (Tolaga Group) Late Miocene Blowhard Formation conglomerate (Tolaga Group)
Late Miocene Mangaoranga Formation and Kaiparoro Formation conglomerate (Tolaga Group) Late Miocene Mangaoranga Formation and Kaiparoro Formation conglomerate (Tolaga Group)
Late Miocene Patutahi Limestone (Tolaga Group) Late Miocene Patutahi Limestone (Tolaga Group)
Late Miocene Tokomaru Sandstone (Mangaheia Group) Late Miocene Tokomaru Sandstone (Mangaheia Group)
Late Miocene fossiliferous mudstone (Tolaga Group) Late Miocene fossiliferous mudstone (Tolaga Group)
Late Miocene mudstone (Tolaga Group and Owhanga Group) Late Miocene mudstone (Tolaga Group and Owhanga Group)
Late Miocene mudstone (Tolaga Group) Late Miocene mudstone (Tolaga Group)
Late Miocene mudstone (Tolaga Group, Hurupi Group and Onoke Group) Late Miocene mudstone (Tolaga Group, Hurupi Group and Onoke Group)
Late Miocene mudstone (Tolaga Group, Te Hoe Group and Hurupi Group) Late Miocene mudstone (Tolaga Group, Te Hoe Group and Hurupi Group)
Late Miocene sandstone (Tolaga Group) Late Miocene sandstone (Tolaga Group)
Late Miocene sandstone and mudstone (Tolaga Group) Late Miocene sandstone and mudstone (Tolaga Group)
Late Miocene to Middle Pleistocene rhyolitic river deposits Late Miocene to Middle Pleistocene rhyolitic river deposits
Late Miocene to Middle Pleistocene river deposits Late Miocene to Middle Pleistocene river deposits
Late Miocene to Pliocene sandstone (Mangaheia Group) Late Miocene to Pliocene sandstone (Mangaheia Group)
Late Miocene tuffaceous sandstone and mudstone (Tolaga Group) Late Miocene tuffaceous sandstone and mudstone (Tolaga Group)
Late OIS1 (Holocene) Red Crater Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Late OIS1 (Holocene) Red Crater Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Late OIS1 (Holocene) Te Mari Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Late OIS1 (Holocene) Te Mari Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Late OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) North Crater Andesite lava of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Late OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) North Crater Andesite lava of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Late Pleistocene Maroa Group rhyolite of Maroa Volcanic Centre Late Pleistocene Maroa Group rhyolite of Maroa Volcanic Centre
Late Pleistocene Maroa Group rhyolite pyroclastics of Maroa Volcanic Centre Late Pleistocene Maroa Group rhyolite pyroclastics of Maroa Volcanic Centre
Late Pleistocene Okataina Group rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre Late Pleistocene Okataina Group rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Late Pleistocene river and estuary deposits Late Pleistocene river and estuary deposits
Late Pleistocene river and lake deposits Late Pleistocene river and lake deposits
Late Pleistocene to Holocene fan deposits Late Pleistocene to Holocene fan deposits
Late Pleistocene to Holocene landslide deposits Late Pleistocene to Holocene landslide deposits
Late Pleistocene to Holocene ocean beach and swamp deposits Late Pleistocene to Holocene ocean beach and swamp deposits
Late Pleistocene to Holocene river and ocean beach deposits Late Pleistocene to Holocene river and ocean beach deposits
Late Pleistocene to Holocene river deposits Late Pleistocene to Holocene river deposits
Late Pleistocene to Holocene river deposits mantled by thick Mangaone Subgroup fall deposits of Okataina Volcanic Centre Late Pleistocene to Holocene river deposits mantled by thick Mangaone Subgroup fall deposits of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Late Pleistocene to Holocene scree deposits Late Pleistocene to Holocene scree deposits
Late Pleistocene to Holocene swamp deposits Late Pleistocene to Holocene swamp deposits
Late Pleistocene) White Island Formation andesite of Central Cone Late Pleistocene) White Island Formation andesite of Central Cone
Late Pleistocene) White Island Formation andesite of North Cone Late Pleistocene) White Island Formation andesite of North Cone
Late Pliocene Awapapa Limestone (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Awapapa Limestone (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene Castlepoint Formation (Onoke Group) Late Pliocene Castlepoint Formation (Onoke Group)
Late Pliocene Kereru Formation (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Kereru Formation (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene Kumeroa Formation (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Kumeroa Formation (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene Mason Ridge Formation (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Mason Ridge Formation (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene Matahorua Formation (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Matahorua Formation (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene Mount Mary Limestone (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Mount Mary Limestone (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene Ngaruru Limestone (Mangamaire Group) Late Pliocene Ngaruru Limestone (Mangamaire Group)
Late Pliocene Opoiti Limestone (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Opoiti Limestone (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene Ormond Limestone (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Ormond Limestone (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene Pakipaki Limestone (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Pakipaki Limestone (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene Petane Formation (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Petane Formation (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene Rongomai Limestone, Whetukura Limestone, Koropeke Limestone (Onoke Group) Late Pliocene Rongomai Limestone, Whetukura Limestone, Koropeke Limestone (Onoke Group)
Late Pliocene Rotookiwa Limestone (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Rotookiwa Limestone (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene Scinde Island Formation (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Scinde Island Formation (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene Sentry Box Formation (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Sentry Box Formation (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene Tahaenui Limestone (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Tahaenui Limestone (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene Te Onepu Limestone (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Te Onepu Limestone (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene Te Waka Formation (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Te Waka Formation (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene Titiokura Formation (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Titiokura Formation (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene Totaranui Limestone, Otope Limestone, Pori Limestone, Ngaruru Limestone, Kumeroa Limestone (Mangamaire Group), Pukenui Limestone (Onoke Group) Late Pliocene Totaranui Limestone, Otope Limestone, Pori Limestone, Ngaruru Limestone, Kumeroa Limestone (Mangamaire Group), Pukenui Limestone (Onoke Group)
Late Pliocene Tourere Formation (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Tourere Formation (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene Waitahora Limestone (Napier Group) Late Pliocene Waitahora Limestone (Napier Group)
Late Pliocene Whakapunake Limestone (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Whakapunake Limestone (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene Whetukura Limestone (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene Whetukura Limestone (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene limestone (Managamaire Group and Onoke Group) Late Pliocene limestone (Managamaire Group and Onoke Group)
Late Pliocene limestone (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene limestone (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene sandstone and siltstone (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene sandstone and siltstone (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene siltstone (Mangaheia Group) Late Pliocene siltstone (Mangaheia Group)
Late Pliocene to Early Pleistocene lahar deposits (Hauhungaroa Formation) of Taupo Volcanic Zone Late Pliocene to Early Pleistocene lahar deposits (Hauhungaroa Formation) of Taupo Volcanic Zone
Late Pliocene to Early Pleistocene river deposits Late Pliocene to Early Pleistocene river deposits
Late Pliocene to Middle Pleistocene pumiceous river deposits Late Pliocene to Middle Pleistocene pumiceous river deposits
Late Pliocene to Middle Pleistocene river deposits Late Pliocene to Middle Pleistocene river deposits
Leslie Formation and Slaty Creek Formation (Golden Bay Group) Leslie Formation and Slaty Creek Formation (Golden Bay Group)
Liger Breccia Member of Blackmount Formation (Waiau Group) Liger Breccia Member of Blackmount Formation (Waiau Group)
Link Formation ignimbrite (Pakaumanu Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Link Formation ignimbrite (Pakaumanu Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Little Ben Sandstone (Maitai Group) Little Ben Sandstone (Maitai Group)
Loburn Formation, Waipara Greensand and Ashley Mudstone (Eyre Group) Loburn Formation, Waipara Greensand and Ashley Mudstone (Eyre Group)
Loburn Formation, Waipara Greensand, Ashley Mudstone, Homebush and Karetu sandstones (Eyre Group) Loburn Formation, Waipara Greensand, Ashley Mudstone, Homebush and Karetu sandstones (Eyre Group)
Loch Burn Formation metaconglomerate Loch Burn Formation metaconglomerate
Loch Burn Formation metavolcanics Loch Burn Formation metavolcanics
Lockett Conglomerate Formation (Haupiri Group) Lockett Conglomerate Formation (Haupiri Group)
Lockington Diorite (Separation Point Suite) Lockington Diorite (Separation Point Suite)
Lone Kauri Formation of Manukau Subgroup (Waitakere Group) Lone Kauri Formation of Manukau Subgroup (Waitakere Group)
Lone Stag Ultramafics Lone Stag Ultramafics
Long Sound Calc-Silicate (Cameron Group) Long Sound Calc-Silicate (Cameron Group)
Longford Formation Longford Formation
Lookout Formation (Wallow Group) Lookout Formation (Wallow Group)
Lords Pluton Lords Pluton
Lower Orakonui Formation (Maroa Group) ignimbrite of Maroa Volcanic Centre Lower Orakonui Formation (Maroa Group) ignimbrite of Maroa Volcanic Centre
Lugar Burn Quartz Monzonite (Median Batholith) Lugar Burn Quartz Monzonite (Median Batholith)
Lumaluma Formation quartzite and graphitic pelite (Fanny Bay Group) Lumaluma Formation quartzite and graphitic pelite (Fanny Bay Group)
Lumaluma Formation quartzose metasandstone and pelite (Fanny Bay Group) Lumaluma Formation quartzose metasandstone and pelite (Fanny Bay Group)
Lushington Breccia (Akaroa Volcanic Group) Lushington Breccia (Akaroa Volcanic Group)
Luxmore Mafic Igneous Complex (Darran Suite) Luxmore Mafic Igneous Complex (Darran Suite)
Lyttelton Volcanics basaltic and trachytic lava, breccia, tuff and domes Lyttelton Volcanics basaltic and trachytic lava, breccia, tuff and domes
Lyvia Gneiss Lyvia Gneiss
Macey Pluton (Separation Point Suite) Macey Pluton (Separation Point Suite)
Macey west pluton mylonitised granitoid rocks (Separation Point Suite). Macey west pluton mylonitised granitoid rocks (Separation Point Suite).
Mackay Intrusives (Darran Suite) Mackay Intrusives (Darran Suite)
Mackenzie Schist Mackenzie Schist
Mackinnon Peak Intrusives Mackinnon Peak Intrusives
Macnamara Formation conglomerate and sandstone (Balleny Group) Macnamara Formation conglomerate and sandstone (Balleny Group)
Macnamara Formation mudstone (Balleny Group) Macnamara Formation mudstone (Balleny Group)
Maero Formation of Egmont Volcanic Centre Maero Formation of Egmont Volcanic Centre
Mahurangi Limestone (Motatau Complex) in Northland Allochthon Mahurangi Limestone (Motatau Complex) in Northland Allochthon
Makahikatoa Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Makahikatoa Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Mako Coal Measures Mako Coal Measures
Malaspina Pluton hornblende diorite and monzodiorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) Malaspina Pluton hornblende diorite and monzodiorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
Malaspina Pluton orthogneiss (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) Malaspina Pluton orthogneiss (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
Malaspina Pluton two pyroxene diorite and monzodiorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) Malaspina Pluton two pyroxene diorite and monzodiorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
Mamaku Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre Mamaku Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Mamaku Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre Mamaku Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Mamaku Plateau Formation ignimbrite of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres Mamaku Plateau Formation ignimbrite of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres
Manaia Hill Group sandstone and siltstone (Waipapa Composite Terrane) Manaia Hill Group sandstone and siltstone (Waipapa Composite Terrane)
Manawahe Formation dacite of Taupo Volcanic Zone Manawahe Formation dacite of Taupo Volcanic Zone
Mangahouhounui Lavas andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Mangahouhounui Lavas andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Mangakotuku Formation of Lower Te Kuiti Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group) Mangakotuku Formation of Lower Te Kuiti Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group)
Mangaku Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Mangaku Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Manganui Formation (Wai-Iti Group) Manganui Formation (Wai-Iti Group)
Manganui Formation (Wai-Iti Group) and undifferentiated Mokau Group Manganui Formation (Wai-Iti Group) and undifferentiated Mokau Group
Mangaohewa Formation and Mokoiwi Formation (Ruatoria Group) in East Coast Allochthon Mangaohewa Formation and Mokoiwi Formation (Ruatoria Group) in East Coast Allochthon
Mangaokewa Formation ignimbrite (Pakaumanu Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Mangaokewa Formation ignimbrite (Pakaumanu Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Mangaone Subgroup (Okataina Group) ignimbrite of Okataina Volcanic Centre Mangaone Subgroup (Okataina Group) ignimbrite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Mangapa Mudstone of Whakateterekia Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group) Mangapa Mudstone of Whakateterekia Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group)
Mangapa Mudstone of Whakateterekia Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group) in Northland Allochthon Mangapa Mudstone of Whakateterekia Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group) in Northland Allochthon
Mangapokia Formation basalt (Pahaoa Group) Mangapokia Formation basalt (Pahaoa Group)
Mangapokia Formation sandstone (Pahaoa Group) Mangapokia Formation sandstone (Pahaoa Group)
Mangarere Formation (Rangitikei Group) Mangarere Formation (Rangitikei Group)
Mangawhero Formation (Ruapehu Group) andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Mangawhero Formation (Ruapehu Group) andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Mangles Formation Mangles Formation
Mangonui Formation (Reinga Group) Mangonui Formation (Reinga Group)
Maniototo Conglomerate (Hawkdun Group) Maniototo Conglomerate (Hawkdun Group)
Maniototo Conglomerate and Wedderburn Formation (Hawkdun Group) Maniototo Conglomerate and Wedderburn Formation (Hawkdun Group)
Mantle Volcanics Formation (Skippers Subgroup) Mantle Volcanics Formation (Skippers Subgroup)
Manurewa, Awhea, Awheaiti, Pukemuri and Wanstead formations (Tora Group) Manurewa, Awhea, Awheaiti, Pukemuri and Wanstead formations (Tora Group)
Marguerite Amphibolite Marguerite Amphibolite
Marotiri Formation (Taupo Group) basalt of Taupo Volcanic Centre Marotiri Formation (Taupo Group) basalt of Taupo Volcanic Centre
Marshall Formation ignimbrite (Pakaumanu Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Marshall Formation ignimbrite (Pakaumanu Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Maruia Formation conglomerate Maruia Formation conglomerate
Maruia Formation sandstone and mudstone Maruia Formation sandstone and mudstone
Maruia Pluton granodiorite to granite (Ridge Suite) Maruia Pluton granodiorite to granite (Ridge Suite)
Marybank Formation (Drumduan Group) Marybank Formation (Drumduan Group)
Maryville Coal Measures (Mokau Group) Maryville Coal Measures (Mokau Group)
Mason Bay Pluton amphibolite Mason Bay Pluton amphibolite
Mason Bay Pluton granodiorite Mason Bay Pluton granodiorite
Matahina Formation (Okataina Group) ignimbrite mantled by thick Mangaone Subgroup fall deposits of Okataina Volcanic Centre Matahina Formation (Okataina Group) ignimbrite mantled by thick Mangaone Subgroup fall deposits of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Matahina Formation (Okataina Group) ignimbrite of Okataina Volcanic Centre Matahina Formation (Okataina Group) ignimbrite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Matakana Formation (Whitianga Group) basalt of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Matakana Formation (Whitianga Group) basalt of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Mataki Volcanics Formation (Devil River Volcanics Group) Mataki Volcanics Formation (Devil River Volcanics Group)
Matapan Formation basalt of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres Matapan Formation basalt of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres
Matapia Formation (Parengarenga Group) Matapia Formation (Parengarenga Group)
Matapoura Conglomerate of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Matapoura Conglomerate of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Matemateaonga Formation Early Pliocene sandstone (Whangamomona Group) Matemateaonga Formation Early Pliocene sandstone (Whangamomona Group)
Matemateaonga Formation Late Miocene sandstone (Whangamomona Group) Matemateaonga Formation Late Miocene sandstone (Whangamomona Group)
Matemateaonga Formation Late Miocene to Early Pliocene sandstone (Whangamomona Group) Matemateaonga Formation Late Miocene to Early Pliocene sandstone (Whangamomona Group)
Matiri Formation (Blue Bottom Group) Matiri Formation (Blue Bottom Group)
Maungakatote Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Maungakatote Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Maungatautari Formation andesite of Taupo Volcanic Zone Maungatautari Formation andesite of Taupo Volcanic Zone
McConnochie Pluton granite (Karamea Suite) McConnochie Pluton granite (Karamea Suite)
McIntosh Monzodiorite (Separation Point Suite) McIntosh Monzodiorite (Separation Point Suite)
McIvor Formation (Waiau Group) McIvor Formation (Waiau Group)
McKerr Intrusives diorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) McKerr Intrusives diorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
McKerr Intrusives quartz monzodiorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) McKerr Intrusives quartz monzodiorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
McPhee Cove Conglomerate (Ferndale Group) McPhee Cove Conglomerate (Ferndale Group)
McQueens Andesite (Mount Somers Volcanics Group) McQueens Andesite (Mount Somers Volcanics Group)
Mead Hill Formation (Muzzle Group) Mead Hill Formation (Muzzle Group)
Medway Formation (Awatere Group) Medway Formation (Awatere Group)
Melange of East Coast Allochthon Melange of East Coast Allochthon
Melange of Northland Allochthon Melange of Northland Allochthon
Mercer Sandstone of Meremere Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Mercer Sandstone of Meremere Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Mercury Basalts of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Mercury Basalts of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Merrie Granite (Ridge Suite) Merrie Granite (Ridge Suite)
Meybille Granite (Karamea Suite) Meybille Granite (Karamea Suite)
Mid Poteriteri Pluton (Inboard Darran Suite) Mid Poteriteri Pluton (Inboard Darran Suite)
Middle Miocene Tunanui Formation sandstone (Tolaga Group) Middle Miocene Tunanui Formation sandstone (Tolaga Group)
Middle Miocene Waiokaha Formation limestone (Tolaga Group) Middle Miocene Waiokaha Formation limestone (Tolaga Group)
Middle Miocene limestone (Tolaga Group) Middle Miocene limestone (Tolaga Group)
Middle Miocene sandstone (Tolaga Group) Middle Miocene sandstone (Tolaga Group)
Middle Miocene sandstone and mudstone (Tolaga Group) Middle Miocene sandstone and mudstone (Tolaga Group)
Middle Miocene to Late Miocene sandstone and conglomerate (Tolaga and Hurupi groups) Middle Miocene to Late Miocene sandstone and conglomerate (Tolaga and Hurupi groups)
Middle OIS1 (Holocene) Red Crater Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Middle OIS1 (Holocene) Red Crater Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Middle OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) North Crater Andesite lava of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Middle OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) North Crater Andesite lava of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Middle Pleistocene Okataina Group dacite of Okataina Volcanic Centre Middle Pleistocene Okataina Group dacite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Middle Pleistocene Okataina Group rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre Middle Pleistocene Okataina Group rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Middle Pleistocene Okataina Group rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre Middle Pleistocene Okataina Group rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Middle Pleistocene dune deposits Middle Pleistocene dune deposits
Middle Pleistocene estuary and shallow marine deposits Middle Pleistocene estuary and shallow marine deposits
Middle Pleistocene fan deposits Middle Pleistocene fan deposits
Middle Pleistocene fan, river and lake deposits Middle Pleistocene fan, river and lake deposits
Middle Pleistocene glacier deposits Middle Pleistocene glacier deposits
Middle Pleistocene lahar deposits (Kakaramea Formation) Middle Pleistocene lahar deposits (Kakaramea Formation)
Middle Pleistocene lake deposits Middle Pleistocene lake deposits
Middle Pleistocene lake deposits and breccia Middle Pleistocene lake deposits and breccia
Middle Pleistocene lake deposits mantled by thick Mangaone Subgroup fall deposits of Okataina Volcanic Centre Middle Pleistocene lake deposits mantled by thick Mangaone Subgroup fall deposits of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Middle Pleistocene landslide deposits Middle Pleistocene landslide deposits
Middle Pleistocene loess deposits Middle Pleistocene loess deposits
Middle Pleistocene ocean beach deposits Middle Pleistocene ocean beach deposits
Middle Pleistocene outwash deposits Middle Pleistocene outwash deposits
Middle Pleistocene river deposits Middle Pleistocene river deposits
Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene glacier deposits Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene glacier deposits
Middle Stream Formation (Edgecumbe Group) Middle Stream Formation (Edgecumbe Group)
Mike River Formation (Edgecumbe Group) Mike River Formation (Edgecumbe Group)
Milford Orthogneiss orthogneiss (Arthur River Complex) Milford Orthogneiss orthogneiss (Arthur River Complex)
Milford Orthogneiss ultramafics (Arthur River Complex) Milford Orthogneiss ultramafics (Arthur River Complex)
Millar Road Ignimbrite (Okataina Group) of Okataina Volcanic Centre Millar Road Ignimbrite (Okataina Group) of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Minden Rhyolite Subgroup (Whitianga Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Minden Rhyolite Subgroup (Whitianga Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Miranda unit basaltic andesite (Kiwitahi Volcanic Group) Miranda unit basaltic andesite (Kiwitahi Volcanic Group)
Mistake Diorite (Darran Suite) Mistake Diorite (Darran Suite)
Misty Pluton hornblende diorite and quartz monzonite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) Misty Pluton hornblende diorite and quartz monzonite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
Misty Pluton hornblendite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) Misty Pluton hornblendite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
Misty Pluton orthogneiss (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) Misty Pluton orthogneiss (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
Misty Pluton two pyroxene diorite and monzodiorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) Misty Pluton two pyroxene diorite and monzodiorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
Moanui Formation (Matawai Group) Moanui Formation (Matawai Group)
Mohakatino Formation (Whangamomona Group and Wai-Iti Group) Mohakatino Formation (Whangamomona Group and Wai-Iti Group)
Mokai Formation (Maroa Group) ignimbrite of Maroa Volcanic Centre Mokai Formation (Maroa Group) ignimbrite of Maroa Volcanic Centre
Mokoiwi Formation (Ruatoria Group) in East Coast Allochthon Mokoiwi Formation (Ruatoria Group) in East Coast Allochthon
Momus Sandstone (Caples Terrane) Momus Sandstone (Caples Terrane)
Momus Sandstone TZIIA semischist (Caples Terrane) Momus Sandstone TZIIA semischist (Caples Terrane)
Momus Sandstone TZIIB semischist (Caples Terrane) Momus Sandstone TZIIB semischist (Caples Terrane)
Monowai Formation (Waiau Group) Monowai Formation (Waiau Group)
Monro Conglomerate Monro Conglomerate
Montgomerie Pluton granite (Karamea Suite) Montgomerie Pluton granite (Karamea Suite)
Motukaraka Sandstone (Mangakahia Complex) in Northland Allochthon Motukaraka Sandstone (Mangakahia Complex) in Northland Allochthon
Motuouhi Formation of Hukatere Subgroup (Waitakere Group) Motuouhi Formation of Hukatere Subgroup (Waitakere Group)
Mouat Pluton (Separation Point Suite) Mouat Pluton (Separation Point Suite)
Mount Anau Complex (Inboard Darran Suite) Mount Anau Complex (Inboard Darran Suite)
Mount Barber Gneiss (Takaka Terrane) Mount Barber Gneiss (Takaka Terrane)
Mount Barber Gneiss schist (Takaka Terrane) Mount Barber Gneiss schist (Takaka Terrane)
Mount Brown Formation (Motunau Group) Mount Brown Formation (Motunau Group)
Mount Brown Formation, Tokama Siltstone and Waikari Formation (Motunau Group) Mount Brown Formation, Tokama Siltstone and Waikari Formation (Motunau Group)
Mount George Gabbro (Inboard Darran Suite) Mount George Gabbro (Inboard Darran Suite)
Mount Graham Granite (Karamea Suite) Mount Graham Granite (Karamea Suite)
Mount Herbert Volcanics basaltic lava, breccia and sediments Mount Herbert Volcanics basaltic lava, breccia and sediments
Mount Messenger Formation (Whangamomona Group and Wai-Iti Group) Mount Messenger Formation (Whangamomona Group and Wai-Iti Group)
Mount Solitary Granodiorite (Paringa Suite) Mount Solitary Granodiorite (Paringa Suite)
Mount Somers Volcanics basaltic to dacitic andesite flows Mount Somers Volcanics basaltic to dacitic andesite flows
Mount Somers Volcanics ignimbrite Mount Somers Volcanics ignimbrite
Mount Somers Volcanics porphyritic rhyolitic Mount Somers Volcanics porphyritic rhyolitic
Mount Somers Volcanics rhyolite Mount Somers Volcanics rhyolite
Mount Somers Volcanics rhyolitic tuff Mount Somers Volcanics rhyolitic tuff
Mount St Mary Formation TZIIA schist Mount St Mary Formation TZIIA schist
Mount St Mary Formation sandstone/siltstone Mount St Mary Formation sandstone/siltstone
Mount Webb Gneiss (Median Batholith) Mount Webb Gneiss (Median Batholith)
Moutere Gravel (Tadmor Group) Moutere Gravel (Tadmor Group)
Mt Beckman Norite Mt Beckman Norite
Mt Edgar Diorite (Inboard Darran Suite) Mt Edgar Diorite (Inboard Darran Suite)
Mt Evans Pluton diorite (Karamea Suite) Mt Evans Pluton diorite (Karamea Suite)
Mt Evans Pluton granite (Karamea Suite) Mt Evans Pluton granite (Karamea Suite)
Mt Gore Pluton granite (Separation Point Suite) Mt Gore Pluton granite (Separation Point Suite)
Mt Haast Pluton granite (Karamea Suite) Mt Haast Pluton granite (Karamea Suite)
Mt Ross Pluton granite (Rahu Suite) Mt Ross Pluton granite (Rahu Suite)
Mungaroa Limestone Formation (Tora Group) Mungaroa Limestone Formation (Tora Group)
Murchison Intrusives gabbro (Darran Suite) Murchison Intrusives gabbro (Darran Suite)
Murchison Intrusives granodiorite (Darran Suite) Murchison Intrusives granodiorite (Darran Suite)
Murchison Intrusives quartz diorite (Darran Suite) Murchison Intrusives quartz diorite (Darran Suite)
Murcott Burn Andesites (Largs Group) Murcott Burn Andesites (Largs Group)
Murihiku Supergroup conglomerate Murihiku Supergroup conglomerate
Murihiku Supergroup volcaniclastic sandstone Murihiku Supergroup volcaniclastic sandstone
Murimotu Intrusives (Tangihua Complex) in Northland Allochthon Murimotu Intrusives (Tangihua Complex) in Northland Allochthon
Muscovite biotite granite and granodiorite Bonar Orthogneiss Muscovite biotite granite and granodiorite Bonar Orthogneiss
Mylonitised garnet biotite granitoid Bonar Orthogneiss Mylonitised garnet biotite granitoid Bonar Orthogneiss
Neck Granite Neck Granite
New Brighton Conglomerate (Ohai Group) New Brighton Conglomerate (Ohai Group)
Newcastle Group Early Jurassic siltstone (Murihiku Terrane) Newcastle Group Early Jurassic siltstone (Murihiku Terrane)
Newcastle Group Late Triassic siltstone (Murihiku Terrane) Newcastle Group Late Triassic siltstone (Murihiku Terrane)
Newton River Pluton (Karamea Suite) Newton River Pluton (Karamea Suite)
Ngahape Volcanic Complex (Mangapurupuru Group) Ngahape Volcanic Complex (Mangapurupuru Group)
Ngaroma Formation ignimbrite (Pakaumanu Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Ngaroma Formation ignimbrite (Pakaumanu Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Ngatoka Member of Ruarangi Formation of Bream Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Ngatoka Member of Ruarangi Formation of Bream Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Ngatutura Basalts (Kerikeri Volcanic Group) of Ngatutura volcanic field Ngatutura Basalts (Kerikeri Volcanic Group) of Ngatutura volcanic field
Ngauruhoe Andesite (Tongariro Subgroup) of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Ngauruhoe Andesite (Tongariro Subgroup) of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Nidd Formation (Hapuku Group) Nidd Formation (Hapuku Group)
Nihotupu Formation and Piha Formation of Manukau Subgroup (Waitakere Group) Nihotupu Formation and Piha Formation of Manukau Subgroup (Waitakere Group)
Nihotupu Formation of Manukau Subgroup (Waitakere Group) Nihotupu Formation of Manukau Subgroup (Waitakere Group)
Nile Group and Stillwater Mudstone (Blue Bottom Group) Nile Group and Stillwater Mudstone (Blue Bottom Group)
North Arm Pluton diorite North Arm Pluton diorite
North Arm Pluton gneiss North Arm Pluton gneiss
North Cape Formation (Pakawau Group) North Cape Formation (Pakawau Group)
North Fiord Granite (Separation Point Suite) North Fiord Granite (Separation Point Suite)
North Port Granite (Rahu Suite) North Port Granite (Rahu Suite)
North Range Group conglomerate North Range Group conglomerate
North Range Group siltstone North Range Group siltstone
Nowhere Formation siltstone (Mount Potts Group) Nowhere Formation siltstone (Mount Potts Group)
Nurse Formation (Largs Group) Nurse Formation (Largs Group)
Nurse Suite (Darran Suite) Nurse Suite (Darran Suite)
O'Keefe Formation (Blue Bottom Group) O'Keefe Formation (Blue Bottom Group)
O'Sullivans Granite (Karamea Suite) O'Sullivans Granite (Karamea Suite)
OIS1 (Holocene) Okataina Group rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre OIS1 (Holocene) Okataina Group rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre
OIS1 (Holocene) Taupo Group rhyolite of Taupo Volcanic Centre OIS1 (Holocene) Taupo Group rhyolite of Taupo Volcanic Centre
OIS1 (Holocene) Taupo Group tephra of Taupo Volcanic Centre OIS1 (Holocene) Taupo Group tephra of Taupo Volcanic Centre
OIS1 (Holocene) White Island Formation andesite of Central Cone OIS1 (Holocene) White Island Formation andesite of Central Cone
OIS1 (Holocene) active dune deposits OIS1 (Holocene) active dune deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) active ocean beach deposits OIS1 (Holocene) active ocean beach deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) active riverbed deposits OIS1 (Holocene) active riverbed deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) anthropic deposits OIS1 (Holocene) anthropic deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) debris avalanche deposits (Murimotu Formation) of Tongariro Volcanic Centre OIS1 (Holocene) debris avalanche deposits (Murimotu Formation) of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
OIS1 (Holocene) debris avalanche deposits (Opua Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre OIS1 (Holocene) debris avalanche deposits (Opua Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre
OIS1 (Holocene) debris avalanche deposits at Ketetahi OIS1 (Holocene) debris avalanche deposits at Ketetahi
OIS1 (Holocene) dune deposits OIS1 (Holocene) dune deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) engineered fill OIS1 (Holocene) engineered fill
OIS1 (Holocene) estuary deposits OIS1 (Holocene) estuary deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) fan deposits OIS1 (Holocene) fan deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) glacier deposits OIS1 (Holocene) glacier deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) lahar flow deposits (Hangatahua Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre OIS1 (Holocene) lahar flow deposits (Hangatahua Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre
OIS1 (Holocene) lahar flow deposits (Kahui Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre OIS1 (Holocene) lahar flow deposits (Kahui Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre
OIS1 (Holocene) lahar flow deposits (Ngatoro Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre OIS1 (Holocene) lahar flow deposits (Ngatoro Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre
OIS1 (Holocene) lahar flow deposits (Te Popo Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre OIS1 (Holocene) lahar flow deposits (Te Popo Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre
OIS1 (Holocene) lahar flow deposits (Warea Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre OIS1 (Holocene) lahar flow deposits (Warea Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre
OIS1 (Holocene) lahar flow deposits of Tongariro Volcanic Centre OIS1 (Holocene) lahar flow deposits of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
OIS1 (Holocene) lake beach deposits OIS1 (Holocene) lake beach deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) lake breakout deposits from Okataina Volcanic Centre OIS1 (Holocene) lake breakout deposits from Okataina Volcanic Centre
OIS1 (Holocene) lake deposits OIS1 (Holocene) lake deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) lake gravel OIS1 (Holocene) lake gravel
OIS1 (Holocene) landfill OIS1 (Holocene) landfill
OIS1 (Holocene) landfill and reclaimed land OIS1 (Holocene) landfill and reclaimed land
OIS1 (Holocene) landslide deposits OIS1 (Holocene) landslide deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) mining waste OIS1 (Holocene) mining waste
OIS1 (Holocene) ocean beach deposits OIS1 (Holocene) ocean beach deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) parabolic dunes OIS1 (Holocene) parabolic dunes
OIS1 (Holocene) reclaimed land OIS1 (Holocene) reclaimed land
OIS1 (Holocene) river delta deposits OIS1 (Holocene) river delta deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) river deposits OIS1 (Holocene) river deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) river deposits (Taupo Pumice Alluvium) OIS1 (Holocene) river deposits (Taupo Pumice Alluvium)
OIS1 (Holocene) river deposits derived from Tarawera Formation OIS1 (Holocene) river deposits derived from Tarawera Formation
OIS1 (Holocene) rock avalanche deposits OIS1 (Holocene) rock avalanche deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) rock glacier deposits OIS1 (Holocene) rock glacier deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) scree deposits OIS1 (Holocene) scree deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) stable dune deposits OIS1 (Holocene) stable dune deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) swamp deposits OIS1 (Holocene) swamp deposits
OIS10 (Middle Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre OIS10 (Middle Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
OIS10 (Middle Pleistocene) debris avalanche deposits (Eltham Formation to Egmont Volcanic Centre) OIS10 (Middle Pleistocene) debris avalanche deposits (Eltham Formation to Egmont Volcanic Centre)
OIS10 (Middle Pleistocene) fan deposits OIS10 (Middle Pleistocene) fan deposits
OIS10 (Middle Pleistocene) glacier deposits OIS10 (Middle Pleistocene) glacier deposits
OIS10 (Middle Pleistocene) landslide deposits OIS10 (Middle Pleistocene) landslide deposits
OIS10 (Middle Pleistocene) outwash deposits OIS10 (Middle Pleistocene) outwash deposits
OIS10 (Middle Pleistocene) river deposits OIS10 (Middle Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS10-OIS3 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) glacier deposits OIS10-OIS3 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) glacier deposits
OIS10-OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) fan deposits OIS10-OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) fan deposits
OIS10-OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) glacier deposits OIS10-OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) glacier deposits
OIS10-OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) outwash deposits OIS10-OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) outwash deposits
OIS10-OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) river deposits OIS10-OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS11 (Middle Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre OIS11 (Middle Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
OIS11 (Middle Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits OIS11 (Middle Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits
OIS11-OIS5 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) lahar flow deposits of Tongariro Volcanic Centre OIS11-OIS5 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) lahar flow deposits of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
OIS12 (Middle Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite mantled by thick Mangaone Subgroup fall deposits of Okataina Volcanic Centre OIS12 (Middle Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite mantled by thick Mangaone Subgroup fall deposits of Okataina Volcanic Centre
OIS12 (Middle Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre OIS12 (Middle Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
OIS12 (Middle Pleistocene) fan deposits OIS12 (Middle Pleistocene) fan deposits
OIS12 (Middle Pleistocene) glacier deposits OIS12 (Middle Pleistocene) glacier deposits
OIS12 (Middle Pleistocene) lake deposits OIS12 (Middle Pleistocene) lake deposits
OIS12 (Middle Pleistocene) outwash deposits OIS12 (Middle Pleistocene) outwash deposits
OIS12 (Middle Pleistocene) river deposits OIS12 (Middle Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS13 (Middle Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits OIS13 (Middle Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits
OIS13 (Middle Pleistocene) rhyolite of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres OIS13 (Middle Pleistocene) rhyolite of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres
OIS14 (Early Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre OIS14 (Early Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
OIS14 (Early Pleistocene) fan deposits OIS14 (Early Pleistocene) fan deposits
OIS14+-OIS12 (Early Pleistocene to Middle Pleistocene) river deposits and ignimbrite OIS14+-OIS12 (Early Pleistocene to Middle Pleistocene) river deposits and ignimbrite
OIS15 (Early Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits OIS15 (Early Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits
OIS16 (Early Pleistocene) glacier deposits OIS16 (Early Pleistocene) glacier deposits
OIS16 (Early Pleistocene) outwash deposits OIS16 (Early Pleistocene) outwash deposits
OIS16+ (Early Pleistocene) river deposits OIS16+ (Early Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS17 (Early Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits OIS17 (Early Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits
OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) Mangawhero Formation (Ruapehu Group) andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) Mangawhero Formation (Ruapehu Group) andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) North Crater Andesite scoria of Tongariro Volcanic Centre OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) North Crater Andesite scoria of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) Te Mari Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) Te Mari Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) debris avalanche deposits (Pungarehu and Warea formations) of Egmont Volcanic Centre OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) debris avalanche deposits (Pungarehu and Warea formations) of Egmont Volcanic Centre
OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) dune deposits OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) dune deposits
OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) fan and river deposits OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) fan and river deposits
OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) fan deposits OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) fan deposits
OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) glacier deposits OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) glacier deposits
OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) lahar deposits (Te Heuheu Formation) of Tongariro Volcanic Centre OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) lahar deposits (Te Heuheu Formation) of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) lahar flow deposits (Warea Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) lahar flow deposits (Warea Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre
OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) lake gravel OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) lake gravel
OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) landslide deposits OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) landslide deposits
OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) outwash deposits OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) outwash deposits
OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) swamp deposits OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) swamp deposits
OIS2-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) fan and river deposits OIS2-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) fan and river deposits
OIS2-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) fan deposits OIS2-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) fan deposits
OIS2-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) glacier deposits OIS2-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) glacier deposits
OIS2-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) lake beach deposits OIS2-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) lake beach deposits
OIS2-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) landslide deposits OIS2-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) landslide deposits
OIS2-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) river deposits OIS2-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) river deposits
OIS2-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) scree deposits OIS2-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) scree deposits
OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) Maroa Group rhyolite of Maroa Volcanic Centre OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) Maroa Group rhyolite of Maroa Volcanic Centre
OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) North Crater Andesite lava of Tongariro Volcanic Centre OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) North Crater Andesite lava of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre
OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) Taupo Group crystal rich rhyolite of Taupo Volcanic Centre OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) Taupo Group crystal rich rhyolite of Taupo Volcanic Centre
OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) Taupo Group rhyolite of Taupo Volcanic Centre OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) Taupo Group rhyolite of Taupo Volcanic Centre
OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) Te Mari Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) Te Mari Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) debris avalanche deposit (Ngaere Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) debris avalanche deposit (Ngaere Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre
OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) fan deposits OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) fan deposits
OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) lahar deposits (Horopito Formation) of Tongariro Volcanic Centre OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) lahar deposits (Horopito Formation) of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) lahar deposits of Egmont Volcanic Centre OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) lahar deposits of Egmont Volcanic Centre
OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) lake deposits OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) lake deposits
OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits
OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) river sand deposits OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) river sand deposits
OIS3-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) glacier deposits OIS3-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) glacier deposits
OIS3-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) river deposits OIS3-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) river deposits
OIS3-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) Mangawhero Formation (Ruapehu Group) andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre OIS3-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) Mangawhero Formation (Ruapehu Group) andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
OIS3-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) fan deposits OIS3-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) fan deposits
OIS3-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits OIS3-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS3-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits (Hinuera Formation) OIS3-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits (Hinuera Formation)
OIS3-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) scree deposits OIS3-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) scree deposits
OIS3-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) stable dune deposits OIS3-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) stable dune deposits
OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) fan deposits OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) fan deposits
OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) glacier deposits OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) glacier deposits
OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) lake deposits OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) lake deposits
OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) loess deposits OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) loess deposits
OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits
OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) outwash deposits OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) outwash deposits
OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS4-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) estuary, river and swamp deposits OIS4-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) estuary, river and swamp deposits
OIS4-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) fan deposits OIS4-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) fan deposits
OIS4-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) landslide deposits OIS4-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) landslide deposits
OIS4-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) river deposits OIS4-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) river deposits
OIS4-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) scree deposits OIS4-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) scree deposits
OIS4-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) swamp deposits OIS4-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) swamp deposits
OIS4-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) fan and river deposits OIS4-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) fan and river deposits
OIS4-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) fan deposits OIS4-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) fan deposits
OIS4-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) glacier deposits OIS4-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) glacier deposits
OIS4-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits OIS4-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS4-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) stable dune deposits OIS4-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) stable dune deposits
OIS4-OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) lahar deposits (Stratford Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre OIS4-OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) lahar deposits (Stratford Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre
OIS4-OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits OIS4-OIS3 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS5 (Late Paleocene) Taupo Group rhyolite of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres OIS5 (Late Paleocene) Taupo Group rhyolite of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres
OIS5 (Late Paleocene) Taupo Group rhyolite of Taupo Volcanic Centre OIS5 (Late Paleocene) Taupo Group rhyolite of Taupo Volcanic Centre
OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) Maroa Group rhyolite of Maroa Volcanic Centre OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) Maroa Group rhyolite of Maroa Volcanic Centre
OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) debris avalanche deposits (Okawa Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) debris avalanche deposits (Okawa Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre
OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) fan deposits OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) fan deposits
OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) landslide deposits OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) landslide deposits
OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits
OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) parabolic dunes OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) parabolic dunes
OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) river, lake and swamp deposits OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) river, lake and swamp deposits
OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) stable dune deposits OIS5 (Late Pleistocene) stable dune deposits
OIS5+ (Early Pleistocene to Middle Pleistocene) dune deposits OIS5+ (Early Pleistocene to Middle Pleistocene) dune deposits
OIS5+ (Early Pleistocene to Middle Pleistocene) estuary, river and swamp deposits OIS5+ (Early Pleistocene to Middle Pleistocene) estuary, river and swamp deposits
OIS5+ (Early Pleistocene to Middle Pleistocene) pumicious river deposits OIS5+ (Early Pleistocene to Middle Pleistocene) pumicious river deposits
OIS5+ (Early Pleistocene to Middle Pleistocene) river deposits OIS5+ (Early Pleistocene to Middle Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS5+ (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) fan and river deposits OIS5+ (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) fan and river deposits
OIS5+-OIS2 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) fan deposits OIS5+-OIS2 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) fan deposits
OIS5+-OIS2 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) river and hill slope deposits OIS5+-OIS2 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) river and hill slope deposits
OIS5-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) glacier deposits OIS5-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) glacier deposits
OIS5-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) river deposits OIS5-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) river deposits
OIS5-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) landslide deposits OIS5-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) landslide deposits
OIS5-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits OIS5-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS5-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) stable dune deposits OIS5-OIS2 (Late Pleistocene) stable dune deposits
OIS5-OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) lahar deposits (Waimarino Formation) of Tongariro Volcanic Centre OIS5-OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) lahar deposits (Waimarino Formation) of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
OIS5-OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits OIS5-OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS5-OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) stable dune deposits OIS5-OIS4 (Late Pleistocene) stable dune deposits
OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) Maroa Group rhyolite of Maroa Volcanic Centre OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) Maroa Group rhyolite of Maroa Volcanic Centre
OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) debris avalanche deposits (Motunui Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) debris avalanche deposits (Motunui Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre
OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) fan deposits OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) fan deposits
OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) glacier deposits OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) glacier deposits
OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) loess deposits OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) loess deposits
OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits
OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) outwash deposits OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) outwash deposits
OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) rhyolite of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) rhyolite of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres
OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) river deposits OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS6+ (Early Pleistocene to Middle Pleistocene) estuary, river and swamp deposits OIS6+ (Early Pleistocene to Middle Pleistocene) estuary, river and swamp deposits
OIS6-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) lahar flow deposits of Tongariro Volcanic Centre OIS6-OIS1 (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) lahar flow deposits of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
OIS6-OIS1 (Middle Pleistocene to Holocene) fan deposits OIS6-OIS1 (Middle Pleistocene to Holocene) fan deposits
OIS6-OIS2 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) fan deposits OIS6-OIS2 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) fan deposits
OIS6-OIS2 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) lahar flow deposits of Tongariro Volcanic Centre OIS6-OIS2 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) lahar flow deposits of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
OIS6-OIS2 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) river deposits OIS6-OIS2 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS6-OIS4 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) Maroa Group rhyolite pyroclastics of Maroa Volcanic Centre OIS6-OIS4 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) Maroa Group rhyolite pyroclastics of Maroa Volcanic Centre
OIS6-OIS4 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) fan deposits OIS6-OIS4 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) fan deposits
OIS6-OIS4 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) glacier deposits OIS6-OIS4 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) glacier deposits
OIS6-OIS4 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) lake deposits OIS6-OIS4 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) lake deposits
OIS6-OIS4 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) lake deposits mantled by thick Mangaone Subgroup fall deposits of Okataina Volcanic Centre OIS6-OIS4 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) lake deposits mantled by thick Mangaone Subgroup fall deposits of Okataina Volcanic Centre
OIS6-OIS4 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) river deposits OIS6-OIS4 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS7 (Middle Pleistocene) Maroa Group rhyolite of Maroa Volcanic Centre OIS7 (Middle Pleistocene) Maroa Group rhyolite of Maroa Volcanic Centre
OIS7 (Middle Pleistocene) Maroa Group rhyolite pyroclastics of Maroa Volcanic Centre OIS7 (Middle Pleistocene) Maroa Group rhyolite pyroclastics of Maroa Volcanic Centre
OIS7 (Middle Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre OIS7 (Middle Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
OIS7 (Middle Pleistocene) ignimbrite of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres OIS7 (Middle Pleistocene) ignimbrite of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres
OIS7 (Middle Pleistocene) lake deposits OIS7 (Middle Pleistocene) lake deposits
OIS7 (Middle Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits OIS7 (Middle Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits
OIS7 (Middle Pleistocene) river deposits OIS7 (Middle Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS7-OIS5 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre OIS7-OIS5 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre
OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) Maroa Group rhyolite of Maroa Volcanic Centre OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) Maroa Group rhyolite of Maroa Volcanic Centre
OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) debris avalanche deposits (Maitahi Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) debris avalanche deposits (Maitahi Formation) of Egmont Volcanic Centre
OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) fan deposits OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) fan deposits
OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) glacier deposits OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) glacier deposits
OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) loess deposits OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) loess deposits
OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) outwash deposits OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) outwash deposits
OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) river deposits OIS8 (Middle Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS8+ (Middle Pleistocene) alluvial deposits OIS8+ (Middle Pleistocene) alluvial deposits
OIS8+ (Middle Pleistocene) fan deposits OIS8+ (Middle Pleistocene) fan deposits
OIS8+ (Middle Pleistocene) loess deposits OIS8+ (Middle Pleistocene) loess deposits
OIS8+ (Middle Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits OIS8+ (Middle Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits
OIS8+ (Middle Pleistocene) river deposits OIS8+ (Middle Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS8-OIS2 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) river deposits OIS8-OIS2 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS8-OIS4 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) fan deposits OIS8-OIS4 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) fan deposits
OIS8-OIS4 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) river deposits OIS8-OIS4 (Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS8-OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) fan deposits OIS8-OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) fan deposits
OIS8-OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) outwash deposits OIS8-OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) outwash deposits
OIS8-OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) river deposits OIS8-OIS6 (Middle Pleistocene) river deposits
OIS8-OIS7 (Middle Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite pyroclastics mantled by thick Mangaone Subgroup fall deposits of Okataina Volcanic Centre OIS8-OIS7 (Middle Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite pyroclastics mantled by thick Mangaone Subgroup fall deposits of Okataina Volcanic Centre
OIS8-OIS7 (Middle Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre OIS8-OIS7 (Middle Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre
OIS9 (Middle Pleistocene) Maroa Group rhyolite of Maroa Volcanic Centre OIS9 (Middle Pleistocene) Maroa Group rhyolite of Maroa Volcanic Centre
OIS9 (Middle Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre OIS9 (Middle Pleistocene) Okataina Group rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
OIS9 (Middle Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits OIS9 (Middle Pleistocene) ocean beach deposits
OIS9 (Middle Pleistocene) river deposits OIS9 (Middle Pleistocene) river deposits
Oamaru Diatomite (Alma Group) Oamaru Diatomite (Alma Group)
Ohakune Tephra Formation (Ruapehu Group) andesite lava of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Ohakune Tephra Formation (Ruapehu Group) andesite lava of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Ohakuri Formation ignimbrite of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres Ohakuri Formation ignimbrite of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres
Ohinemuri Subgroup ignimbrite (Whitianga Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Ohinemuri Subgroup ignimbrite (Whitianga Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Oira Pyroclastics (Mayor Island Group) Oira Pyroclastics (Mayor Island Group)
Okareka Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre Okareka Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Okari Granite-Gneiss (Karamea Suite) Okari Granite-Gneiss (Karamea Suite)
Okaroro Formation of Hukatere Subgroup (Waitakere Group) Okaroro Formation of Hukatere Subgroup (Waitakere Group)
Okete Volcanic Formation (Alexandra Volcanic Group) Okete Volcanic Formation (Alexandra Volcanic Group)
Old Man Group gravel Old Man Group gravel
Old Man Group sandstone Old Man Group sandstone
Omahia Formation andesite of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Omahia Formation andesite of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Omahine Subgroup andesite and dacite (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Omahine Subgroup andesite and dacite (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Omahuta Sandstone (Motatau Complex) in Northland Allochthon Omahuta Sandstone (Motatau Complex) in Northland Allochthon
Omahuta sandstone and siltstone (Caples Terrane) Omahuta sandstone and siltstone (Caples Terrane)
Omaio sandstone and mudstone (Pahau Terrane) Omaio sandstone and mudstone (Pahau Terrane)
Omaki Orthogneiss (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) Omaki Orthogneiss (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
Omaki tonalitic orthogneiss (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) Omaki tonalitic orthogneiss (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
Omapere Conglomerate of Waipoua Subgroup (Waitakere Group) Omapere Conglomerate of Waipoua Subgroup (Waitakere Group)
Omatane Limestone (Whenuakura Group) Omatane Limestone (Whenuakura Group)
Omoho Formation of Kuaotunu Subgroup (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Omoho Formation of Kuaotunu Subgroup (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Onawe Syenite and Duvauchelle Gabbro (Akaroa Volcanic Group) Onawe Syenite and Duvauchelle Gabbro (Akaroa Volcanic Group)
One Mile Gabbronorite (Tasman Intrusives) One Mile Gabbronorite (Tasman Intrusives)
Onekaka Schist Formation (Mount Arthur Group) Onekaka Schist Formation (Mount Arthur Group)
Onemama Formation of Waro Subgroup (Waitemata Group) in Northland Allochthon Onemama Formation of Waro Subgroup (Waitemata Group) in Northland Allochthon
Ongaroto Formation basalt of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres Ongaroto Formation basalt of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres
Ongaroto Group rhyolite of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Ongaroto Group rhyolite of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Ongaroto Group rhyolite pyroclastics of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Ongaroto Group rhyolite pyroclastics of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Ongatiti Formation ignimbrite (Pakaumanu Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Ongatiti Formation ignimbrite (Pakaumanu Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Only Islands Diorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss / Separation Point Suite) Only Islands Diorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss / Separation Point Suite)
Oponae Melange (Matawai Group) Oponae Melange (Matawai Group)
Orahiri Limestone of Upper Te Kuiti Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group) Orahiri Limestone of Upper Te Kuiti Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group)
Oraka Diorite (Brook Street Volcanics Group) Oraka Diorite (Brook Street Volcanics Group)
Orangipongo Formation, Mangaonoho Formation and Vinegar Hill Formation (Rangitikei Group) Orangipongo Formation, Mangaonoho Formation and Vinegar Hill Formation (Rangitikei Group)
Orauea Formation (Nightcaps Group) Orauea Formation (Nightcaps Group)
Orepuki Formation (Waiau Group) Orepuki Formation (Waiau Group)
Oruanui Formation ignimbrite (Taupo Group) of Taupo Volcanic Centre Oruanui Formation ignimbrite (Taupo Group) of Taupo Volcanic Centre
Oruawharo Hyaloclastite of Hukatere Subgroup (Waitakere Group) Oruawharo Hyaloclastite of Hukatere Subgroup (Waitakere Group)
Otaihanga Quartzite and Muaupoko Greensand Otaihanga Quartzite and Muaupoko Greensand
Otaketake Formation (Taupo Group) basalt of Taupo Volcanic Centre Otaketake Formation (Taupo Group) basalt of Taupo Volcanic Centre
Otanomomo Complex (Otanomomo Complex) Otanomomo Complex (Otanomomo Complex)
Otauanui Intrusive andesite (Orangiwhao Intrusive Group) Otauanui Intrusive andesite (Orangiwhao Intrusive Group)
Otawa Formation (Whitianga Group) andesite of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Otawa Formation (Whitianga Group) andesite of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Otekaike Limestone and Kokoamu Greensand (Kekenodon Group) Otekaike Limestone and Kokoamu Greensand (Kekenodon Group)
Otimataura Conglomerate Member of Rakopi Formation (Pakawau Group) Otimataura Conglomerate Member of Rakopi Formation (Pakawau Group)
Otorohanga Limestone of Upper Te Kuiti Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group) Otorohanga Limestone of Upper Te Kuiti Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group)
Ototara Limestone (Alma Group) Ototara Limestone (Alma Group)
Otu Ultramafics (Brook Street Volcanics Group) Otu Ultramafics (Brook Street Volcanics Group)
Otueka Formation and Waiwhatawhata Conglomerate (Otaua Group) Otueka Formation and Waiwhatawhata Conglomerate (Otaua Group)
Otumotu Formation Otumotu Formation
Otunui Formation (Whangamomona Group) Otunui Formation (Whangamomona Group)
Otunui Formation and Mangarara Formation (Whangamomona Group) Otunui Formation and Mangarara Formation (Whangamomona Group)
Owhena Formation (Tinui Group) Owhena Formation (Tinui Group)
Paeroa Subgroup ignimbrite (Whakamaru Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Paeroa Subgroup ignimbrite (Whakamaru Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Pah Point Granite (Rahu Suite) Pah Point Granite (Rahu Suite)
Pahau Terrane sandstone Pahau Terrane sandstone
Pahau Terrane volcanics Pahau Terrane volcanics
Pahau chert Pahau chert
Pahau conglomerate Pahau conglomerate
Pahau sandstone and mudstone Pahau sandstone and mudstone
Pahau spilitic basalt, dolerite and camptonite Pahau spilitic basalt, dolerite and camptonite
Pahia Intrusives Pahia Intrusives
Pahoka Formation andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Pahoka Formation andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Pakaurangi Formation of Hukatere Subgroup (Waitakere Group) Pakaurangi Formation of Hukatere Subgroup (Waitakere Group)
Pakiri Formation of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Pakiri Formation of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Pakiri Formation of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group) in Northland Allochthon Pakiri Formation of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group) in Northland Allochthon
Palisade Andesite (Tasman Intrusives) Palisade Andesite (Tasman Intrusives)
Pandora Orthogneiss Pandora Orthogneiss
Papakura Limestone of Kawau Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Papakura Limestone of Kawau Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Papamoa Formation (Whitianga Group) ignimbrite of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Papamoa Formation (Whitianga Group) ignimbrite of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Paparoa Coal Measures (Mawheranui Group) Paparoa Coal Measures (Mawheranui Group)
Parakiore Pelite Formation (Cameron Group) Parakiore Pelite Formation (Cameron Group)
Paratoetoe Formation (Parengarenga Group) Paratoetoe Formation (Parengarenga Group)
Paritu Plutonics of Kuaotunu Subgroup (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Paritu Plutonics of Kuaotunu Subgroup (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Park Volcanics Group Park Volcanics Group
Paton Formation (Seymour Group) Paton Formation (Seymour Group)
Patriarch, Owen formations (Mount Patriarch Group) Patriarch, Owen formations (Mount Patriarch Group)
Patuki Melange Patuki Melange
Pebbly Hill Gravels Pebbly Hill Gravels
Pecksniff Metasedimentary Gneiss (Charleston Metamorphic Group) Pecksniff Metasedimentary Gneiss (Charleston Metamorphic Group)
Pegasus Group schist Pegasus Group schist
Pegasus Group schist with pegmatite dikes Pegasus Group schist with pegmatite dikes
Pember Diorite (Torlesse Composite Terrane) Pember Diorite (Torlesse Composite Terrane)
Pembroke Granulite (Median Batholith) Pembroke Granulite (Median Batholith)
Penguin Rock Intrusives Penguin Rock Intrusives
Pensini Granodiorite (Separation Point Suite) Pensini Granodiorite (Separation Point Suite)
Peters Lavas of Egmont Volcanic Centre Peters Lavas of Egmont Volcanic Centre
Picton Conglomerate, Elevation Mudstone and Shakespeare Bay Sandstone Picton Conglomerate, Elevation Mudstone and Shakespeare Bay Sandstone
Piha Formation of Manukau Subgroup (Waitakere Group) Piha Formation of Manukau Subgroup (Waitakere Group)
Pihanga Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Pihanga Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Pikikiruna Schist Formation (Mount Arthur Group) Pikikiruna Schist Formation (Mount Arthur Group)
Pirongia Volcanic Formation (Alexandra Volcanic Group) Pirongia Volcanic Formation (Alexandra Volcanic Group)
Plateau Pluton (Darran Suite) Plateau Pluton (Darran Suite)
Platform Gneiss Platform Gneiss
Pleasant Pluton (?Paringa Suite) Pleasant Pluton (?Paringa Suite)
Pleistocene to Holocene sinter Pleistocene to Holocene sinter
Pliocene Hautotara Formation sandstone Pliocene Hautotara Formation sandstone
Pliocene mudstone (Mangamaire Group, Mangahea Group, Te Aute Group, Hurupi Group, Tolaga Group, Moa Group, Makuri Group, Onoke Group) Pliocene mudstone (Mangamaire Group, Mangahea Group, Te Aute Group, Hurupi Group, Tolaga Group, Moa Group, Makuri Group, Onoke Group)
Pliocene sandstone and siltstone (Mangaheia Group) Pliocene sandstone and siltstone (Mangaheia Group)
Pohangina Melange (Torlesse Terrane) Pohangina Melange (Torlesse Terrane)
Point Burn Formation conglomerate (Waiau Group) Point Burn Formation conglomerate (Waiau Group)
Point Burn Formation conglomerate, breccia and sandstone (Waiau Group) Point Burn Formation conglomerate, breccia and sandstone (Waiau Group)
Point Burn Formation massive sandstone (Waiau Group) Point Burn Formation massive sandstone (Waiau Group)
Pokai Formation ignimbrite of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres Pokai Formation ignimbrite of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres
Pokas Formation of Waipoua Subgroup (Waitakere Group) Pokas Formation of Waipoua Subgroup (Waitakere Group)
Pokopoko Formation (Okataina Group) ignimbrite of Okataina Volcanic Centre Pokopoko Formation (Okataina Group) ignimbrite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Pokororo Pyroxenite (Riwaka Igneous Complex Group) Pokororo Pyroxenite (Riwaka Igneous Complex Group)
Pomahaka Formation (East Southland Group) Pomahaka Formation (East Southland Group)
Pomona Island Granite (Median Batholith) Pomona Island Granite (Median Batholith)
Porphyritic ignimbrite flows and rare andesitic flows (Mount Somers Volcanics Group) Porphyritic ignimbrite flows and rare andesitic flows (Mount Somers Volcanics Group)
Port Craig Formation (Waiau Group) Port Craig Formation (Waiau Group)
Port Elizabeth Member of Kaiata Formation (Rapahoe Group) Port Elizabeth Member of Kaiata Formation (Rapahoe Group)
Port Hills Gravel (Tadmor Group) Port Hills Gravel (Tadmor Group)
Poteriteri Pluton (Foulwind Suite) Poteriteri Pluton (Foulwind Suite)
Pouakai Andesite of Egmont Volcanic Centre Pouakai Andesite of Egmont Volcanic Centre
Pouakani Formation ignimbrite (Pakaumanu Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Pouakani Formation ignimbrite (Pakaumanu Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Pourakino Trondhjemite Pourakino Trondhjemite
Preservation Formation (Fanny Bay Group) Preservation Formation (Fanny Bay Group)
Prices Pluton (Separation Point Suite) Prices Pluton (Separation Point Suite)
Productus Creek Group Productus Creek Group
Prong Lake Formation marble (Cameron Group) Prong Lake Formation marble (Cameron Group)
Prong Lake Formation psammite (Cameron Group) Prong Lake Formation psammite (Cameron Group)
Prospect Formation (Wilderness Group) Prospect Formation (Wilderness Group)
Pudding Hill Formation sandstone and siltstone (Mount Taylor Group) Pudding Hill Formation sandstone and siltstone (Mount Taylor Group)
Puhipuhi Formation (Okataina Group) dacite mantled by thick Mangaone Subgroup fall deposits of Okataina Volcanic Centre Puhipuhi Formation (Okataina Group) dacite mantled by thick Mangaone Subgroup fall deposits of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Puhipuhi Formation (Okataina Group) dacite of Okataina Volcanic Centre Puhipuhi Formation (Okataina Group) dacite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Pukeiti Andesite of Egmont Volcanic Centre Pukeiti Andesite of Egmont Volcanic Centre
Pukekaikiore Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Pukekaikiore Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Pukeonake Andesite (Ruapehu Group) of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Pukeonake Andesite (Ruapehu Group) of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Pukepenga Formation of Kaimai Subgroup (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Pukepenga Formation of Kaimai Subgroup (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Pukepoto Formation (Otaua Group) Pukepoto Formation (Otaua Group)
Pukepoto Formation of Bream Subgroup (Waitemata Group) in Northland Allochthon Pukepoto Formation of Bream Subgroup (Waitemata Group) in Northland Allochthon
Pukerimu Formation and Tikorangi Formation ignimbrite of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Pukerimu Formation and Tikorangi Formation ignimbrite of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Puketarata Formation (Maroa Group) rhyolite of Maroa Volcanic Centre Puketarata Formation (Maroa Group) rhyolite of Maroa Volcanic Centre
Puketarata Formation (Maroa Group) rhyolite pyroclastics of Maroa Volcanic Centre Puketarata Formation (Maroa Group) rhyolite pyroclastics of Maroa Volcanic Centre
Puketi Formation of Hukatere Subgroup (Waitakere Group) Puketi Formation of Hukatere Subgroup (Waitakere Group)
Puketi chert (Caples Terrane) Puketi chert (Caples Terrane)
Puketi melange (Caples Terrane) Puketi melange (Caples Terrane)
Puketi metavolcanics (Caples Terrane) Puketi metavolcanics (Caples Terrane)
Puketi metavolcanics and chert (Caples Terrane) Puketi metavolcanics and chert (Caples Terrane)
Punakitere Sandstone (Mangakahia Complex) in Northland Allochthon Punakitere Sandstone (Mangakahia Complex) in Northland Allochthon
Puponga Formation (Pakawau Group) Puponga Formation (Pakawau Group)
Pupuia Formation of Hukatere Subgroup (Waitakere Group) Pupuia Formation of Hukatere Subgroup (Waitakere Group)
Pureora Formation andesite of Taupo Volcanic Zone Pureora Formation andesite of Taupo Volcanic Zone
Puriri Formation of Kaipara Subgroup (Waitemata Group) in Northland Allochthon Puriri Formation of Kaipara Subgroup (Waitemata Group) in Northland Allochthon
Puriri Mudstone (Motatau Complex) in Northland Allochthon Puriri Mudstone (Motatau Complex) in Northland Allochthon
Putauaki Formation (Maroa Group) ignimbrite of Maroa Volcanic Centre Putauaki Formation (Maroa Group) ignimbrite of Maroa Volcanic Centre
Puteketeke Pluton (Separation Point Suite) Puteketeke Pluton (Separation Point Suite)
Raepahu Formation ignimbrite (Pakaumanu Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Raepahu Formation ignimbrite (Pakaumanu Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Rahopaka Formation ignimbrite of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Rahopaka Formation ignimbrite of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Rahu Suite 2-pyroxene monzodiorite, granodiorite and granite Rahu Suite 2-pyroxene monzodiorite, granodiorite and granite
Rahu Suite biotite granite Rahu Suite biotite granite
Rahu Suite biotite granodiorite and tonalite Rahu Suite biotite granodiorite and tonalite
Rahu Suite biotite or muscovite biotite granite Rahu Suite biotite or muscovite biotite granite
Rahu Suite hornblende diorite Rahu Suite hornblende diorite
Rahu Suite leucocratic muscovite granite Rahu Suite leucocratic muscovite granite
Rahu Suite orthogneiss Rahu Suite orthogneiss
Rahu Suite quartz diorite Rahu Suite quartz diorite
Railway Quartz Diorite (Rahu Suite) Railway Quartz Diorite (Rahu Suite)
Rainy River Conglomerate (Teetotal Group) Rainy River Conglomerate (Teetotal Group)
Rakeahua Pluton (Rakeahua Granite Batholith) Rakeahua Pluton (Rakeahua Granite Batholith)
Rakopi Formation (Pakawau Group) Rakopi Formation (Pakawau Group)
Rangataua Member andesite of Whakapapa Formation (Ruapehu Group) of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Rangataua Member andesite of Whakapapa Formation (Ruapehu Group) of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Rangiawhia Volcanics (Houhora Complex) Rangiawhia Volcanics (Houhora Complex)
Rangiputa Granophyre (Houhora Complex) Rangiputa Granophyre (Houhora Complex)
Red Head Pluton (Rahu Suite) Red Head Pluton (Rahu Suite)
Redjacket Granite (Karamea Suite) Redjacket Granite (Karamea Suite)
Reefton Group quartzite Reefton Group quartzite
Refrigerator Orthogneiss (Separation Point Suite) Refrigerator Orthogneiss (Separation Point Suite)
Rengarenga Group sandstone (Murihiku Terrane) Rengarenga Group sandstone (Murihiku Terrane)
Rerewhakaaitu Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre Rerewhakaaitu Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Rerewhakaaitu Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre Rerewhakaaitu Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Resolution Orthogneiss (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) Resolution Orthogneiss (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
Revolver Pluton (Rahu Suite) Revolver Pluton (Rahu Suite)
Richards Point Porphyry Richards Point Porphyry
Ridge Orthogneiss (Ridge Suite) Ridge Orthogneiss (Ridge Suite)
Rip Volcanics in East Coast Allochthon Rip Volcanics in East Coast Allochthon
Ripsaw Pluton granodiorite (Rahu Suite) Ripsaw Pluton granodiorite (Rahu Suite)
Roaring Lion Formation (Greenland Group) Roaring Lion Formation (Greenland Group)
Robin Gneiss Robin Gneiss
Rocky Creek Pluton granite (Rahu Suite) Rocky Creek Pluton granite (Rahu Suite)
Rollers Pluton Rollers Pluton
Rolles Peak Formation andesite of Taupo Volcanic Zone Rolles Peak Formation andesite of Taupo Volcanic Zone
Romanga Formation siltstone of Coroglen Subgroup (Whitianga Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Romanga Formation siltstone of Coroglen Subgroup (Whitianga Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Rotoiti Formation (Okataina Group) ignimbrite mantled by thick Mangaone Subgroup fall deposits of Okataina Volcanic Centre Rotoiti Formation (Okataina Group) ignimbrite mantled by thick Mangaone Subgroup fall deposits of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Rotoiti Formation (Okataina Group) ignimbrite of Okataina Volcanic Centre Rotoiti Formation (Okataina Group) ignimbrite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Rotoiti Gneiss (Tasman Intrusives) Rotoiti Gneiss (Tasman Intrusives)
Rotokawau Formation (Okataina Group) basalt of Okataina Volcanic Centre Rotokawau Formation (Okataina Group) basalt of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Rotokohu Coal Measures Rotokohu Coal Measures
Rotokohu Coal Measures (Blue Bottom Group) Rotokohu Coal Measures (Blue Bottom Group)
Rotoma Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre Rotoma Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Rotoma Formation (Okataina Group) tephra of Okataina Volcanic Centre Rotoma Formation (Okataina Group) tephra of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Rotorua Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre Rotorua Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Rotorua Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre Rotorua Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Rowallan Sandstone (Waiau Group) Rowallan Sandstone (Waiau Group)
Ruahine Granite Ruahine Granite
Ruarangi Formation of Bream Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Ruarangi Formation of Bream Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Ruarangi Formation of Bream Subgroup (Waitemata Group) in Northland Allochthon Ruarangi Formation of Bream Subgroup (Waitemata Group) in Northland Allochthon
Ruatangata Sandstone of Waro Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group) Ruatangata Sandstone of Waro Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group)
Ruatangata Sandstone of Waro Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group) in Northland Allochthon Ruatangata Sandstone of Waro Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group) in Northland Allochthon
Ruggedy Granite (Tobin Suite) Ruggedy Granite (Tobin Suite)
Russet Formation Russet Formation
Saddle Pluton Saddle Pluton
Salisbury Conglomerate Formation (Haupiri Group) Salisbury Conglomerate Formation (Haupiri Group)
Sand Hill Point Formation (Waiau Group) Sand Hill Point Formation (Waiau Group)
Sandfly Formation conglomerate (Annick Group) Sandfly Formation conglomerate (Annick Group)
Sandfly Formation sandstone (Annick Group) Sandfly Formation sandstone (Annick Group)
Schoolhouse Fanglomerate (Hawkdun Group) Schoolhouse Fanglomerate (Hawkdun Group)
Sea View Psammite Formation (Cameron Group) Sea View Psammite Formation (Cameron Group)
Seal Lake Gabbro Seal Lake Gabbro
Seek Cove Formation (Puysegur Group) Seek Cove Formation (Puysegur Group)
Selwyn Creek Gneiss (Inboard Darran Suite) Selwyn Creek Gneiss (Inboard Darran Suite)
Separation Point Suite biotite granite Separation Point Suite biotite granite
Separation Point Suite biotite quartz monzogranite Separation Point Suite biotite quartz monzogranite
Separation Point Suite equigranular hornblende biotite granodiorite Separation Point Suite equigranular hornblende biotite granodiorite
Seventeen Gabbro (Tasman Intrusives) Seventeen Gabbro (Tasman Intrusives)
Sisters Islets Conglomerate Sisters Islets Conglomerate
Skeet Lavas of Egmont Volcanic Centre Skeet Lavas of Egmont Volcanic Centre
Slabby Peak Schist (Skippers Subgroup) Slabby Peak Schist (Skippers Subgroup)
Slip Hill Diorite (Mistake Suite) Slip Hill Diorite (Mistake Suite)
Slip Hill Granodiorite (Mistake Suite) Slip Hill Granodiorite (Mistake Suite)
Smoky Pluton Smoky Pluton
Solander Island Volcanics Solander Island Volcanics
South West Arm Pluton (Rakeahua Granite Batholith) South West Arm Pluton (Rakeahua Granite Batholith)
Spear Peak Formation (Waiau Group) Spear Peak Formation (Waiau Group)
Spillway Formation (Otematata Group) Spillway Formation (Otematata Group)
Split Rock Formation (Coverham Group) Split Rock Formation (Coverham Group)
Spot 59 Pluton (Separation Point Suite) Spot 59 Pluton (Separation Point Suite)
Springhill Formation mudstone (Mangapurupuru Group) Springhill Formation mudstone (Mangapurupuru Group)
St Anne Formation gneiss (Anita Shear Zone) St Anne Formation gneiss (Anita Shear Zone)
Stag Stream Siltstone (North Range Group) Stag Stream Siltstone (North Range Group)
Staircase Lavas of Egmont Volcanic Centre Staircase Lavas of Egmont Volcanic Centre
Staircase Tonalite (Ridge Suite) Staircase Tonalite (Ridge Suite)
Star Formation TZIIA semischist (Caples Terrane) Star Formation TZIIA semischist (Caples Terrane)
Star Formation TZIIB semischist (Caples Terrane) Star Formation TZIIB semischist (Caples Terrane)
Star Formation TZIII schist (Caples Terrane) Star Formation TZIII schist (Caples Terrane)
Star Formation TZIV schist (Caples Terrane) Star Formation TZIV schist (Caples Terrane)
Star Formation sandstone (Caples Terrane) Star Formation sandstone (Caples Terrane)
Starborough Formation (Awatere Group) Starborough Formation (Awatere Group)
Station Conglomerate Formation (Haupiri Group) Station Conglomerate Formation (Haupiri Group)
Steele Granodiorite (Rahu Suite) Steele Granodiorite (Rahu Suite)
Stella Psammite Stella Psammite
Stephens Subgroup (Maitai Group) Stephens Subgroup (Maitai Group)
Stillwater Mudstone (Blue Bottom Group) Stillwater Mudstone (Blue Bottom Group)
Stitts Tuff Member of Ohika Formation (Pororari Group) Stitts Tuff Member of Ohika Formation (Pororari Group)
Straight River Granite Straight River Granite
Stuart Formation (Waiau Group) Stuart Formation (Waiau Group)
Stuart Formation and Point Burn Formation (Waiau Group) Stuart Formation and Point Burn Formation (Waiau Group)
Sugar Loaf Andesite of Egmont Volcanic Centre Sugar Loaf Andesite of Egmont Volcanic Centre
Summit Formation andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Summit Formation andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Summit Granite (Karamea Suite) Summit Granite (Karamea Suite)
Summit Lavas of Egmont Volcanic Centre Summit Lavas of Egmont Volcanic Centre
Supper Cove Orthogneiss (Inboard Darran Suite) Supper Cove Orthogneiss (Inboard Darran Suite)
Supper Cove amphibolitic orthogneiss (Inboard Darran Suite) Supper Cove amphibolitic orthogneiss (Inboard Darran Suite)
Surville Serpentinite (Tangihua Complex) in Northland Allochthon Surville Serpentinite (Tangihua Complex) in Northland Allochthon
Table Hill Orthogneiss Table Hill Orthogneiss
Tahora Formation sandstone (Tinui Group) Tahora Formation sandstone (Tinui Group)
Tahora Formation siltstone (Tinui Group) Tahora Formation siltstone (Tinui Group)
Tahuna unit basaltic andesite (Kiwitahi Volcanic Group) of Tahuna Volcanic Centre Tahuna unit basaltic andesite (Kiwitahi Volcanic Group) of Tahuna Volcanic Centre
Taipa Mudstone (Motatau Complex) in Northland Allochthon Taipa Mudstone (Motatau Complex) in Northland Allochthon
Taipo Formation sandstone (Pahaoa Group) Taipo Formation sandstone (Pahaoa Group)
Taitai Sandstone of Mokoiwi Formation (Ruatoria Group) in East Coast Allochthon Taitai Sandstone of Mokoiwi Formation (Ruatoria Group) in East Coast Allochthon
Takahe Granodiorite (Separation Point Suite) Takahe Granodiorite (Separation Point Suite)
Takaro Formation (Waiau Group) Takaro Formation (Waiau Group)
Tama Formation andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Tama Formation andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Tama Lakes Pyroclastics of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Tama Lakes Pyroclastics of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Tama Trig Lavas andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Tama Trig Lavas andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Tangahoe Mudstone (Rangitikei Group) Tangahoe Mudstone (Rangitikei Group)
Tangarakau Formation sandstone (Mokau Group) Tangarakau Formation sandstone (Mokau Group)
Tangaruhe Formation (Tinui Group) Tangaruhe Formation (Tinui Group)
Tank Gully Coal Measures (Mount Potts Group) Tank Gully Coal Measures (Mount Potts Group)
Tapuwaeroa Formation (Ruatoria Group) Tapuwaeroa Formation (Ruatoria Group)
Tapuwaeroa Formation (Ruatoria Group) in East Coast Allochthon Tapuwaeroa Formation (Ruatoria Group) in East Coast Allochthon
Taratu Formation (Onekakara Group) Taratu Formation (Onekakara Group)
Tarawera Formation (Okataina Group) scoria and mud of Okataina Volcanic Centre Tarawera Formation (Okataina Group) scoria and mud of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Taringatura Group Kaihikuan sandstone Taringatura Group Kaihikuan sandstone
Taringatura Group Warepan sandstone Taringatura Group Warepan sandstone
Taringatura Group sandstone Taringatura Group sandstone
Tarn Summit Pluton granodiorite to tonalite (Karamea Suite) Tarn Summit Pluton granodiorite to tonalite (Karamea Suite)
Tarn Summit Tonalite (Karamea Suite) Tarn Summit Tonalite (Karamea Suite)
Tarpaulin Pluton Tarpaulin Pluton
Tasman, Lake Peel, Mount Benson Sandstone formations (Haupiri Group) Tasman, Lake Peel, Mount Benson Sandstone formations (Haupiri Group)
Tatua Formation (Maroa Group) basalt of Maroa Volcanic Centre Tatua Formation (Maroa Group) basalt of Maroa Volcanic Centre
Tauhara Formation (Taupo Group) dacite of Taupo Volcanic Centre Tauhara Formation (Taupo Group) dacite of Taupo Volcanic Centre
Taumarunui Formation sandstone (Mahoenui Group) Taumarunui Formation sandstone (Mahoenui Group)
Taumatamaire Formation mudstone (Mahoenui Group) Taumatamaire Formation mudstone (Mahoenui Group)
Tauperikaka Coal Measures, Whakapohai Sandstone and Arnott Basalt Tauperikaka Coal Measures, Whakapohai Sandstone and Arnott Basalt
Taupo Pumice Formation of Taupo Volcanic Centre Taupo Pumice Formation of Taupo Volcanic Centre
Taurikura Subgroup andesite (Coromandel Group) Taurikura Subgroup andesite (Coromandel Group)
Taurikura Subgroup breccia (Coromandel Group) Taurikura Subgroup breccia (Coromandel Group)
Taurikura Subgroup dacite (Coromandel Group) Taurikura Subgroup dacite (Coromandel Group)
Te Akatea Formation (Te Kuiti Group) Te Akatea Formation (Te Kuiti Group)
Te Herenga Formation (Ruapehu Group) andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Te Herenga Formation (Ruapehu Group) andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Te Kawa Volcanic Formation (Alexandra Volcanic Group) Te Kawa Volcanic Formation (Alexandra Volcanic Group)
Te Kinga Monzogranite (Rahu Suite) Te Kinga Monzogranite (Rahu Suite)
Te Rere Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre Te Rere Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Te Rere Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre Te Rere Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Te Tatau Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Te Tatau Andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Te Waewae Formation (Waiau Group) Te Waewae Formation (Waiau Group)
Te Waewae Formation conglomerate (Waiau Group) Te Waewae Formation conglomerate (Waiau Group)
Te Wera Formation sandstone (Matawai Group) Te Wera Formation sandstone (Matawai Group)
Teer Formation marine silt Teer Formation marine silt
Tekoa Limestone (Motunau Group) Tekoa Limestone (Motunau Group)
Tengawai Coal Measures (Eyre Group) Tengawai Coal Measures (Eyre Group)
Thomas Formation limestone (Kekenodon Group) Thomas Formation limestone (Kekenodon Group)
Thomas Formation tuff (Kekenodon Group) Thomas Formation tuff (Kekenodon Group)
Thompson Formation (Haupiri Group) Thompson Formation (Haupiri Group)
Thundercleft Quartz Diorite (Median Batholith) Thundercleft Quartz Diorite (Median Batholith)
Thurso Formation amphibolite (Anita Shear Zone) Thurso Formation amphibolite (Anita Shear Zone)
Ti Point Group basalt Ti Point Group basalt
Tikapu Formation and Makohine Formation (Rangitikei Group) Tikapu Formation and Makohine Formation (Rangitikei Group)
Tikihore Formation (Ruatoria Group) Cretaceous sandstone and mudstone in East Coast Allochthon Tikihore Formation (Ruatoria Group) Cretaceous sandstone and mudstone in East Coast Allochthon
Tikihore Formation (Ruatoria Group) Early Cretaceous sandstone and mudstone in East Coast Allochthon Tikihore Formation (Ruatoria Group) Early Cretaceous sandstone and mudstone in East Coast Allochthon
Tikihore Formation (Ruatoria Group) Late Cretaceous basalt in East Coast Allochthon Tikihore Formation (Ruatoria Group) Late Cretaceous basalt in East Coast Allochthon
Tikihore Formation (Ruatoria Group) Late Cretaceous breccia in East Coast Allochthon Tikihore Formation (Ruatoria Group) Late Cretaceous breccia in East Coast Allochthon
Tikihore Formation (Ruatoria Group) Late Cretaceous mudstone in East Coast Allochthon Tikihore Formation (Ruatoria Group) Late Cretaceous mudstone in East Coast Allochthon
Tikihore Formation (Ruatoria Group) Late Cretaceous sandstone and mudstone Tikihore Formation (Ruatoria Group) Late Cretaceous sandstone and mudstone
Tikihore Formation (Ruatoria Group) Late Cretaceous sandstone and mudstone in East Coast Allochthon Tikihore Formation (Ruatoria Group) Late Cretaceous sandstone and mudstone in East Coast Allochthon
Tikihore Formation (Ruatoria Group) Late Cretaceous sandstone in East Coast Allochthon Tikihore Formation (Ruatoria Group) Late Cretaceous sandstone in East Coast Allochthon
Tikihore Formation (Ruatoria Group) and Whangai Formation (Tinui Group) in East Coast Allochthon Tikihore Formation (Ruatoria Group) and Whangai Formation (Tinui Group) in East Coast Allochthon
Tikihore Formation and Tapuwaeroa Formation (Ruatoria Group) Tikihore Formation and Tapuwaeroa Formation (Ruatoria Group)
Tikotatahi Pluton Tikotatahi Pluton
Timaru Basalt Timaru Basalt
Timber Bay Formation of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Timber Bay Formation of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Timber Bay Formation of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group) in Northland Allochthon Timber Bay Formation of Warkworth Subgroup (Waitemata Group) in Northland Allochthon
Tin Hut Melange Tin Hut Melange
Tinline Formation (Livingstone Volcanics Group) Tinline Formation (Livingstone Volcanics Group)
Tipakuri Formation of Kawau Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Tipakuri Formation of Kawau Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Tirikohua Formation of Manukau Subgroup (Waitakere Group) Tirikohua Formation of Manukau Subgroup (Waitakere Group)
Tirua Formation (Wai-Iti Group) Tirua Formation (Wai-Iti Group)
Titiraupenga Formation andesite of Taupo Volcanic Zone Titiraupenga Formation andesite of Taupo Volcanic Zone
Titiroa Granodiorite (Separation Point Suite) Titiroa Granodiorite (Separation Point Suite)
Tititira Formation Tititira Formation
Tobin Diorite (Tobin Suite) Tobin Diorite (Tobin Suite)
Tokakoriri Formation, Abbey Formation and Otitia Basalt Tokakoriri Formation, Abbey Formation and Otitia Basalt
Tokarahi Sill of Waiareka Volcanics (Alma Group) Tokarahi Sill of Waiareka Volcanics (Alma Group)
Tokerau Formation (Houhora Complex) Tokerau Formation (Houhora Complex)
Tokoma Siltstone (Motunau Group) Tokoma Siltstone (Motunau Group)
Tolley Formation ignimbrite (Pakaumanu Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Tolley Formation ignimbrite (Pakaumanu Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Tom Bowling Formation (Parengarenga Group) Tom Bowling Formation (Parengarenga Group)
Topfer Formation Topfer Formation
Torehina Formation (Te Kuiti Group) Torehina Formation (Te Kuiti Group)
Tower Intrusives (Foulwind Suite) Tower Intrusives (Foulwind Suite)
Townley Calc-Silicate Townley Calc-Silicate
Tramway Sandstone (Maitai Group) Tramway Sandstone (Maitai Group)
Treble Mountain Pluton (Rahu Suite) Treble Mountain Pluton (Rahu Suite)
Trevaccoon Diorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss / Separation Point Suite) Trevaccoon Diorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss / Separation Point Suite)
Trig A Member of Mangles Formation Trig A Member of Mangles Formation
Trig K Pluton granite to granodiorite (Rahu Suite) Trig K Pluton granite to granodiorite (Rahu Suite)
Tucks Bay Formation (Ferndale Group) Tucks Bay Formation (Ferndale Group)
Tunnel Burn Formation (Waiau Group) Tunnel Burn Formation (Waiau Group)
Tupou Complex in Northland Allochthon Tupou Complex in Northland Allochthon
Turiwhate Granodiorite (Rahu Suite) Turiwhate Granodiorite (Rahu Suite)
Turret Peaks Formation (Waiau Group) Turret Peaks Formation (Waiau Group)
Tutaki Member of Mangles Formation Tutaki Member of Mangles Formation
Tutaretare Rhyolite (Mayor Island Group) Tutaretare Rhyolite (Mayor Island Group)
Twin Lakes Trondhjemite Twin Lakes Trondhjemite
Undifferentiated ?Cameron Group sandstone Undifferentiated ?Cameron Group sandstone
Undifferentiated ?Cameron Group sandstone and mudstone Undifferentiated ?Cameron Group sandstone and mudstone
Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Cambrian to Early Ordovician amphibolite and felsic gneiss Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Cambrian to Early Ordovician amphibolite and felsic gneiss
Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Cambrian to Early Ordovician massive and banded amphibolite gneiss Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Cambrian to Early Ordovician massive and banded amphibolite gneiss
Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Cambrian to Early Ordovician paragneiss Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Cambrian to Early Ordovician paragneiss
Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Cambrian to Early Ordovician psammite Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Cambrian to Early Ordovician psammite
Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Cambrian to Early Ordovician psammitic gneiss Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Cambrian to Early Ordovician psammitic gneiss
Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Cambrian to Ordovician paragneiss Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Cambrian to Ordovician paragneiss
Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Cambrian to Ordovician psammite Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Cambrian to Ordovician psammite
Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Paleozoic amphibolite and felsic gneiss Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Paleozoic amphibolite and felsic gneiss
Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Paleozoic paragneiss Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Paleozoic paragneiss
Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Paleozoic quartzose paragneiss Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane Paleozoic quartzose paragneiss
Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane biotite amphibolite Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane biotite amphibolite
Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane marble Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane marble
Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane pelite Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane pelite
Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane psammitic and amphibolitic schist and gneiss Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane psammitic and amphibolitic schist and gneiss
Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane schist Undifferentiated ?Takaka Terrane schist
Undifferentiated Annick Group sandstone Undifferentiated Annick Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Balleny Group sandstone Undifferentiated Balleny Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Blue Bottom Group sandstone, mudstone and conglomerate Undifferentiated Blue Bottom Group sandstone, mudstone and conglomerate
Undifferentiated Brook Street basalt Undifferentiated Brook Street basalt
Undifferentiated Brook Street mylonite Undifferentiated Brook Street mylonite
Undifferentiated Buller Terrane hornfels Undifferentiated Buller Terrane hornfels
Undifferentiated Buller Terrane paragneiss Undifferentiated Buller Terrane paragneiss
Undifferentiated Burnt Hill Group Undifferentiated Burnt Hill Group
Undifferentiated Cameron Group or Fanny Bay Group psammite Undifferentiated Cameron Group or Fanny Bay Group psammite
Undifferentiated Cameron Group psammite Undifferentiated Cameron Group psammite
Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIIA metaconglomerate Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIIA metaconglomerate
Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIIA psammitic semischist Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIIA psammitic semischist
Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIIA semischist Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIIA semischist
Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIIB greenschist Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIIB greenschist
Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIIB marble Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIIB marble
Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIIB psammitic semischist Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIIB psammitic semischist
Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIIB semischist Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIIB semischist
Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIII greenschist Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIII greenschist
Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIII pelite Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIII pelite
Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIII schist Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIII schist
Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIV schist Undifferentiated Caples Terrane TZIV schist
Undifferentiated Caples Terrane black and red mudstone Undifferentiated Caples Terrane black and red mudstone
Undifferentiated Caples Terrane black and red mudstone and conglomerate Undifferentiated Caples Terrane black and red mudstone and conglomerate
Undifferentiated Caples Terrane metavolcanics Undifferentiated Caples Terrane metavolcanics
Undifferentiated Caples Terrane sandstone Undifferentiated Caples Terrane sandstone
Undifferentiated Caples Terrane sandstone and siltstone Undifferentiated Caples Terrane sandstone and siltstone
Undifferentiated Clent Hills Group conglomerate Undifferentiated Clent Hills Group conglomerate
Undifferentiated Clent Hills Group sandstone Undifferentiated Clent Hills Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Clent Hills Group siltstone Undifferentiated Clent Hills Group siltstone
Undifferentiated Cookson Volcanics Group Undifferentiated Cookson Volcanics Group
Undifferentiated Coverham Group sandstone Undifferentiated Coverham Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Darren Suite gabbro Undifferentiated Darren Suite gabbro
Undifferentiated Darren Suite quartz diorite Undifferentiated Darren Suite quartz diorite
Undifferentiated Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group gabbro Undifferentiated Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group gabbro
Undifferentiated Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group harzburgite and minor dunite Undifferentiated Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group harzburgite and minor dunite
Undifferentiated Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group harzburgite, dunite and pyroxenite Undifferentiated Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group harzburgite, dunite and pyroxenite
Undifferentiated Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group melange Undifferentiated Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group melange
Undifferentiated Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group peridotite Undifferentiated Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group peridotite
Undifferentiated Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group protoclastic harzburgite Undifferentiated Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group protoclastic harzburgite
Undifferentiated Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group serpentinised harzburgite Undifferentiated Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group serpentinised harzburgite
Undifferentiated Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group serpentinite Undifferentiated Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group serpentinite
Undifferentiated Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group weakly serpentinised peridotite Undifferentiated Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group weakly serpentinised peridotite
Undifferentiated Early Cretaceous basalt and limestone Undifferentiated Early Cretaceous basalt and limestone
Undifferentiated Early Cretaceous conglomerate Undifferentiated Early Cretaceous conglomerate
Undifferentiated Early Miocene to Middle Miocene sandstone and mudstone (Tolaga Group) Undifferentiated Early Miocene to Middle Miocene sandstone and mudstone (Tolaga Group)
Undifferentiated Early Pleistocene sedimentary rocks Undifferentiated Early Pleistocene sedimentary rocks
Undifferentiated Eglinton Subgroup mudstone Undifferentiated Eglinton Subgroup mudstone
Undifferentiated Eglinton Subgroup sandstone Undifferentiated Eglinton Subgroup sandstone
Undifferentiated Eglinton Subgroup volcanic breccia Undifferentiated Eglinton Subgroup volcanic breccia
Undifferentiated Eocene to Oligocene mudstone Undifferentiated Eocene to Oligocene mudstone
Undifferentiated Eyre Group Late Cretaceous to Eocene sandstone Undifferentiated Eyre Group Late Cretaceous to Eocene sandstone
Undifferentiated Eyre Group Late Cretaceous to Eocene sandstone and conglomerate Undifferentiated Eyre Group Late Cretaceous to Eocene sandstone and conglomerate
Undifferentiated Eyre Group Paleocene to Eocene sandstone Undifferentiated Eyre Group Paleocene to Eocene sandstone
Undifferentiated Eyre Group Paleocene to Oligocene sandstone Undifferentiated Eyre Group Paleocene to Oligocene sandstone
Undifferentiated Eyre Group and Kekenodon Group sandstone Undifferentiated Eyre Group and Kekenodon Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Eyre Group sandstone and conglomerate Undifferentiated Eyre Group sandstone and conglomerate
Undifferentiated Eyre group sandstone Undifferentiated Eyre group sandstone
Undifferentiated Fanny Bay Group metasandstone Undifferentiated Fanny Bay Group metasandstone
Undifferentiated Fanny Bay Group psammite Undifferentiated Fanny Bay Group psammite
Undifferentiated Golden Bay Group argillite Undifferentiated Golden Bay Group argillite
Undifferentiated Haupiri Group Undifferentiated Haupiri Group
Undifferentiated Houhora Complex sandstone Undifferentiated Houhora Complex sandstone
Undifferentiated Hukatere Subgroup andesite (Waitakere Group) Undifferentiated Hukatere Subgroup andesite (Waitakere Group)
Undifferentiated Hukatere Subgroup breccia (Waitakere Group) Undifferentiated Hukatere Subgroup breccia (Waitakere Group)
Undifferentiated Inboard Median Batholith syenogranite Undifferentiated Inboard Median Batholith syenogranite
Undifferentiated Jenkins Group sandstone Undifferentiated Jenkins Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Kai-Iwi Group Undifferentiated Kai-Iwi Group
Undifferentiated Karamea Suite Undifferentiated Karamea Suite
Undifferentiated Karamea Suite orthogneiss Undifferentiated Karamea Suite orthogneiss
Undifferentiated Kaweka Terrane TZIIA and TZIIB schist Undifferentiated Kaweka Terrane TZIIA and TZIIB schist
Undifferentiated Kaweka Terrane sandstone and siltstone Undifferentiated Kaweka Terrane sandstone and siltstone
Undifferentiated Kekenodon Group and Motunau Group sandstone Undifferentiated Kekenodon Group and Motunau Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Kekenodon Group and Otakou Group sandstone Undifferentiated Kekenodon Group and Otakou Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Kekenodon Group limestone Undifferentiated Kekenodon Group limestone
Undifferentiated Kerikeri Volcanic Group basalt lava of South Auckland Volcanic Field Undifferentiated Kerikeri Volcanic Group basalt lava of South Auckland Volcanic Field
Undifferentiated Kerikeri Volcanic Group basalt scoria of South Auckland Volcanic Field Undifferentiated Kerikeri Volcanic Group basalt scoria of South Auckland Volcanic Field
Undifferentiated Kerikeri Volcanic Group tuff of South Auckland Volcanic Field Undifferentiated Kerikeri Volcanic Group tuff of South Auckland Volcanic Field
Undifferentiated Kiwitahi Volcanic Group basaltic andesite Undifferentiated Kiwitahi Volcanic Group basaltic andesite
Undifferentiated Late Cretaceous to Early Miocene melange Undifferentiated Late Cretaceous to Early Miocene melange
Undifferentiated Late Pleistocene hydrothermal explosion breccia of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres Undifferentiated Late Pleistocene hydrothermal explosion breccia of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres
Undifferentiated Late Pleistocene lahar deposits of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Undifferentiated Late Pleistocene lahar deposits of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Undifferentiated Late Pleistocene to Holocene landslide deposits Undifferentiated Late Pleistocene to Holocene landslide deposits
Undifferentiated Late Pliocene Pakihi Supergroup Undifferentiated Late Pliocene Pakihi Supergroup
Undifferentiated Livingston Volcanics Group diorite Undifferentiated Livingston Volcanics Group diorite
Undifferentiated Livingston Volcanics Group keratophyre Undifferentiated Livingston Volcanics Group keratophyre
Undifferentiated Livingston Volcanics Group spilite Undifferentiated Livingston Volcanics Group spilite
Undifferentiated Livingstone Volcanics Group basalt and gabbro Undifferentiated Livingstone Volcanics Group basalt and gabbro
Undifferentiated Livingstone Volcanics Group dolerite Undifferentiated Livingstone Volcanics Group dolerite
Undifferentiated Livingstone Volcanics Group gabbro Undifferentiated Livingstone Volcanics Group gabbro
Undifferentiated Livingstone Volcanics Group mudstone Undifferentiated Livingstone Volcanics Group mudstone
Undifferentiated Livingstone Volcanics Group sandstone Undifferentiated Livingstone Volcanics Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Livingstone Volcanics Group spilite Undifferentiated Livingstone Volcanics Group spilite
Undifferentiated Livingstone Volcanics Group volcanic breccia Undifferentiated Livingstone Volcanics Group volcanic breccia
Undifferentiated Lower Blue Bottom Group sandstone and mudstone Undifferentiated Lower Blue Bottom Group sandstone and mudstone
Undifferentiated Lower Blue Bottom Group siltstone and mudstone Undifferentiated Lower Blue Bottom Group siltstone and mudstone
Undifferentiated Lower Clifden Subgroup Undifferentiated Lower Clifden Subgroup
Undifferentiated Lower Okiwa Group Undifferentiated Lower Okiwa Group
Undifferentiated Lower Te Kuiti Group Undifferentiated Lower Te Kuiti Group
Undifferentiated Maitai Group serpentinite breccia Undifferentiated Maitai Group serpentinite breccia
Undifferentiated Maitai Group siltstone Undifferentiated Maitai Group siltstone
Undifferentiated Mandamus Igneous Complex syenite Undifferentiated Mandamus Igneous Complex syenite
Undifferentiated Mangakahia Complex in Northland Allochthon Undifferentiated Mangakahia Complex in Northland Allochthon
Undifferentiated Manuherikia Group quartzite Undifferentiated Manuherikia Group quartzite
Undifferentiated Matakaoa Volcanic Group basalt in East Coast Allochthon Undifferentiated Matakaoa Volcanic Group basalt in East Coast Allochthon
Undifferentiated Matakaoa Volcanic Group gabbro in East Coast Allochthon Undifferentiated Matakaoa Volcanic Group gabbro in East Coast Allochthon
Undifferentiated Matakaoa Volcanic Group mudstone in East Coast Allochthon Undifferentiated Matakaoa Volcanic Group mudstone in East Coast Allochthon
Undifferentiated Mataura Group Undifferentiated Mataura Group
Undifferentiated Maxwell Group Undifferentiated Maxwell Group
Undifferentiated Median Batholith diorite and gabbro Undifferentiated Median Batholith diorite and gabbro
Undifferentiated Median Batholith granite and granodiorite Undifferentiated Median Batholith granite and granodiorite
Undifferentiated Median Batholith granite to monzonite rafts in Western Fiordland Orthogneiss Undifferentiated Median Batholith granite to monzonite rafts in Western Fiordland Orthogneiss
Undifferentiated Median Batholith hornblende diorite and gabbro Undifferentiated Median Batholith hornblende diorite and gabbro
Undifferentiated Median Batholith intrusives in East Fiordland and Longwood Range Undifferentiated Median Batholith intrusives in East Fiordland and Longwood Range
Undifferentiated Median Batholith monzodiorite Undifferentiated Median Batholith monzodiorite
Undifferentiated Median Batholith orthogneiss Undifferentiated Median Batholith orthogneiss
Undifferentiated Median Batholith paragneiss Undifferentiated Median Batholith paragneiss
Undifferentiated Median Batholith plutonics on offshore islands Undifferentiated Median Batholith plutonics on offshore islands
Undifferentiated Median Batholith porphyry Undifferentiated Median Batholith porphyry
Undifferentiated Median Batholith quartz diorite Undifferentiated Median Batholith quartz diorite
Undifferentiated Middle Pleistocene rhyolite of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres Undifferentiated Middle Pleistocene rhyolite of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres
Undifferentiated Middle Pleistocene rhyolite pyroclastics of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres Undifferentiated Middle Pleistocene rhyolite pyroclastics of Ohakuri, Kapenga and Rotorua Volcanic Centres
Undifferentiated Middle Pleistocene sedimentary rocks Undifferentiated Middle Pleistocene sedimentary rocks
Undifferentiated Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene lahar deposits Undifferentiated Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene lahar deposits
Undifferentiated Miocene lignite Undifferentiated Miocene lignite
Undifferentiated Miocene limestone Undifferentiated Miocene limestone
Undifferentiated Miocene to Pliocene gravel Undifferentiated Miocene to Pliocene gravel
Undifferentiated Mistake Suite diorite (Median Batholith) Undifferentiated Mistake Suite diorite (Median Batholith)
Undifferentiated Mistake Suite trondhjemite (Median Batholith) Undifferentiated Mistake Suite trondhjemite (Median Batholith)
Undifferentiated Mokau Group sandstone Undifferentiated Mokau Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Motatau Complex in Northland Allochthon Undifferentiated Motatau Complex in Northland Allochthon
Undifferentiated Motunau Group Early Miocene sandstone Undifferentiated Motunau Group Early Miocene sandstone
Undifferentiated Motunau Group sandstone Undifferentiated Motunau Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Mount Taylor Group sandstone and siltstone Undifferentiated Mount Taylor Group sandstone and siltstone
Undifferentiated Muzzle Group limestone Undifferentiated Muzzle Group limestone
Undifferentiated Nightcaps Group sediments Undifferentiated Nightcaps Group sediments
Undifferentiated Nile Group limestone Undifferentiated Nile Group limestone
Undifferentiated Nukumaru Group Undifferentiated Nukumaru Group
Undifferentiated Ohai Group sandstone Undifferentiated Ohai Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Okehu Group Undifferentiated Okehu Group
Undifferentiated Oligocene conglomerate Undifferentiated Oligocene conglomerate
Undifferentiated Oligocene limestone Undifferentiated Oligocene limestone
Undifferentiated Onekakara Group Early Paleocene to Eocene sandstone Undifferentiated Onekakara Group Early Paleocene to Eocene sandstone
Undifferentiated Onekakara Group Eocene sandstone Undifferentiated Onekakara Group Eocene sandstone
Undifferentiated Onekakara Group Eocene to Oligocene sandstone Undifferentiated Onekakara Group Eocene to Oligocene sandstone
Undifferentiated Onekakara Group Late Cretaceous to Paleocene mudstone Undifferentiated Onekakara Group Late Cretaceous to Paleocene mudstone
Undifferentiated Onekakara Group Late Cretaceous to Paleocene sandstone Undifferentiated Onekakara Group Late Cretaceous to Paleocene sandstone
Undifferentiated Orangiwhao Intrusive Group andesite at Pehimatea Undifferentiated Orangiwhao Intrusive Group andesite at Pehimatea
Undifferentiated Orangiwhao Intrusive Group andesite at Whareorino Undifferentiated Orangiwhao Intrusive Group andesite at Whareorino
Undifferentiated Otakou Group sandstone Undifferentiated Otakou Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Pahaoa Group conglomerate Undifferentiated Pahaoa Group conglomerate
Undifferentiated Pakaumanu Group ignimbrite of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Undifferentiated Pakaumanu Group ignimbrite of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Undifferentiated Pakaumanu Group rhyolite of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Undifferentiated Pakaumanu Group rhyolite of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Undifferentiated Paleocene basalt Undifferentiated Paleocene basalt
Undifferentiated Paleocene to Oligocene sandstone Undifferentiated Paleocene to Oligocene sandstone
Undifferentiated Paparangi Group Undifferentiated Paparangi Group
Undifferentiated Parapara Group sandstone Undifferentiated Parapara Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Paringa Suite granodiorite Undifferentiated Paringa Suite granodiorite
Undifferentiated Patterson Group schist Undifferentiated Patterson Group schist
Undifferentiated Pleistocene to Holocene fan deposits Undifferentiated Pleistocene to Holocene fan deposits
Undifferentiated Pleistocene to Holocene glacier deposits Undifferentiated Pleistocene to Holocene glacier deposits
Undifferentiated Pleistocene to Holocene lake deposits Undifferentiated Pleistocene to Holocene lake deposits
Undifferentiated Pleistocene to Holocene landslide deposits Undifferentiated Pleistocene to Holocene landslide deposits
Undifferentiated Pleistocene to Holocene ocean beach deposits Undifferentiated Pleistocene to Holocene ocean beach deposits
Undifferentiated Pleistocene to Holocene river deposits Undifferentiated Pleistocene to Holocene river deposits
Undifferentiated Pleistocene to Holocene scree deposits Undifferentiated Pleistocene to Holocene scree deposits
Undifferentiated Pliocene andesite Undifferentiated Pliocene andesite
Undifferentiated Pliocene siltstone Undifferentiated Pliocene siltstone
Undifferentiated Pliocene to Early Pleistocene sandstone Undifferentiated Pliocene to Early Pleistocene sandstone
Undifferentiated Pororari Group and Paparoa Group sandstone Undifferentiated Pororari Group and Paparoa Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Pororari Group breccia Undifferentiated Pororari Group breccia
Undifferentiated Pororari Group carbonaceous sandstone Undifferentiated Pororari Group carbonaceous sandstone
Undifferentiated Pororari Group conglomerate Undifferentiated Pororari Group conglomerate
Undifferentiated Pororari Group sandstone and carbonaceous siltstone Undifferentiated Pororari Group sandstone and carbonaceous siltstone
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian TZIIA crush zone breccia Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian TZIIA crush zone breccia
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian TZIIA metavolcanics Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian TZIIA metavolcanics
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian TZIIA semischist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian TZIIA semischist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian TZIIB crush zone breccia Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian TZIIB crush zone breccia
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian TZIIB semischist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian TZIIB semischist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian TZIII schist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian TZIII schist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian broken formation Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian broken formation
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian conglomerate Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian conglomerate
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian crush zone breccia Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian crush zone breccia
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian massive sandstone Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian massive sandstone
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian metavolcanics Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian metavolcanics
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian mudstone Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian mudstone
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian sandstone and mudstone Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian sandstone and mudstone
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian thin bedded siltstone Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian thin bedded siltstone
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian thin-bedded sandstone and siltstone Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian thin-bedded sandstone and siltstone
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIIA crush zone breccia Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIIA crush zone breccia
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIIA pelitic semischist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIIA pelitic semischist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIIA semischist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIIA semischist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIIB greenschist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIIB greenschist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIIB metavolcanics Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIIB metavolcanics
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIIB pelitic semischist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIIB pelitic semischist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIIB semischist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIIB semischist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIII pelitic schist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIII pelitic schist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIII schist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIII schist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIV amphibolite Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIV amphibolite
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIV greenschist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIV greenschist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIV mylonite Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIV mylonite
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIV mylonitic amphibolite Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIV mylonitic amphibolite
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIV schist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic TZIV schist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic broken formation and melange Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic broken formation and melange
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic massive sandstone Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic massive sandstone
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic metavolcanics Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic metavolcanics
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic sandstone and mudstone Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic sandstone and mudstone
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic thin bedded siltstone Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian to Triassic thin bedded siltstone
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian volcanics Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Permian volcanics
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane TZIIA semischist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane TZIIA semischist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIIA massive psammitic semischist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIIA massive psammitic semischist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIIA metaconglomerate Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIIA metaconglomerate
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIIA semischist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIIA semischist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIIA thin bedded pelitic semischist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIIA thin bedded pelitic semischist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIIA thin bedded psammitic and pelitic semischist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIIA thin bedded psammitic and pelitic semischist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIIB metaconglomerate Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIIB metaconglomerate
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIIB semischist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIIB semischist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIII metaconglomerate Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIII metaconglomerate
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIII schist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIII schist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIV schist Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic TZIV schist
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic crush zone breccia Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic crush zone breccia
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic massive sandstone Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic massive sandstone
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic mudstone Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic mudstone
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic sandstone and mudstone Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic sandstone and mudstone
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic siltstone Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic siltstone
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic thick bedded sandstone and black siltstone Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic thick bedded sandstone and black siltstone
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic thin bedded siltstone Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic thin bedded siltstone
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic thin-bedded sandstone and siltstone Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic thin-bedded sandstone and siltstone
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic to Jurassic chert Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic to Jurassic chert
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic to Jurassic limestone Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic to Jurassic limestone
Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic to Jurassic volcanics Undifferentiated Rakaia Terrane Triassic to Jurassic volcanics
Undifferentiated Rapahoe Group siltstone Undifferentiated Rapahoe Group siltstone
Undifferentiated Rappahannock Group Early Miocene conglomerate Undifferentiated Rappahannock Group Early Miocene conglomerate
Undifferentiated Rappahannock Group Middle Miocene conglomerate Undifferentiated Rappahannock Group Middle Miocene conglomerate
Undifferentiated Richmond Group Undifferentiated Richmond Group
Undifferentiated Riwaka Igneous Complex Undifferentiated Riwaka Igneous Complex
Undifferentiated Rotoroa Igneous Complex granite ( Rotoroa Suite) Undifferentiated Rotoroa Igneous Complex granite ( Rotoroa Suite)
Undifferentiated Separation Point Suite granite Undifferentiated Separation Point Suite granite
Undifferentiated Separation Point Suite granodiorite Undifferentiated Separation Point Suite granodiorite
Undifferentiated Separation Point Suite intrusion breccia Undifferentiated Separation Point Suite intrusion breccia
Undifferentiated Separation Point Suite tonalite Undifferentiated Separation Point Suite tonalite
Undifferentiated Seymour Group sandstone Undifferentiated Seymour Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Shakespeare Group Undifferentiated Shakespeare Group
Undifferentiated Skippers Subgroup sandstone Undifferentiated Skippers Subgroup sandstone
Undifferentiated Takitimu Subgroup sandstone (Brook Street Volcanics Group) Undifferentiated Takitimu Subgroup sandstone (Brook Street Volcanics Group)
Undifferentiated Tangihua Complex basalt in Northland Allochthon Undifferentiated Tangihua Complex basalt in Northland Allochthon
Undifferentiated Tangihua Complex breccia in Northland Allochthon Undifferentiated Tangihua Complex breccia in Northland Allochthon
Undifferentiated Tangihua Complex gabbro in Northland Allochthon Undifferentiated Tangihua Complex gabbro in Northland Allochthon
Undifferentiated Tangihua Complex in Northland Allochthon Undifferentiated Tangihua Complex in Northland Allochthon
Undifferentiated Tangihua Complex serpentinite in Northland Allochthon Undifferentiated Tangihua Complex serpentinite in Northland Allochthon
Undifferentiated Tapuaenuku Igneous Complex pyroxenite Undifferentiated Tapuaenuku Igneous Complex pyroxenite
Undifferentiated Taupo Group Late Pleistocene rhyolite of Taupo Volcanic Centre Undifferentiated Taupo Group Late Pleistocene rhyolite of Taupo Volcanic Centre
Undifferentiated Taupo Group Late Pleistocene rhyolite pyroclastics of Taupo Volcanic Centre Undifferentiated Taupo Group Late Pleistocene rhyolite pyroclastics of Taupo Volcanic Centre
Undifferentiated Taupo Group Late Pleistocene rhyolite tephra of Taupo Volcanic Centre Undifferentiated Taupo Group Late Pleistocene rhyolite tephra of Taupo Volcanic Centre
Undifferentiated Taupo Group Middle Pleistocene rhyolite of Taupo Volcanic Centre Undifferentiated Taupo Group Middle Pleistocene rhyolite of Taupo Volcanic Centre
Undifferentiated Te Akatarawa TZIIA melange Undifferentiated Te Akatarawa TZIIA melange
Undifferentiated Te Kuiti Group limestone Undifferentiated Te Kuiti Group limestone
Undifferentiated Te Kuiti Group sandstone Undifferentiated Te Kuiti Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Te Kuiti Group sandstone in Northland Allochthon Undifferentiated Te Kuiti Group sandstone in Northland Allochthon
Undifferentiated Upper Blue Bottom Group mudstone Undifferentiated Upper Blue Bottom Group mudstone
Undifferentiated Upper Blue Bottom Group sandstone Undifferentiated Upper Blue Bottom Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Upper Clifden Subgroup Undifferentiated Upper Clifden Subgroup
Undifferentiated Upper Okiwa Group Undifferentiated Upper Okiwa Group
Undifferentiated Upper Te Kuiti Group Undifferentiated Upper Te Kuiti Group
Undifferentiated Utiku Group Undifferentiated Utiku Group
Undifferentiated Waiau Group sandstone Undifferentiated Waiau Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Wallow Group sandstone Undifferentiated Wallow Group sandstone
Undifferentiated Walton Subgroup alluvium Undifferentiated Walton Subgroup alluvium
Undifferentiated Warkworth Subgroup sandstone (Waitemata Group) Undifferentiated Warkworth Subgroup sandstone (Waitemata Group)
Undifferentiated Whakamaru Group ignimbrite of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Undifferentiated Whakamaru Group ignimbrite of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Undifferentiated Whakamaru Group ignimbrite of Mangakino Volcanic Centre mantled by thick Mangaone Subgroup fall deposits of Okataina Volcanic Centre Undifferentiated Whakamaru Group ignimbrite of Mangakino Volcanic Centre mantled by thick Mangaone Subgroup fall deposits of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Undifferentiated Whenuakura Group Undifferentiated Whenuakura Group
Undifferentiated andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Undifferentiated andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Undifferentiated andesite on Motiti Island. Undifferentiated andesite on Motiti Island.
Undifferentiated andesites of Egmont Volcanic Centre Undifferentiated andesites of Egmont Volcanic Centre
Undifferentiated ankeritic sandstone and conglomerate (Haupiri Group) Undifferentiated ankeritic sandstone and conglomerate (Haupiri Group)
Undifferentiated basement gneiss Undifferentiated basement gneiss
Undifferentiated late Cretaceous basalt and gabbro Undifferentiated late Cretaceous basalt and gabbro
Undifferentiated volcanic ash including Kauroa Ash and Hamilton Ash Undifferentiated volcanic ash including Kauroa Ash and Hamilton Ash
Unit X pumiceous tephra of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Unit X pumiceous tephra of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Upper Kopeka Pluton Upper Kopeka Pluton
Upper Orakonui Formation (Maroa Group) ignimbrite of Maroa Volcanic Centre Upper Orakonui Formation (Maroa Group) ignimbrite of Maroa Volcanic Centre
Upper Peak Formation (Caples Terrane) Upper Peak Formation (Caples Terrane)
Upper Peak Formation TZIIA semischist (Caples Terrane) Upper Peak Formation TZIIA semischist (Caples Terrane)
Upper Rakeahua Pluton Upper Rakeahua Pluton
Upton Formation conglomerate (Awatere Group) Upton Formation conglomerate (Awatere Group)
Upton Formation siltstone (Awatere Group) Upton Formation siltstone (Awatere Group)
Upukerora Formation (Maitai Group) Upukerora Formation (Maitai Group)
Upukerora Melange (Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group) Upukerora Melange (Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group)
Upukerora Melange dominated by gabbro (Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group) Upukerora Melange dominated by gabbro (Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group)
Upukerora Melange dominated by peridotite (Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group) Upukerora Melange dominated by peridotite (Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group)
Urenui Formation (Whangamomona Group and Wai-Iti Group) Urenui Formation (Whangamomona Group and Wai-Iti Group)
Uretara Formation andesite of Kaimai Subgroup (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Uretara Formation andesite of Kaimai Subgroup (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Victoria Paragneiss Formation (Greenland Group) Victoria Paragneiss Formation (Greenland Group)
View Hill Volcanics and Brechin Formation (Eyre and Motunau groups) View Hill Volcanics and Brechin Formation (Eyre and Motunau groups)
View Hill Volcanics basalt (Eyre Group) View Hill Volcanics basalt (Eyre Group)
View Hill Volcanics dolerite (Eyre Group) View Hill Volcanics dolerite (Eyre Group)
Wahianoa Formation (Ruapehu Group) andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Wahianoa Formation (Ruapehu Group) andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Waiareka Pyroclastics (Alma Group) Waiareka Pyroclastics (Alma Group)
Waiareka Volcanics (Alma Group) Waiareka Volcanics (Alma Group)
Waiatarua Formation of Manukau Subgroup (Waitakere Group) Waiatarua Formation of Manukau Subgroup (Waitakere Group)
Waicoe Formation limestone (Waiau Group) Waicoe Formation limestone (Waiau Group)
Waicoe Formation mudstone (Waiau Group) Waicoe Formation mudstone (Waiau Group)
Waicoe Formation sandstone (Waiau Group) Waicoe Formation sandstone (Waiau Group)
Waihangaru Formation of Kaipara Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Waihangaru Formation of Kaipara Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Waiheke unit andesite (Kiwitahi Volcanic Group) Waiheke unit andesite (Kiwitahi Volcanic Group)
Waihoaka Formation (Waiau Group) Waihoaka Formation (Waiau Group)
Waihohonu Lavas andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Waihohonu Lavas andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Waikakapo Formation (Waiau Group) Waikakapo Formation (Waiau Group)
Waikari Formation (Motunau Group) Waikari Formation (Motunau Group)
Waikato Coal Measures of Lower Te Kuiti Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group) Waikato Coal Measures of Lower Te Kuiti Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group)
Waikawau Sandstone and Koheroa Siltstone of Meremere Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Waikawau Sandstone and Koheroa Siltstone of Meremere Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Waikawau Sandstone of Meremere Subgroup (Waitemata Group) Waikawau Sandstone of Meremere Subgroup (Waitemata Group)
Waima Formation (Motunau Group) Waima Formation (Motunau Group)
Waimana Sandstone (Matawai Group) Waimana Sandstone (Matawai Group)
Waimaomao Formation (Hauturu Volcanic Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Waimaomao Formation (Hauturu Volcanic Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Waimarino Basalt Waimarino Basalt
Waingaro Schist derived from Balloon Melange Waingaro Schist derived from Balloon Melange
Waingaro Schist derived from Devil River Volcanics Waingaro Schist derived from Devil River Volcanics
Waingaro Schist derived from Haupiri Group Waingaro Schist derived from Haupiri Group
Waioeka and Omaio sandstone and mudstone (Pahau Terrane) Waioeka and Omaio sandstone and mudstone (Pahau Terrane)
Waioeka sandstone and mudstone (Pahau Terrane) Waioeka sandstone and mudstone (Pahau Terrane)
Waiohau Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre Waiohau Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Waiohau Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre Waiohau Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite pyroclastics of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Waiotapu Formation ignimbrite of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Waiotapu Formation ignimbrite of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Waipapa Group chert (Waipapa Composite Terrane) Waipapa Group chert (Waipapa Composite Terrane)
Waipapa Group conglomerate (Waipapa Composite Terrane) Waipapa Group conglomerate (Waipapa Composite Terrane)
Waipapa Group melange (Waipapa Composite Terrane) Waipapa Group melange (Waipapa Composite Terrane)
Waipapa Group metavolcanics (Waipapa Composite Terrane) Waipapa Group metavolcanics (Waipapa Composite Terrane)
Waipapa Group sandstone and siltstone (Waipapa Composite Terrane) Waipapa Group sandstone and siltstone (Waipapa Composite Terrane)
Waipawa Formation (Tinui Group) and Wanstead Formation (Mangatu Group) in East Coast Allochthon Waipawa Formation (Tinui Group) and Wanstead Formation (Mangatu Group) in East Coast Allochthon
Waipawa Formation (Tinui Group) and Wanstead Formation and Weber Formation (Mangatu Group) Waipawa Formation (Tinui Group) and Wanstead Formation and Weber Formation (Mangatu Group)
Waipoua Basalt of Waipoua Subgroup (Waitakere Group) Waipoua Basalt of Waipoua Subgroup (Waitakere Group)
Wairakau Volcanics andesite (Coromandel Group) Wairakau Volcanics andesite (Coromandel Group)
Wairakau Volcanics breccia (Coromandel Group) Wairakau Volcanics breccia (Coromandel Group)
Wairata Sandstone (Matawai Group) Wairata Sandstone (Matawai Group)
Wairau Conglomerate Wairau Conglomerate
Wairaurahiri Formation (Waiau Group) Wairaurahiri Formation (Waiau Group)
Wairere Serpentinite (Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group) Wairere Serpentinite (Dun Mountain Ultramafics Group)
Waitahaia Formation sandstone (Matawai Group) Waitahaia Formation sandstone (Matawai Group)
Waitahu Pluton granite (Separation Point Suite) Waitahu Pluton granite (Separation Point Suite)
Waitaia Sinter of Kuaotunu Subgroup (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Waitaia Sinter of Kuaotunu Subgroup (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Waiteariki Formation (Whakamarama Group) ignimbrite of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Waiteariki Formation (Whakamarama Group) ignimbrite of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Waitiiti Formation (Otaua Group) Waitiiti Formation (Otaua Group)
Waitomo Sandstone of Orahiri Formation of Lower Te Kuiti Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group) Waitomo Sandstone of Orahiri Formation of Lower Te Kuiti Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group)
Waiua Formation (Maitai Group) Waiua Formation (Maitai Group)
Waiwawa Subgroup andesite and dacite (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone Waiwawa Subgroup andesite and dacite (Coromandel Group) of Coromandel Volcanic Zone
Wakaepa Formation (Torlesse Composite Terrane) Wakaepa Formation (Torlesse Composite Terrane)
Wakamarama Schist Formation (Haupiri Group) Wakamarama Schist Formation (Haupiri Group)
Wakamarina Quartzite (Caples Terrane) Wakamarina Quartzite (Caples Terrane)
Wakamarina Quartzite TZIIA schist (Caples Terrane) Wakamarina Quartzite TZIIA schist (Caples Terrane)
Wakapuaka Phyllonite Wakapuaka Phyllonite
Walkers Pluton (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) Walkers Pluton (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
Walkers Pluton granite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) Walkers Pluton granite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
Walkers Pluton monzodiorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) Walkers Pluton monzodiorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
Wanaka Lithologic Association TZIIB semischist (Rakaia Terrane) Wanaka Lithologic Association TZIIB semischist (Rakaia Terrane)
Wanaka Lithologic Association TZIII schist (Rakaia Terrane) Wanaka Lithologic Association TZIII schist (Rakaia Terrane)
Wanaka Lithologic Association TZIV greenschist (Rakaia Terrane) Wanaka Lithologic Association TZIV greenschist (Rakaia Terrane)
Wanaka Lithologic Association TZIV metachert (Rakaia Terrane) Wanaka Lithologic Association TZIV metachert (Rakaia Terrane)
Wanaka Lithologic Association TZIV schist (Rakaia Terrane) Wanaka Lithologic Association TZIV schist (Rakaia Terrane)
Wanaka Lithologic Association TZIV ultramafics (Rakaia Terrane) Wanaka Lithologic Association TZIV ultramafics (Rakaia Terrane)
Wangapeka, Baldy formations (Mount Arthur Group) Wangapeka, Baldy formations (Mount Arthur Group)
Wanstead Formation and Weber Formation (Mangatu Group) Wanstead Formation and Weber Formation (Mangatu Group)
Wanstead Formation and Weber Formation (Mangatu Group) in East Coast Allochthon Wanstead Formation and Weber Formation (Mangatu Group) in East Coast Allochthon
Wanstead Formation and Weber Formation limestone (Mangatu Group) in East Coast Allochthon Wanstead Formation and Weber Formation limestone (Mangatu Group) in East Coast Allochthon
Wanstead Formation and Weber Formation sandstone (Mangatu Group) Wanstead Formation and Weber Formation sandstone (Mangatu Group)
Wanstead Formation greensand (Mangatu Group) Wanstead Formation greensand (Mangatu Group)
Wanstead Formation greensand (Mangatu Group) in East Coast Allochthon Wanstead Formation greensand (Mangatu Group) in East Coast Allochthon
Wanstead Formation mudstone (Mangatu Group) Wanstead Formation mudstone (Mangatu Group)
Wanstead Formation mudstone (Mangatu Group) in East Coast Allochthon Wanstead Formation mudstone (Mangatu Group) in East Coast Allochthon
Waratah Formation (Eyre Group) Waratah Formation (Eyre Group)
Ward Formation (Caples Terrane) Ward Formation (Caples Terrane)
Ward Formation TZIIA semischist (Caples Terrane) Ward Formation TZIIA semischist (Caples Terrane)
Warder Formation (Wallow Group) Warder Formation (Wallow Group)
Warren Diorite Warren Diorite
Warwick Lavas of Egmont Volcanic Centre Warwick Lavas of Egmont Volcanic Centre
Waterfall Tuffs and Breccias (Largs Group) Waterfall Tuffs and Breccias (Largs Group)
Webb Formation (Greenland Group) Webb Formation (Greenland Group)
Weber Formation and Whakai Formation (Mangatu Group) in East Coast Allochthon Weber Formation and Whakai Formation (Mangatu Group) in East Coast Allochthon
Weber Formation greensand (Mangatu Group) Weber Formation greensand (Mangatu Group)
Weber Formation limestone (Mangatu Group) in East Coast Allochthon Weber Formation limestone (Mangatu Group) in East Coast Allochthon
Weber Formation mudstone (Mangatu Group) Weber Formation mudstone (Mangatu Group)
Weber Formation mudstone (Mangatu Group) in East Coast Allochthon Weber Formation mudstone (Mangatu Group) in East Coast Allochthon
Weka Pass Limestone Member of Omihi Formation (Motunau Group) Weka Pass Limestone Member of Omihi Formation (Motunau Group)
Welsh Formation (Blue Bottom Group) Welsh Formation (Blue Bottom Group)
Wesney Siltstone (Eglinton Subgroup) Wesney Siltstone (Eglinton Subgroup)
West Arm Leucogranite (Separation Point Suite) West Arm Leucogranite (Separation Point Suite)
West Burn TZIIB semischist (Caples Terrane) West Burn TZIIB semischist (Caples Terrane)
West Burn TZIII schist (Caples Terrane) West Burn TZIII schist (Caples Terrane)
West Kepler Gabbro (Darran Suite) West Kepler Gabbro (Darran Suite)
West Kepler anorthositic gabbro (Darran Suite) West Kepler anorthositic gabbro (Darran Suite)
Western Pukeahua Formation (Maroa Group) ignimbrite of Maroa Volcanic Centre Western Pukeahua Formation (Maroa Group) ignimbrite of Maroa Volcanic Centre
Wether Formation (Caples Terrane) Wether Formation (Caples Terrane)
Wether Formation TZIIA semischist (Caples Terrane) Wether Formation TZIIA semischist (Caples Terrane)
Weydon Formation (Waiau Group) Weydon Formation (Waiau Group)
Whaingaroa Formation of Lower Te Kuiti Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group) Whaingaroa Formation of Lower Te Kuiti Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group)
Whakaahu Formation rhyolite (Pakaumanu Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre Whakaahu Formation rhyolite (Pakaumanu Group) of Mangakino Volcanic Centre
Whakapapa Formation (Ruapehu Group) andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre Whakapapa Formation (Ruapehu Group) andesite of Tongariro Volcanic Centre
Whakatane Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre Whakatane Formation (Okataina Group) rhyolite of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Whakatane Formation (Okataina Group) tephra of Okataina Volcanic Centre Whakatane Formation (Okataina Group) tephra of Okataina Volcanic Centre
Whakatane Melange (Torlesse Terrane) Whakatane Melange (Torlesse Terrane)
Whale Creek Granite (Karamea Suite) Whale Creek Granite (Karamea Suite)
Whale Formation basaltic andesite of Taupo Volcanic Zone Whale Formation basaltic andesite of Taupo Volcanic Zone
Whangai Formation (Mangakahia Complex) in Northland Allochthon Whangai Formation (Mangakahia Complex) in Northland Allochthon
Whangai Formation (Tinui Group) Whangai Formation (Tinui Group)
Whangai Formation (Tinui Group) and Wanstead Formation (Mangatu Group) Whangai Formation (Tinui Group) and Wanstead Formation (Mangatu Group)
Whangai Formation (Tinui Group) and Wanstead Formation (Mangatu Group) in East Coast Allochthon Whangai Formation (Tinui Group) and Wanstead Formation (Mangatu Group) in East Coast Allochthon
Whangai Formation (Tinui Group) in East Coast Allochthon Whangai Formation (Tinui Group) in East Coast Allochthon
Whangai Formation and Waipawa Formation (Tinui Group) Whangai Formation and Waipawa Formation (Tinui Group)
Whangai Formation and Waipawa Formation (Tinui Group) and Wanstead Formation (Mangatu Group) Whangai Formation and Waipawa Formation (Tinui Group) and Wanstead Formation (Mangatu Group)
Whangamarino Formation (Walton Subgroup) Whangamarino Formation (Walton Subgroup)
Whangarei Limestone of Waro Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group) Whangarei Limestone of Waro Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group)
Whangarei Limestone of Waro Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group) in Northland Allochthon Whangarei Limestone of Waro Subgroup (Te Kuiti Group) in Northland Allochthon
Whatarangi Formation sandstone (Mangapurupuru Group) Whatarangi Formation sandstone (Mangapurupuru Group)
Whatuwhiwhi Formation (Matawai Group) and Waiari Formation (Tinui Group) Whatuwhiwhi Formation (Matawai Group) and Waiari Formation (Tinui Group)
White Hill Intrusives (Brook Street Volcanics Group) White Hill Intrusives (Brook Street Volcanics Group)
White Rock Coal Measures (Motunau Group) White Rock Coal Measures (Motunau Group)
Widgeon Pluton (Ridge Suite) Widgeon Pluton (Ridge Suite)
William Granite (Tobin Suite) William Granite (Tobin Suite)
Willsher Group Willsher Group
Windon Melange (Livingstone Volcanics Group) Windon Melange (Livingstone Volcanics Group)
Windsor Formation (Puysegur Group) Windsor Formation (Puysegur Group)
Windy Point Granite (Karamea Suite) Windy Point Granite (Karamea Suite)
Winterton Formation (Coverham Group) Winterton Formation (Coverham Group)
Winton Hill Formation Winton Hill Formation
Wooded Peak Limestone (Maitai Group) Wooded Peak Limestone (Maitai Group)
Wooded Peak Limestone sandstone (Maitai Group) Wooded Peak Limestone sandstone (Maitai Group)
Worsley Pluton hornblende diorite and monzodiorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) Worsley Pluton hornblende diorite and monzodiorite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
Worsley Pluton two pyroxene diorite, monzodiorite and monzonite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) Worsley Pluton two pyroxene diorite, monzodiorite and monzonite (Western Fiordland Orthogneiss)
NZL_CIT_GNS_250K_resources (373)
quarry working quarry working
NZL_CIT_GNS_250K_structural_data (376)
Bedding dipping, facing known right-way-up Bedding dipping, facing known right-way-up
Bedding dipping, facing unknown Bedding dipping, facing unknown
Foliation dipping, schistosity Foliation dipping, schistosity
Lineation plunging Lineation plunging
Cleavage dipping, crenulation Cleavage dipping, crenulation
Minor folds plunging Minor folds plunging
NZL_CIT_GNS_250K_dikes (378)
Intermediate dike (andesite, diorite, microdiorite, olivine monzonite, porphyry, trachyte, trachyandesite) Intermediate dike (andesite, diorite, microdiorite, olivine monzonite, porphyry, trachyte, trachyandesite)
Basic dikes (basalt, basanite, dolerite) Basic dikes (basalt, basanite, dolerite)
Other dikes (anorthosite, lamprophyre, limburgite, peridotite, unknown) Other dikes (anorthosite, lamprophyre, limburgite, peridotite, unknown)
NZL_CIT_GNS_250K_faults (381)
Fault exposed, location accurate Fault exposed, location accurate
Fault, exposed, location approximate Fault, exposed, location approximate
Fault concealed, location approximate Fault concealed, location approximate
NZL_CIT_GNS_250K_folds (symbols) (383)
synform schistosity synform schistosity
NZL_CIT_GNS_250K_folds (384)
Feature exposed, location approximate Feature exposed, location approximate
Feature concealed Feature concealed
NZL_CIT_GNS_250K_landslide_boundaries (386)
accurate, exposed, landslide headscarp accurate, exposed, landslide headscarp
<all other values> <all other values>
NZL_CIT_GNS_250K_landslide_units (387)
NZL_CIT_GNS_250K_geological_boundaries (389)
Contactexposed, location accurate Contactexposed, location accurate
Contact exposed, location approximate Contact exposed, location approximate
NZL_CIT_GNS_250K_topographic_boundaries (coastline) (390)
water water
NZL_CIT_GNS_250K_topographic_boundaries (391)
water water
NZL_CIT_GNS_250K_topographic_units (392)
NZL_CIT_GNS_250K_geological_units (simplified) (393)
OIS1 (Holocene) active beach deposits of sand and gravel OIS1 (Holocene) active beach deposits of sand and gravel
OIS1 (Holocene) active dune (beach sand) deposits OIS1 (Holocene) active dune (beach sand) deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) alluvial deposits of sand and gravel OIS1 (Holocene) alluvial deposits of sand and gravel
OIS1 (Holocene) lagoon deposits OIS1 (Holocene) lagoon deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) stable dune (beach sand) deposits OIS1 (Holocene) stable dune (beach sand) deposits
Undifferentiated Quaternary Karewa Group sediments Undifferentiated Quaternary Karewa Group sediments
Pliocene Titirangi Sand (Karewa Group) Pliocene Titirangi Sand (Karewa Group)
Undifferentiated Mairangi Group Undifferentiated Mairangi Group
Northern Volcanics (Kekerione Group) Northern Volcanics (Kekerione Group)
Te Whanga Limestone (Kekerione Group) Te Whanga Limestone (Kekerione Group)
Red Bluff Tuff (Kekerione Group) Red Bluff Tuff (Kekerione Group)
Tutuiri Greensand and Takatika Grit (Tioriori Group) Tutuiri Greensand and Takatika Grit (Tioriori Group)
Undifferentiated Pitt Island Group volcanics Undifferentiated Pitt Island Group volcanics
Tupuangi Formation (Waihere Bay Group) Tupuangi Formation (Waihere Bay Group)
Sandstone and mudestone on the Forty Fours (Torlesse Supergroup) Sandstone and mudestone on the Forty Fours (Torlesse Supergroup)
TZIIA semischist (Chatham Schist) of Torlesse Composite Terrane TZIIA semischist (Chatham Schist) of Torlesse Composite Terrane
TZIIB semischist and TZIII schist (Chatham Schist) of Torlesse Composite Terrane TZIIB semischist and TZIII schist (Chatham Schist) of Torlesse Composite Terrane
NZL_CIT_GNS_250K_geological_units (394)
OIS1 (Holocene) active beach deposits of sand and gravel OIS1 (Holocene) active beach deposits of sand and gravel
OIS1 (Holocene) active dune (beach sand) deposits OIS1 (Holocene) active dune (beach sand) deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) alluvial deposits of sand and gravel OIS1 (Holocene) alluvial deposits of sand and gravel
OIS1 (Holocene) lagoon deposits OIS1 (Holocene) lagoon deposits
OIS1 (Holocene) stable dune (beach sand) deposits OIS1 (Holocene) stable dune (beach sand) deposits
Undifferentiated Quaternary Karewa Group sediments Undifferentiated Quaternary Karewa Group sediments
Pliocene Titirangi Sand (Karewa Group) Pliocene Titirangi Sand (Karewa Group)
Undifferentiated Mairangi Group Undifferentiated Mairangi Group
Northern Volcanics (Kekerione Group) Northern Volcanics (Kekerione Group)
Te Whanga Limestone (Kekerione Group) Te Whanga Limestone (Kekerione Group)
Red Bluff Tuff (Kekerione Group) Red Bluff Tuff (Kekerione Group)
Tutuiri Greensand and Takatika Grit (Tioriori Group) Tutuiri Greensand and Takatika Grit (Tioriori Group)
Undifferentiated Pitt Island Group volcanics Undifferentiated Pitt Island Group volcanics
Tupuangi Formation (Waihere Bay Group) Tupuangi Formation (Waihere Bay Group)
Sandstone and mudestone on the Forty Fours (Torlesse Supergroup) Sandstone and mudestone on the Forty Fours (Torlesse Supergroup)
TZIIA semischist (Chatham Schist) of Torlesse Composite Terrane TZIIA semischist (Chatham Schist) of Torlesse Composite Terrane
TZIIB semischist and TZIII schist (Chatham Schist) of Torlesse Composite Terrane TZIIB semischist and TZIII schist (Chatham Schist) of Torlesse Composite Terrane